The Making of An African S-hole Nation

No, thats not what happened.

Try not using wikipedia. I have talked to Africans about this.

Now try staying on topic. That would be how white nations collaborated to murder an African leader then replaced him with a despot that was friendly to western corporate interests who proceeded to rob his people blind and turn the Congo into a shithole.

No, thats not what happened.

Try not using wikipedia. I have talked to Africans about this.

Now try staying on topic. That would be how white nations collaborated to murder an African leader then replaced him with a despot that was friendly to western corporate interests who proceeded to rob his people blind and turn the Congo into a shithole.

WTF are you talking about? :lol: Are you really trying to deny almost a thousand years of Africans selling their brothers and sisters into slavery to Arabs. Really? Cos you talked to some Africans? :lol:

Don't like Wiki? Cool. I can post thousands of links. How many would you like? :D

During the Trans-Saharan slave trade, slaves were transported across the Sahara desert. Most were moved from Sub-Saharan Africa to North Africa to be sold to Mediterranean and Middle eastern civilizations; a small percentage went the other direction.[1] Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Muslim world range from 11-17 million, and the trans-Saharan trade routes conveyed a significant number of this total, with one estimate tallying around 7.2 million slaves crossing the Sahara from the mid-7th century until the 20th century.[

Africans are still selling their brothers and sisters into slavery today. Estimates are 8-9 million slaves currently in Africa. Estimates are slavery is a 150 billion dollar industry in Africa.

The question is why do Africans like the slave trade so much? Europeans outlawed slavery in the early to to mid 19th Century. Yet African are still happily engaged in the slave trade. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Key Quote: On any given day in 2016, an estimated 9.2 million men, women, and children were living in modern slavery in Africa. The region has the highest rate of prevalence, with 7.6 people living in modern slavery for every 1,000 people in the region.

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I see "Africa gonna Africa" as a huge opportunity.....We should probably buy one of the countries cheap with a go fund me account and use it to send the leftists and their Ivy League masters to after the purge. ;)
Wrong. There is a difference between WHITE NATIONALISM and Congolese Nationalism. The Congo is actually a nation. There is no nation named white.
Thanks for proving my point. I didn’t say “white nationalism”. You just automatically read that. It just shows how brainwashed you lefties are.
Patrice Lumumba was a nationalist, which according to lefties is White Supremacy.
Not necessarily. There are two kinds of Nationalism ethnic Nationalism and civic Nationalism; Ethnic Nationalism is what white Nationalists want but civic Nationalism can include plenty of ethnicities. I think it was Europeans who created 'states' in Africa so him being Nationalist may simply mean he wanted his state.
WTF are you talking about? :lol: Are you really trying to deny almost a thousand years of Africans selling their brothers and sisters into slavery to Arabs. Really? Cos you talked to some Africans? :lol:

Don't like Wiki? Cool. I can post thousands of links. How many would you like? :D

During the Trans-Saharan slave trade, slaves were transported across the Sahara desert. Most were moved from Sub-Saharan Africa to North Africa to be sold to Mediterranean and Middle eastern civilizations; a small percentage went the other direction.[1] Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Muslim world range from 11-17 million, and the trans-Saharan trade routes conveyed a significant number of this total, with one estimate tallying around 7.2 million slaves crossing the Sahara from the mid-7th century until the 20th century.[

“Blacks sold Blacks into slavery.”

This smug proclamation is often used by people who wish to silence discussions of slavery and sooth White fragility. On the surface, it is a easy phrase to repeat. It seeks to derail any White responsibility for slavery and put Black people in the driver seat of causing their own suffering. After all, the slaves wouldn’t have ended up on those ships if not for the African hunters who pulled them out of the jungle, right?

This phrase is sexy. It requires the person saying it to learn very little about historical context and simply know that Africans did take part in the slave trade. Wrapped in a bow, it is the perfect zinger in their mind to shut other people up. While there is truth behind the statement, it broadly ignores context and role of White people in the Atlantic slave trade.

“Africans Were Part of the Slave Trade…”

Slavery did exist in Africa before the arrival of White Europeans; as it did in many parts of the world. In truth, the practice of taking someone’s freedom and making them work for you with little to no pay or benefits is a simple idea. It is not as if White Europeans thought it up. However, White Europeans did craft a system that spanned continents and created an international economic system built on it. This new system of enslavement changed Africa, as observed by historian Marcus Rediker in his book The Slave Ship: A Human History: “The number of slaves held and the importance of slavery as an institution in African societies expanded with the Atlantic slave trade.”

Slavery looked different in Africa before the arrival of White Europeans, and we have historical records to prove it. As author Adaboi Tricia Nwaubani recalled in an article about her great-grandfather, an African slave trader:

“Long before Europeans arrived, Igbos enslaved other Igbos as punishment for crimes, for the payment of debts, and as prisoners of war. The practice differed from slavery in the Americas: slaves were permitted to move freely in their communities and to own property, but they were also sometimes sacrificed in religious ceremonies or buried alive with their masters to serve them in the next life. When the transatlantic trade began, in the fifteenth century, the demand for slaves spiked. Igbo traders began kidnapping people from distant villages.”

