The Majority gets it...Obama is the worst president of modern times.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The Quinnipiac University survey found 33% of American voters named Obama as the worst while 28% named his predecessor, George W. Bush.
"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.
Richard Nixon, whose presidency ended in scandal, received only 13% of the vote and Jimmy Carter scored 8%. None of the remaining eight presidents received more than 3%.
Asked about the 2012 presidential race, 45% of respondents said the country would be better off if the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, had won."
He's not done burning, either. He says it every single day. I can't believe people are so stupid not to listen to him.
It kind of makes sense that it would pol like this - about half of everyone in this country is a right winger, the lunatic fringe of that body would almost certainly vote for Obama being the worst; they despise him more than Liberalism itself.
Er..50 percent is not "fringe".

You people just aren't very smart.
What's sad is that it's taken so many people five years to figure this out when it was more than obvious from the beginning.
Er..50 percent is not "fringe".

You people just aren't very smart.

Re-read what I wrote there KG.

the lunatic fringe of that body

That would indicate that I was not speaking about all republicans, right?

Most republicans are level-headed, free-thinking individuals, who would know better.
I would not agree that the majority of people in this country "despise" Obama.

The opinion of the general populous is hardly an accurate barometer for someone's greatness or lack, thereof ~
The actual lunatics, the 10-20% of hardcore progressives who are proud of the schizoid acting out on the campaign trail of Dean, Gore and Kerry, are also upset with Obama for not being enough of a raving maniac like their heroes.
I would not agree that only the *lunatic fringe* despise him.

The majority of Americans love their country and think humanity is worth something. Anyone who feels that way must necessarily despise Obama.

And they do. As the polls show.
In fact, I bet there are more who despise him than there are who think he's doing a decent job. And I bet there are more who despise him than there are who think he ISN'T doing a great job.
This is actually more interesting than the fact that Americans are disgusted with Obama:

"Only 6 percent of those surveyed have a very positive view of the GOP, and 23 percent somewhat positive. "

We're fed up with the Republican party and it's going to go under if they don't start actually representing what their constituents want....
33% is a majority?

That sort of ignorance explains why Republicans still win some elections.
I would not agree that the majority of people in this country "despise" Obama.

The opinion of the general populous is hardly an accurate barometer for someone's greatness or lack, thereof ~


How does the majority say Obama is the worst, when the poll says 33%, DIPSTICK?:cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar: Strangely, also the percentage of the country the rest of the world thinks is nuts...:lol::lol:
Interesting poll

Every Republican that is called chimes in with Obama....Obama!

All that Fox watching pays off

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