The Magnificent President Trump responds to the latest indictment on charges stemming from the Special Counsel (Video)

Biggest, worst smelling pile of elephant $hit to hit these boards in the past couple of weeks, Tvaritch...


Your Orange Flim-Flam Man is his own worst enemy, as well as the Republic's worst domestic enemy... and now he's going down...

The Four Indictments were a Righteous Shoot... :laughing0301: :clap2:
Idiot ^^^
Uhhhhh.... don't look now... but Obama has retired from political office... although I hear that emulation is the highest form of flattery...

but but but.....there is only one Messiah.....

so then it wasn't Barack Ovomit? LOL
What a defiant bold American Patriot Trump is. He's simply magnificent! Our Government has become a criminal institution! This has gone so far beyond politics that I don’t know what to call it.

That man should be an inspiration to everyone. He's been fighting against a powerful undercurrent of deeply-entrenched globalist and Marxist antagonists for seven straight years now, and hasn't broken a sweat. Trump truly is a man who believes in what he stands for, most people would have given up by now.
What was the message??????

All I heard was.....poor me.....a lie....another lie.......poor me....send money.....

A true POS.^^^^
But we were told Ovomit was the one..... so who is it then?



The way the media deified Obama was as sickening as the videos of those school children being forced to sing his praises. I though we had become North Korea.
The way the media deified Obama was as sickening as the videos of those school children being forced to sing his praises. I though we had become North Korea.

You are exactly right! Yes!
Well you have Biden, the abuser of his own daughter. Come out, she claims she waited to take a shower, so her dad "Joe" wouldn't join in. You're a pervert for supporting that.

Refusing to even consider whether Ashley Biden's diary entries are factual makes bodecea's silence a complicity in Ashley's sexual abuse by her father. Any honest person wouldn't immediately write something like that off as being a lie. Apparently that "All women must be believed"? phase the liberals went through was only the current fad of the time.

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