The lunacy of MSNBC


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

  • The President is a monster.
  • His daughter Ivanka is a threat to national security.
  • Trump's buddies are Kim Jong Un and Putin.
MSNBC would be banned as hate speech if on YouTube or Twitter. A gathering place for nut cases to whip up other nut cases to then go out and do violence against Trump supporters. Frankly, I'm surprised none of the Trump Hate Victims have sued these idiots yet for fomenting violence.

THE GOOD NEWS is that this just places the Left farther out of contact with reality that when November 2020 rolls around, they will likely get yet another blindside kick in the face.

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

Yeah, with browning and blacking of other countries, those shithole countries sure do look appealing<SARCASM>. Why do all the brown and black people want to come to "white" America again? Oh yeah, because it is free, it is rich, and it is clean, except in liberal cities where they are incarcerated, broke and shit on the sidewalks.

I predict that AOC will join either BSNBC or CNN if she loses her term as Congresswoman in 2020. She will fit very well with that crowd of pure stupidity.
The things that comes out of her mouth is up her ally to what they say anyway. Lol
Is there anyone left that doesn't know all cable news channels are literally on air to misinform and redirect attention away from things that matter?
I predict that AOC will join either BSNBC or CNN if she loses her term as Congresswoman in 2020. She will fit very well with that crowd of pure stupidity.
The things that comes out of her mouth is up her ally to what they say anyway. Lol
Her seat is automatic

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

All we need is a fleet of C-5 Galaxies and few million ton-gallons of eggshell shade paint . . . oh yes, and clearance to fly them over most major US cities. All hail the re-whitening of America!
Those who associate everything with race are lazy, disingenuous and generally pariahs.

The point of the OP was not that. In fact, it's the MSNBC who associates White = Right-wing = American. Basically being a right-winger to these folks means that you are a white-winger, if not outright white.

But of course, everyone knows that minority white America is also a terrible, terrible idea, as South America shows us. It's going to be even worse with our steady supply of race baiters, who claim to love diversity while making a job out of pointing out the problems in it.
Hey, it’s Mr. Mika Scarblower of Morning Joke so virtually no one ever hears him. Which is too bad because he could be such an asset for us if more could hear his lefty gospel of anti-Trump-Republican-conservative-whatever daily drivel.
One of the few times I ever tuned into PMSNBC was election night of the 2016 election....watching that meltdown was priceless

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

What is an American in your view?

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

What is an American in your view?

Not you

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

What is an American in your view?

Certainly not socialism

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

What is an American in your view?

The opposite of a liberal.

These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

The disgusting filth on the Left have bought all the programming...they were told to hate being they do.


These people are deranged. My favourite part "Trump's immigration plan could keep America majority white for up to five more years. That is what Trump's immigration plan would do, keep the nation as white as possible as long as possible" /OUTRAGE


"Donald Trump's plan is to keep America American for five more years".

And off the rails they go. Try stating they aren't the enemy of the people. I don't know if they honestly believe that a nation that puts its people first is the demon, but regardless this is what an anti-American lunatic fringe looks like.

What is an American in your view?

For starters, something that isn't a Mexican.

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