Nwaubani’s story is essential because it highlights a part of history that is rarely discussed within the narrative of “Blacks sold Blacks”. It shows that the Igbo people responded to the changes in the economic system (the selling/purchasing of humans). What Nwaubani’s narrative does not do is say that life was more humane prior to European arrival. Slavery within itself is a traumatic experience. However, as Nwaubani notes, prior to the arrival of the Europeans, slavery was focused on personal disputes, war, and punishment. The Europeans turned it into a formal system that relied on supply and demand.

When someone utters the phrase “Blacks sold Blacks into slavery”, it is a scripted response. Rarely, do the people who use it know the specifics surrounding that experience of Africans selling other Africans. They only know that the phrase feels good to say because it blames Black people for their slavery experience. It removes responsibility for the legacies of slavery from White ancestors, hoping to preserve the flags, monuments, and revisionist history that is soothing to White fragility.

and in the same way Africans did sell Africans to Arabs to be slaves. They became slaves due to punishment, war or personal disputes. In Africa the children of slaves never became slaves unless they on their own had got into one of these difficulties. Arabs also and possibly more often, just came and took their slaves. Europeans were also taken as slaves by the Arabs. Now it is known that African slaves usually got released after a certain time and sometimes became the heir of those who they were slaves tp, sometimes got a high position in society but occasionally died when their master died but please stop using African slavery to excuse Americans. It was very different.
WTF are you talking about? :lol: Are you really trying to deny almost a thousand years of Africans selling their brothers and sisters into slavery to Arabs. Really? Cos you talked to some Africans? :lol:

Don't like Wiki? Cool. I can post thousands of links. How many would you like? :D

During the Trans-Saharan slave trade, slaves were transported across the Sahara desert. Most were moved from Sub-Saharan Africa to North Africa to be sold to Mediterranean and Middle eastern civilizations; a small percentage went the other direction.[1] Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Muslim world range from 11-17 million, and the trans-Saharan trade routes conveyed a significant number of this total, with one estimate tallying around 7.2 million slaves crossing the Sahara from the mid-7th century until the 20th century.[

The problem with your wikipedia stuff is that Africans tell a different story. I know what happened and it's not how you and the other racists say.

Now would you like to actually discuss the thread topic instead of the same old dumb dodges and excuses you and the other racists always try when you're shown how whites messed up another country? Lumumba was murdered 153 years after the importation of slaves was made illegal in America. So post on topic or leave.
The problem with your wikipedia stuff is that Africans tell a different story. I know what happened and it's not how you and the other racists say.

Now would you like to actually discuss the thread topic instead of the same old dumb dodges and excuses you and the other racists always try when you're shown how whites messed up another country? Lumumba was murdered 153 years after the importation of slaves was made illegal in America. So post on topic or leale by

The problem with your wikipedia stuff is that Africans tell a different story. I know what happened and it's not how you and the other racists say.

Now would you like to actually discuss the thread topic instead of the same old dumb dodges and excuses you and the other racists always try when you're shown how whites messed up another country? Lumumba was murdered 153 years after the importation of slaves was made illegal in America. So post on topic or leave.

Did you read the links I posted? I guess not. The Organization that fights human trafficking and slavery is the one that said there are 8-9 million slaves currently in Africa. Blacks enslaving millions of their brothers and sisters. The U.N. says the same as do many other organizations. But I can post a thousand links more if you like that said your made up mythical Africans are liars.

The question to me is why are black still enslaving each other in the millions?

As to the OP, the Belgians killed the man, not the U.S. But nice try.
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Because the OP traffics in paranoia, racism, and lies if any one cares these are the facts.

The man in question was directly killed by the Belgians under orders by their Government. A rival black faction initially captured the man, tortured him, turned him over to the Belgians and directly assisted in his killing. The Belgian Government publicly admitted to the murder in 2002.

The Church Commission met in the 1970's and determined the U.S. had no involvement in his murder. There was a CIA plan several years before for an assassination but it never happened and ultimately the CIA Station Chief and agent involved refused to carry out the plan.

Those are the facts from multiple sources. And again the Belgian Government publicly took responsibility for the murder with the assistance of local black rebels.

The Tragic True Story Of Patrice Lumumba​

Marina Manoukian - 13h ago

In 2022, 61 years after his death, the only known remaining body part of Patrice Lumumba was finally laid to rest. The first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lumumba was a staunch anti-colonialist whose visions of Congo's decolonization put him in the crosshairs of the CIA.

