The MAJOR difference between Medicare and Private Insurance...

The main difference between Medicare and Private Insurance is that Medicare will cover people over 65 and Private Insurance will not
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brothers and sisters: if i buy a car for $50K and you buy a car for $25K and your car works better, we got a problem. and thats the reality of our health care system vis a vis the rest of the world.

we are the only, and i underline only, major country on earth that doesnt have free health care. President Bernie will end this international disgrace!

You still living at your age in your parents' basement?

Are you aware of EMTALA? Of course not. Your are ignorant about health care. If you want to see what the 1986 GOP did to cause
healthcare costs to skyrocket, all out of compassion mind you they had NO inkling as to what it would cost.. Look it up:
EMTALA Fact Sheet
Are you aware that nearly 3,000 physicians in a study state from their experiences nearly $850 billion a year is wasted in health care cost because of one group of people???

Again... please do a little research and you will find out why Medicare trustees say Medicare will go bust in 2026.
2018 Medicare Trustee Report...
The estimated depletion date for the HI trust fund is 2026, 3 years earlier than in last year’s report.
As in past years, the Trustees have determined that the fund is not adequately financed over the next 10 years.
page 7

And you want this for "FREE"?????
Fuck government healthcare and private insurance.

We, the American people, get screwed either way. We need a TOTAL BOYCOTT of "health insurance" and a total removal of government involvement in health care.

Go back to you. You are responsible for you. You pay for what you need. You pay if you are fat, drug addicted, engaged in poor health activities etc.

Only through the pure private sector can we, the American People, bring down health care costs.

Every time we "trust government" on this issue, we get BILKED, and our political class gets richer....
The main difference between Medicare and Private Insurance is that Medicare will cover people over 65 and Private Insurance will not

HEY Dummy! Don't you know how to use the Internet???

Check out the below for insurance companies that sell health insurance to SENIORS... Geez why do people like you make such dumb statements that are clearly refuted with a little research. USE the Internet before you show your stupidity!
Health Insurance For Seniors Without Medicare See Instant Rates
2018 Medicare Trustee 7
The estimated depletion date for the HI trust fund is 2026, 3 years earlier than in last year’s report.
As in past years, the Trustees have determined that the fund is not adequately financed over the next 10 years.
So this means there are no reserves. It will be depleted in 6 years.

And actually this itself, is a carefully designed lie.

There is no trust fund. There is no bank account, with money in it, for the 'medicare trust fund'. No such fund exists.

In a private trust fund, you have assets that have market value. Things that you can sell, such a property, or land, or stocks in companies that have value on the market.

The Medicare "trust fund" has IOUs. Bits of paper saying the government owes money. These are not even real securities from the treasury department. Meaning, if Medicare trust fund had purchased real securities from the Treasury department, they could sell those securities on the market, just like the Treasury department itself does.

But these IOUs in the trust fund are not even real securities. They are just made up. They can't be sold on the market.

So the only way they can be paid back, is by higher taxes, or more borrowing by the Federal Government. Which is the same as if they didn't exist. If they didn't exist, Medicare would be paid by more borrowing or higher taxes.

The bottom line is.... Medicare, and the government itself, and Social Security, are all broke. The government must raise taxes, or increase borrowing. Or both.
brothers and sisters: if i buy a car for $50K and you buy a car for $25K and your car works better, we got a problem. and thats the reality of our health care system vis a vis the rest of the world.

we are the only, and i underline only, major country on earth that doesnt have free health care. President Bernie will end this international disgrace!

Free is not free, those countries pay for it in very high tax rates and everyone pays, not just the rich. In addition the quality of care in those countries is not even close to the quality here.

Our system works, for everyone. Why would you change it to a system where you have to wait months for routine procedures and years for dental care?
Our system works for those with good insurance
Working families in other nations don’t worry about losing their homes if they become seriously ill

nothing in your last sentence is true. NO ONE is denied medical care in the USA, in UK or canada those "working people" have to wait for routine procedures and have to pay out of pocket since the NHS does not cover everything.

careful what you wish for winger, you might get it shoved up your ass.

Yeah, they are.

those are very isolated cases. Under socialized medicine those things would happen every day to everyone. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze, nor does your gullibility to far left propaganda sites.
Fuck government healthcare and private insurance.

We, the American people, get screwed either way. We need a TOTAL BOYCOTT of "health insurance" and a total removal of government involvement in health care.

Go back to you. You are responsible for you. You pay for what you need. You pay if you are fat, drug addicted, engaged in poor health activities etc.

Only through the pure private sector can we, the American People, bring down health care costs.

Every time we "trust government" on this issue, we get BILKED, and our political class gets richer....
Let’s everyone die
The main difference between Medicare and Private Insurance is that Medicare will cover people over 65 and Private Insurance will not

HEY Dummy! Don't you know how to use the Internet???

Check out the below for insurance companies that sell health insurance to SENIORS... Geez why do people like you make such dumb statements that are clearly refuted with a little research. USE the Internet before you show your stupidity!
Health Insurance For Seniors Without Medicare See Instant Rates
Soaking the last penny with Medicare Supplement plans

How many want to offer seniors affordable rates as the primary insurer?
The main difference between Medicare and Private Insurance is that Medicare will cover people over 65 and Private Insurance will not

HEY Dummy! Don't you know how to use the Internet???

