The Man Who Knew too much

Almost 50 years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, his murder continues to haunt the American psyche and stands as a turning point in our nation's history.

Warren Commission rushed out its report in 1964, but questions continue to linger: Was there a conspiracy? Was there a coup at the highest levels of government?

On March 1, 1967, New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison shocked the world by arresting local businessman Clay Shaw for conspiracy to murder the president. His alleged co-conspirator, David Ferrie, had been found dead a few days before. Garrison charged that elements of the United States government, in particular the CIA, were behind the crime. From the beginning, his probe was virulently attacked in the media and violently denounced from Washington. His office was infiltrated and sabotaged, and witnesses disappeared and died strangely. Eventually, Shaw was acquitted after the briefest of jury deliberation and the only prosecution ever brought for the murder of President Kennedy was over.
Shaw was acquitted because the case against him was weak as hell.

Garrison had no evidence and went after an innocent man.

It was denounced by many because it was abuse if prosecutorial power and persecution of an innocent person so that Garrison could get reelected.
'In summary, what Nagell has chosen to reveal about his role in the conspiracy goes like this: Under contract to the CIA, he undertook an assignment as a "double agent" who would cooperate with Soviet intelligence beginning in the autumn of 1962. Under KGB instructions from Mexico City, for a year he monitored discussions among a group of embittered Cuban exiles who were seeking to assassinate Kennedy and make it look as though Fidel Castro's Cuba was behind it. He was simultaneously asked to keep an eye on Lee Harvey Oswald, recently returned to America after his alleged "defection" to the USSR.

Oswald was brought into the conspiracy in July 1963, deceived into thinking he was working for Castro. Soviet intelligence ordered Nagell either to convince Oswald he was being set up to take the rap--or to kill him in Mexico City before the assassination could transpire. While both U S and Soviet intelligence agencies were aware of the conspiracy, it was the KGB--not the CIA or FBI--that attempted to prevent it. The Soviets, who had reached a growing accommodation with Kennedy after the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, were also afraid that the assassination would falsely be blamed upon them or the Cubans.

Nagell, instead of carrying out his assignment, sent a registered letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (which he also served as a confidential informant) more than two months before the tragedy in Dallas, providing enough information to warrant the arrest of Oswald and two Cuban exiles. While the bureau says it cannot locate any such letter in its files, it is likely that Nagell kept a copy and the registered-mail receipt among his effects.

Also alerting CIA officials of the plot, Nagell then walked into a bank in El Paso, Texas, on September 20, 1963, fired two shots into the wall and intentionally had himself placed in federal custody. He hinted to me in a series of meetings that right-wing extremists, including wealthy Texas oil interests and CIA renegades, were ultimately behind the assassination.'

This is why he has no credibility .

A big story with zero evidence of any kind.
The biggest problem regarding 'evidencce' is that so many witnesses have met untimely fates...including Nagell...who was said to have died of natural causes but the timing of it makes it suspicious also...anyhow...let us look at some evidence........

It wasn't Oswald who shot John Kennedy.

Perhaps the most obvious reason for this is the age old 'Sixth floor' business - that Lee Harvey Oswald (an avid communist) was positioned at a window of the Texas Book Depository, in the 'sniper's nest' on the sixth floor. It was from here he would shoot at, and kill, the most powerful man in the world.

The Warren Commission (full report of the assassination) tested in 1964 the likelihood that Oswald, who had been categorised in his Marine training as a 'sharpshooter', scoring at his best 49/50 during rapid fire rounds at a stationary target, could possibly have conducted such a precise and perfectly timed assassination. The conclusive answer was that, yes, it was entirely possible, and it went in the report.

However, what was conveniently ignored was the fact that expert marksmen in 1964 were entirely unable to recreate the shootings in the agreed time frame of 5.6 seconds - the only successful marksman, Howard Donahue, did so in the CBS trial in 1967, within a time frame of an extended 7.9 seconds, which was introduced at a 're-evaluation' of the Zapruder footage.

