The Lunacy of the Far Left Summed Up by Bill DeBlasio

Today the mayor of NYC held a press conference celebrating that “we now have fewer people in our jails than any time since World War 2...and we are SAFER AND BETTER for it”

All while his city has seen murders and shooting spike 200% compared to this point last year.

If that doesn’t sum up the complete lunacy of the far left then I don’t know what does. Completely deranged these people are.

De Blasio: ‘Fewer People in Our Jails than Any Time Since WWII – and We Are Safer for It and Better for It’
It sounds like Trump talking about COVID-19 testing. That is acceptable to Trumpets.
Today the mayor of NYC held a press conference celebrating that “we now have fewer people in our jails than any time since World War 2...and we are SAFER AND BETTER for it”

All while his city has seen murders and shooting spike 200% compared to this point last year.

If that doesn’t sum up the complete lunacy of the far left then I don’t know what does. Completely deranged these people are.

De Blasio: ‘Fewer People in Our Jails than Any Time Since WWII – and We Are Safer for It and Better for It’
If Biden had the mental ability to hold a real press conference he still couldn't because he'd be forced to repeat the same lie to satisfy the Anti-Americans that run the Democrat Party.
Today the mayor of NYC held a press conference celebrating that “we now have fewer people in our jails than any time since World War 2...and we are SAFER AND BETTER for it”

All while his city has seen murders and shooting spike 200% compared to this point last year.

If that doesn’t sum up the complete lunacy of the far left then I don’t know what does. Completely deranged these people are.

De Blasio: ‘Fewer People in Our Jails than Any Time Since WWII – and We Are Safer for It and Better for It’
Well, you know how the Democrats roll...

I can't understand why New Yorkers aren't protesting this POS!

You know what?

New Yorkers deserve all the communism its coming to them, such idiots who never protest deserve it!

I do not feel sorry for them at all, I despise them.
Haven’t lived in NYC for years, but I know how relatively safe it was under Bloomberg and continued to be under DeBlasio, at least for his first three years in office. In fact NYC was actually much safer — far fewer murders and major crime — than under Rudolph Giuliani. NYC was, and may still be, one of the safest big cities in the U.S.

But crime and crime spikes have a lot of causes, and the COVID epidemic and shutdowns, increased unemployment, and school closings, are clearly major reasons for the recent dramatic spike. Policing measures and reforms may, or may not, have much — or anything — to do with this change. Here is an article on historic statistics: Giuliani's Misleading Attack on de Blasio and Crime
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Haven’t lived in NYC for years, but I know how relatively safe it was under Bloomberg and continued to be under DeBlasio, at least for his first three years in office. In fact NYC was actually much safer — far fewer murders and major crime — than under Rudolph Giuliani. NYC was, and may still be, one of the safest big cities in the U.S.

But crime and crime spikes have a lot of causes, and the COVID epidemic and shutdowns, increased unemployment, and school closings, are clearly major reasons for the recent dramatic spike. Policing measures and reforms may, or may not, have much — or anything — to do with this change. Here is an article on historic statistics: Giuliani's Misleading Attack on de Blasio and Crime

Back in the 1970's when I was in college, one of my college chums lived in Queens NY.

This was the age before cellphones of course. But when he went home, he always made sure his boys were there at the Port Authority in NYC so they could fight their way home to Queens. NYC was really tough back in the day. Giuliani as well as his successors cleaned up a lot of the crime. But it seems to be coming back, and NY is a lot more like when Charles Bronson was doing his documentary Death Wish 3.
NYC was really tough back in the day. Giuliani as well as his successors cleaned up a lot of the crime
I lived in NYC long before Giuliani arrived, throughout his administration, and afterwards under Bloomberg. I worked throughout the city in some of the toughest neighborhoods for 26 years as a blue collar worker. Before that for four years I even drove a taxi on late night shifts. I could tell you stories all night long. Giuliani gets credit for his tough on crime policing, but it was during the Dinkins administration, especially at its end, that money was finally authorized for hiring many thousands additional cops, bringing the numbers well above 30,000 for the first time. Giuliani just used those new forces effectively. Besides that, the incredible crack drug epidemic burned itself out. In my opinion another factor was that a whole new generation of youth were raised to adulthood in that period without tens of thousands of abused and unwanted kids — thanks to the earlier legalization of abortion.
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Funny how all the partisan Republican hacks never talk about statistics, or root causes for the historic declines of violent crime that occurred all over the country in major cities (run mostly by Democrats) in the late 1990s and the first decade of the 21st Century.
Funny how all the partisan Republican hacks never talk about statistics, or root causes for the historic declines of violent crime that occurred all over the country in major cities (run mostly by Democrats) in the late 1990s and the first decade of the 21st Century.

We talk about it all the time. You should join more topics.

In the mid 90's, more and more states adopted CCW programs. It's not only that, but states rewrote the laws to protect the victims instead of the criminals. This is what happened in my state.

Car jackings, ATM robberies, Pizza delivery guys getting robbed slowed down. You can not only carry a weapon and use it in self-defense, but our Castle Doctrine also applies to your vehicle as well as your home. Trying to break into my car is no different than trying to break into my house. Shoot to kill, and it's perfectly legal.

Violent crime and gun crime decreased dramatically, that was unit the Ferguson Effect. That lasted about two or three years, and once again started to decline before this Floyd thing sprang up.

Much of the violent crime is contained in those liberal cities and states reluctant to rewrite the laws to support the victim.
My own experience of crime and the crime wave in NYC in the 1980s and its subsequent decline is probably far more extensive than your own. My own perception of the cause for the NATIONAL decline in crime, greatest in big (basically Democratic) cities is, I believe, more perceptive, less impressionistic and more factually based than your own.

As somebody also familiar with gun control laws, a legal owner of guns, a union campaigner in defense of city workers’ right to self-defense, I disagree with your conclusions here, and defend reasonable reforms that respect the 2nd Amendment. I always keep in mind the huge differences between city and rural life in regard to this matter. The old idea of cowboys “checking your guns” when you enter town is a useful metaphor that is sometimes worth considering.

I put much more weight on generational factors like the impact of abortion’s legality, the drug cycle — especially the crack epidemic which I witnessed first hand — and the disorientation following the decline of industrial jobs, unions, and social organization for young people, many woefully unprepared, as they had to adjust to a service economy.

The highly destructive moral effects of the 60s and 70s Vietnam War and ghetto uprisings that tore American society apart, along with all the above developments, led to a deep despair among sections of society that is rarely appreciated today. The complete disappearance of WWII and New Deal social solidarity, the growing individualism and celebration of criminality rampant in popular myths and media, growing corruption in upper class society, and growing commercialism celebrated in society as a whole ... also didn’t help. The effects of the rural opiate drug epidemic in the recent past cannot give any idea of what happened during the crack epidemic of the eighties, but may be compared to earlier heroin use prevalent in hopeless or despairing parts of our urban African-American population.

I agree with many of the conclusions in this report:
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Today the mayor of NYC held a press conference celebrating that “we now have fewer people in our jails than any time since World War 2...and we are SAFER AND BETTER for it”

All while his city has seen murders and shooting spike 200% compared to this point last year.

If that doesn’t sum up the complete lunacy of the far left then I don’t know what does. Completely deranged these people are.

De Blasio: ‘Fewer People in Our Jails than Any Time Since WWII – and We Are Safer for It and Better for It’

He's getting real good at doublethink.

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