Check out the below for insurance companies that sell health insurance to SENIORS... Geez why do people like you make such dumb statements that are clearly refuted with a little research. USE the Internet before you show your stupidity!
Health Insurance For Seniors Without Medicare See Instant Rates
Soaking the last penny with Medicare Supplement plans

How many want to offer seniors affordable rates as the primary insurer?

You have NO idea what you are talking about.
There are two types of Medicare: Traditional Medicare where Medicare pays 80% and the beneficiary pays 20% co-Pay PLUS the beneficiary
gets their SS check less this year $195/month for Part B. Premium.
The other type is the 734 Medicare Advantage(MA) plans. These MA plans have 23,281,391 as of November 2019 or 38% of the 61,836,722 total.

NOW supplement plans SIMPLY cover the co-pays that the traditional Medicare Member would have to pay.

Depending on the competitive environment my MA plan in Florida PAID SS $100/month of the at that time $134/month Part B premium.
In other words my SS was larger than traditional Medicare members who had to pay the $134/month. Because in Florida 47% of the 4,566,072 beneficiaries are MA plan members it is more competitive.

So do a little research... here I'll help you! Dashboard.html
Use the Internet before you show your ineptness.
brothers and sisters: if i buy a car for $50K and you buy a car for $25K and your car works better, we got a problem. and thats the reality of our health care system vis a vis the rest of the world.

we are the only, and i underline only, major country on earth that doesnt have free health care. President Bernie will end this international disgrace!

Free is not free, those countries pay for it in very high tax rates and everyone pays, not just the rich. In addition the quality of care in those countries is not even close to the quality here.

Our system works, for everyone. Why would you change it to a system where you have to wait months for routine procedures and years for dental care?
Our system works for those with good insurance
Working families in other nations don’t worry about losing their homes if they become seriously ill

nothing in your last sentence is true. NO ONE is denied medical care in the USA, in UK or canada those "working people" have to wait for routine procedures and have to pay out of pocket since the NHS does not cover everything.

careful what you wish for winger, you might get it shoved up your ass.

Yeah, they are.

those are very isolated cases. Under socialized medicine those things would happen every day to everyone. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze, nor does your gullibility to far left propaganda sites.

You were uninformed or lied. You cant claim to be uninformed if I've given you the information. That leaves willful lying after that. Forbes is "far left"?

Mother Jones, sure but can you refute their reporting? I didn't see any links you provided to counter any of it. How strange...
The MAJOR difference between Medicare and Private Insurance...

Ummm....Democrats don't want to make Medicare illegal?

i propose instead of saying numbers, we say Medicare For All.

for example, a war with Iran will cost 10 Medicares For All!
Free is not free, those countries pay for it in very high tax rates and everyone pays, not just the rich. In addition the quality of care in those countries is not even close to the quality here.

Our system works, for everyone. Why would you change it to a system where you have to wait months for routine procedures and years for dental care?
Our system works for those with good insurance
Working families in other nations don’t worry about losing their homes if they become seriously ill

nothing in your last sentence is true. NO ONE is denied medical care in the USA, in UK or canada those "working people" have to wait for routine procedures and have to pay out of pocket since the NHS does not cover everything.

careful what you wish for winger, you might get it shoved up your ass.

Yeah, they are.

those are very isolated cases. Under socialized medicine those things would happen every day to everyone. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze, nor does your gullibility to far left propaganda sites.

You were uninformed or lied. You cant claim to be uninformed if I've given you the information. That leaves willful lying after that. Forbes is "far left"?

Mother Jones, sure but can you refute their reporting? I didn't see any links you provided to counter any of it. How strange...

I have not lied about anything. I have been to the UK and have relatives in Canada and Sweden. I have first hand knowledge of the massive failure known as socialized medicine, UHS, or whatever you choose to call it. It is terrible. People who live in those places and want immediate and quality care are paying private co-ops etc rather than subject themselves to long waits and sub quality care.

As to people in the USA dying because they cannot get medicine, that is bullshit propaganda aimed at gullible fools like you.
Our system works for those with good insurance
Working families in other nations don’t worry about losing their homes if they become seriously ill

nothing in your last sentence is true. NO ONE is denied medical care in the USA, in UK or canada those "working people" have to wait for routine procedures and have to pay out of pocket since the NHS does not cover everything.

careful what you wish for winger, you might get it shoved up your ass.

Yeah, they are.

those are very isolated cases. Under socialized medicine those things would happen every day to everyone. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze, nor does your gullibility to far left propaganda sites.

You were uninformed or lied. You cant claim to be uninformed if I've given you the information. That leaves willful lying after that. Forbes is "far left"?

Mother Jones, sure but can you refute their reporting? I didn't see any links you provided to counter any of it. How strange...

I have not lied about anything. I have been to the UK and have relatives in Canada and Sweden. I have first hand knowledge of the massive failure known as socialized medicine, UHS, or whatever you choose to call it. It is terrible. People who live in those places and want immediate and quality care are paying private co-ops etc rather than subject themselves to long waits and sub quality care.

As to people in the USA dying because they cannot get medicine, that is bullshit propaganda aimed at gullible fools like you.

:lol: You vacationed abroad so you’re an expert? I’ll take the word of the actual people...who like their healthcare WAY better than we like ours.

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