While it is very likely that shots did indeed come from this 'nest', the idea that they came from Oswald is ludicrous. The Warren Commission states clearly that "In March 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, using the alias "A. Hidell", purchased by mail order a 6.5mm Carcano Model 91/38 carbine, also improperly called Mannlicher-Carcano, with a 4x scope. He also purchased a revolver from a different company, by the same method. Both weapons were signed for in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald". However, while the Warren Commission is certain of the fact that Oswald's "6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano" was spotted by a policeman stashed behind a pile of boxes on the sixth floor, the actual evidence for this simply isn't there. In fact, all evidence points towards the fact that it was actually a German Mauser rifle found on the sixth floor - glaringly obvious in that only one of four on-scene policemen who unanimously agreed that the rifle found was a Mauser refused to change his story to fit with the prompting of the Warren reporters, which possibly led to his untimely death from 'natural causes', which followed a period of stalking, assassination attempts and general psychological terror.

In summary, those who knew what they saw, changed what they saw, or were disposed of, despite how little evidence there was that Oswald was on the Sixth Floor of the TSBD or not.

The heavy US involvement in Cuba and the disagreements within the US senate over the Kennedy administration would suggest that there was a heavy CIA involvement in the murder. it seems that the firearms evidence against Oswald as the assassin of the most powerful man on the planet is just too obscure.
Another interesting item of that time...............


She was their Marilyn, an aristocratic blonde with knowing blue eyes, lissome moves, the softest curves, and sometimes, a velvet pouch with pot and acid at her side. “She was what woman were meant to be,” one former lover sobbed, still bereft 60 years later. Among her conquests was a man named Jack—John F. Kennedy to you and me. And like him, the story goes, she had to die before her time.

Her name was Mary Pinchot Meyer, and she lived and died in a gone world of monogrammed matchbooks, white-glove dances at Yale, yachting summers in the Med. She bewitched the blue-blooded men she ran with and who ran the world for a while, arrogant, entitled men who thought of themselves as poets and spies. One of them, her husband Cord Meyer, was both an accomplished short-story writer and, as the No. 3 in the CIA, one of the Right-est architects of the nascent security state .

They were the aristocratic Mad Men of the Cold War, the spies, politicians, and journalists sloshing back multiple martinis at lunch (and the world’s finest wine at Georgetown dinners), smoke ever-furling from lip to eye, all the while plotting to kill elected leaders, control dissident minds with LSD, and plant spies in European trade unions and American newspapers.

She was murdered.

The Mysterious Murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer—Revisited

Who Killed Mary Pinchot Meyer, JFK's CIA-Affiliated Mistress?
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The biggest problem regarding 'evidencce' is that so many witnesses have met untimely fates...including Nagell...who was said to have died of natural causes but the timing of it makes it suspicious also...anyhow...let us look at some evidence........

It wasn't Oswald who shot John Kennedy.

Perhaps the most obvious reason for this is the age old 'Sixth floor' business - that Lee Harvey Oswald (an avid communist) was positioned at a window of the Texas Book Depository, in the 'sniper's nest' on the sixth floor. It was from here he would shoot at, and kill, the most powerful man in the world.

The Warren Commission (full report of the assassination) tested in 1964 the likelihood that Oswald, who had been categorised in his Marine training as a 'sharpshooter', scoring at his best 49/50 during rapid fire rounds at a stationary target, could possibly have conducted such a precise and perfectly timed assassination. The conclusive answer was that, yes, it was entirely possible, and it went in the report.

However, what was conveniently ignored was the fact that expert marksmen in 1964 were entirely unable to recreate the shootings in the agreed time frame of 5.6 seconds - the only successful marksman, Howard Donahue, did so in the CBS trial in 1967, within a time frame of an extended 7.9 seconds, which was introduced at a 're-evaluation' of the Zapruder footage.