View attachment 674350

The Guardian calls Lumumba's murder "the most important assassination of the 20th century," and considering how many assassinations there were in the 20th century, the magnitude of that statement becomes clear. But the CIA wasn't the only one who wanted to eliminate Lumumba's influence. Belgian authorities had been trying to stifle and silence Lumumba since his early political days. Not to mention the internal enemies and rivals in Lumumba's own circles. And the United Nations doesn't have clean hands either.

Some argue that Lumumba's assassination ultimately galvanized a generation of student activists. The Conversation writes that "the murder opened the eyes of many to the violence of neocolonialism." And in response, student activists in the 1960s pushed for decolonization and pushed for pan-African unity, continuing Lumumba's vision. Ultimately, it's impossible to say what would've happened in the Democratic Republic of the Congo had Lumumba stayed alive and remained prime minister. But one thing is for certain; Lumumba's death was the result of two colonial powers who were determined to stifle an anti-colonial movement.

Although Patrice Lumumba's assassination was claimed to be the result of an internal power struggle in the DRC, both the coup and his assassination were part of a CIA-sponsored plot. But the CIA didn't work alone. The Africa I Know writes that the CIA worked with the British, Belgian officials -- who had their own assassination plot -- and Lumumba's Congolese political rivals like Mbutu and Tshombe.

In "Memories of Violence in Peru and the Congo," Gilbert Shang Ndi writes that "it is well established that Belgian officials and CIA officials on the ground connived with the local arch-enemies of Lumumba in eliminating him." Declassified UK also writes that British officials did all they could to encourage Lumumba's enemies to execute him. And there's little doubt that Daphne Park, MI6 station chief in the DRC under cover of consul at the British embassy, was well aware of the CIA's plot.

By the time Lumumba was assassinated, the CIA had already tried to poison him several times. And according to "Colonial Mentality in Africa" by Michael Nkuzi Nnam, he became a CIA target when he appealed to the Soviet Union for aid, at which point CIA director Allen Dulles wrote, "consequently, we conclude that his removal must be urgent and prime objective." Dulles even described Lumumba as "a Castro, or worse," per The New York Times Magazine. Meanwhile, Lumumba never called himself a communist or a socialist and was a self-described African nationalist.

So here we have an African pushing for national sovereignty and independence from western colonizers who was murdered by the United States Central Intelligence Agency. After Lumumba was murdered he was replaced by a man more favorable to western interests. You all know his name:


Thus the Congo became a failed black state and it was because of interference by white nations. There are similar stories all over the continent.
I don't get your point. All black states are shitholes, and not just in Africa. Same is true of black neighborhoods in the West.
I have yet to see a non-colonized part of Africa truly flourish, without intense poverty, and shitty living conditions, outside of major cities. Hell, even colonized parts of Africa are shitty. Africa is one big lump of shit, good for safari tourists and hunters.

When were you in Africa?
This is hilarious.

I post about racism in America and the same people who bitched about how we call oirselves African Americans post stuff up about Africa as if it's the same thing.

You want to read about the making of an African s-hole?


What is going on in Africa today doesn't have a damn thing to do with modern white racism in America that's practiced by the OP and most of the respondents in this thread. Slavery ended here in 1863, but white racism allowed another similarly oppressive system to be implemented that by written law ended in 1964, put in practice is still ongoing. Africans don't have a damn thing to do with that.

So you look kinda stupiid trying to make this argument because it's nothing but a

We can say the same for rural America. I live in Kansas and if I take a state our county road from my house to KC, I will drive by plenty of rural shitholes. Africa was doing quite fine before Europeans showed up. But such comments are to be expected from somebody calling themself confederate soldier.
If endemic inter tribal wars, African diseases, slavery, cannibalism, and human sacrifice are your ideas of "doing quite fine before European's showed up," we have different ideas of what "doing quite fine" means.

The only African countries that developed what can possibly be called civilizations were Nubia and Ethiopia. They were in East Africa. The Bantu inhabited most of Africa. The Bantu developed agriculture and primitive iron technology. They never developed indigenous systems of writing and mathematics. They used iron to make weapons they could have made with stone. They did not have much else of a use for iron.

The much touted "civilization" in Zimbabwe never consisted of anything more than stone houses of more than a story high. Most of the Bantu lived in mud huts.

The best thing that happened to sub Saharan Africa was European colonialism. Now that the whites have left barbarism is returning, along with cannibalism, and incompetent, corrupt leaders who enrich themselves amid populations suffering growing poverty. South Africa has become the AIDS capital of the world. One of five South African men admits to having committed rape.

Sub Saharan Africa has been aptly called "the third world's third world," and the worst part of the world for women to live in.
I have yet to see a non-colonized part of Africa truly flourish, without intense poverty, and shitty living conditions, outside of major cities. Hell, even colonized parts of Africa are shitty. Africa is one big lump of shit, good for safari tourists and hunters.

So you've been there on safari?

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