The Madness of King George: The Worst Mistake in U.S. History

A terrible mistake...but worse than the decision to send troops to Viet Nam?

I think not.
A terrible mistake...but worse than the decision to send troops to Viet Nam?

I think not.

The entry into S.E. Asia was a horrible error and cost enormously in lives and treasure. It did not, however, entail the amount of damage to America's strength and stature as 'W' & Co. Besides, we can at least argue that S. Vietnam invited help. Invading Iraq was clearly, indisputably illegal according to international treaties to which Congress had agreed and, thus, had the authority of the constitution.

Very, very bad.
A terrible mistake...but worse than the decision to send troops to Viet Nam?

I think not.

Could be worse than VN.

When we fought Viet Nam we were taking on a nation. So all it took was a peace settlement with specific leaders to end the conflict

When we invaded Iraq we were taking on not only Iraq but a pan-national religion and an pan national culture, too.

So finding an end to that conflict could be enormously more problematic because there is no single people to defeat, and no single leader to placate.
Vietnam cost far more lives and was ultimately a complete failure. Iraq is not. Saddam & psychopathic sons are dead, the Ba'athist party is kaput, Iraq is no longer a threat to its neighbors, the oil taps are open and on the market and Iraq is developing democratic institutions virtually unrivaled in Middle East.

I suppose to the OP, the idiot who wrote the article and others, these are not good things. However, by the standards of the many who did not think Saddam was a good guy, Iraq was clearly a success. Vietnam was not by any standard.
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Of course, all who criticize ''W" & Co. really loved Saddam and secretly wish they could have brought him to America to be in charge.

How can anyone deny the incredible destruction wrought by the policies of that epoch? Insinuating that others prefer dictatorship because they oppose immoral, internationally scandalous, illegal actions on the part of their country is absurd.
Never fails to entertain me when someone who rants about FNC holds alternet up as a bastion of truth and logic. Fucking funny.
Vietnam cost far more lives and was ultimately a complete failure. Iraq is not. Saddam & psychopathic sons are dead, the Ba'athist party is kaput, Iraq is no longer a threat to its neighbors, the oil taps are open and on the market and Iraq is developing democratic institutions virtually unrivaled in Middle East.

I suppose to the OP, the idiot who wrote the article and others, these are not good things. However, by the standards of the many who did not think Saddam was a good guy, Iraq was clearly a success. Vietnam was not by any standard.

I agree.

Although I think history will regard the Iraqi war as ill-conceived and unnecessary, we can not overlook the fact that Saddam was an evil bastard and that the world is a better place without him.
The premise of this thread is that Iraq was the biggest mistake in US foreign policy. Iraq has ultimately succeeded despite the dire predictions of a Shia theocracy, a divided state and the hoards of Iraqis who would invariably become terrorists.

The facts are in direct contradiction to the premise and the results of a relatively stable country which is developing democratic institutions cannot be refuted. Contrast, if you will the cost of human life and the results with the war in Vietnam.

Btw, people who are pretentious enough to believe they can dictate what is moral are no different than sanctimonious brimstone and hellfire preachers. They both disgust me.
The biggest mistake in US history was the election of barack hussein obama as POTUS, twice. The US won't survive it.
Well we survived Jimma Carter the worst mistake people voted in as President, not sure we will Obama..
Bush is the most spectacular failure in the history of the US presidency.

The slimy Tejan puto got nothing right. The halfwit little inheritor let the US be attacked by Saudi Arabians, then invaded one country with no connection to the attacks and another that is the graveyard of empire, neither of which will take longer than six months to revert to something worse than was there before that slimy little cocksucker and his band of scum invaded. Then there was "mission accomplished", an act so contemptibly adolescent a rational nation could not possibly have re elected the doer.

But the US did re elect Junebug. And today, every individual who voted for Junebug is directly responsible for Obama. That is hilarious to me. The nation of filthy god damned degenerates that voted for a proven failure like that ratfuck Tejan back into the white house is getting exactly what it deserves.

Vietnam... Jesus. It almost seems rational compared to what that dimbulb mama's boy put at risk trying to impress his mother on the US taxpayer's dime and blood in Asia minor. It is interesting there are people naive enough to believe Iraq is some kind of success, but removing the man who WAS the balance of power between Moslem factions was about as crazy as any act ever committed by an American president. In fact, there are no comparably degenerate acts against world peace by other US presidents. Let's face it, Junebug Bush took over a country with a balanced budget but a troubled economy and instead of focusing on the budget just spent the nation down the shitter. The little fucker belongs in prison, but instead every nutball trailer in America probably has a little shrine cabinet with a bust of him in it.
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Bush is the most spectacular failure in the history of the US presidency.

The slimy Tejan puto got nothing right. The halfwith little cocksucker let the US be attacked by Saudi Arabians, then invaded one country with no connection to the attacks and another that is the graveyard of empire, neither of which will take longer than six months to revert to something worse than was there before that slimy little cocksucker and his band of scum invaded.

Vietnam... Jesus. It almost seems rational compared to what that halfwit inheritor put at risk trying to impress his mother on the US taxpayer's dime and blood in Asia minor.

Before obama.

Now we doubled-down on stupid and elected the most incompetant person we could find. Twice. We deserve what happens.
The premise of this thread is that Iraq was the biggest mistake in US foreign policy. Iraq has ultimately succeeded despite the dire predictions of a Shia theocracy, a divided state and the hoards of Iraqis who would invariably become terrorists.

The facts are in direct contradiction to the premise and the results of a relatively stable country which is developing democratic institutions cannot be refuted. Contrast, if you will the cost of human life and the results with the war in Vietnam.

Btw, people who are pretentious enough to believe they can dictate what is moral are no different than sanctimonious brimstone and hellfire preachers. They both disgust me.

The premise is not based on whatever one might think of the present country of Iraq. The subject is how much of a disaster the whole thing continues to be for this nation, America.

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