While it is very likely that shots did indeed come from this 'nest', the idea that they came from Oswald is ludicrous. The Warren Commission states clearly that "In March 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, using the alias "A. Hidell", purchased by mail order a 6.5mm Carcano Model 91/38 carbine, also improperly called Mannlicher-Carcano, with a 4x scope. He also purchased a revolver from a different company, by the same method. Both weapons were signed for in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald". However, while the Warren Commission is certain of the fact that Oswald's "6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano" was spotted by a policeman stashed behind a pile of boxes on the sixth floor, the actual evidence for this simply isn't there. In fact, all evidence points towards the fact that it was actually a German Mauser rifle found on the sixth floor - glaringly obvious in that only one of four on-scene policemen who unanimously agreed that the rifle found was a Mauser refused to change his story to fit with the prompting of the Warren reporters, which possibly led to his untimely death from 'natural causes', which followed a period of stalking, assassination attempts and general psychological terror.

In summary, those who knew what they saw, changed what they saw, or were disposed of, despite how little evidence there was that Oswald was on the Sixth Floor of the TSBD or not.

The heavy US involvement in Cuba and the disagreements within the US senate over the Kennedy administration would suggest that there was a heavy CIA involvement in the murder. it seems that the firearms evidence against Oswald as the assassin of the most powerful man on the planet is just too obscure.
Sorry but you are wrong and have several falsehoods here.

The experts and even NON experts used by the Warren Commission to test the likely hood of Oswald being the shooter proved that it was easy for Oswald to accomplish

Your claim that none could match his performance in the same time frame is outright false. They all did, even the Non expert Specialist Miller. This guy was a random soldier drawn from the Army and scored the same hits as Oswald with Oswalds rifle in LESS time. The FBI experts clearly proved Oswald was easily able to accomplish what he did and they did so in the same amount of time or less

The Officers who found the rifle merely mis identified it which is quite logical. The Carcano and the mauser look similar at first glance and mausers were more common. The fact that they acknowledged their own minor error proves it was a minor error and not one shred of evidence suggests that they were pressured to admit to it.

They only one who claimed otherwise was a nut who was thrown off ghe force and died like a moron.

Sorry Oswald acted alone and no evidence much less the fictional claims you make proves otherwise.
Although Lee Oswald has been declared guilty by the news media consistently for the last half a century and more, it is far from certain that he played an active role in the assassination.

Oswald 'had no time to fire all Kennedy bullets'

Was Oswald Framed?
Commission Exhibit 399, the so-called magic bullet, had sustained too little damage to have caused Connally's wounds, and was probably not found on Connaly's stretcher.

The rifle and bullet shells which had been discovered on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository pointed unambiguously to Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy.

The evidence assembled and considered by the Warren Commission, however, demonstrated that Oswald almost certainly had not been involved in the assassination. The rifle and bullet shells must, therefore, have been planted in order to frame Oswald.

The Magic Bullet: Commission Exhibit 399
Perhaps the most blatant indication of the framing of Oswald was the emergence of an unlikely candidate for the single bullet which supposedly caused all of Kennedy’s and Connally’s non–fatal injuries.

A bullet was discovered on a stretcher outside the operating theatre in Parkland Hospital, Dallas, at around the time when Governor Connally was undergoing emergency surgery. The Warren Commission was told that this bullet was of the same type as those found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, and that it had been fired from the rifle discovered on the sixth floor.1

Several problems soon emerged with the nature and provenance of what became known, derisively, as the magic bullet.

The CE 399 Bullet and Connally’s Wounds
It became clear that this bullet alone could not have caused all of Connally’s injuries:

  • Despite the great destruction it had apparently caused, the bullet had suffered very little damage. Its base was slightly squashed, and its copper sheath possessed several fine scratches, but the bullet was otherwise intact. It was supposed to have destroyed four inches of one of Connally’s ribs and shattered the radius bone in his wrist, one of the densest bones in the human body. To determine whether the condition of the bullet was consistent with these injuries, two sets of tests were conducted:
    • The US Army fired ten similar bullets into the wrists of human cadavers. In all ten cases, the bullets were severely damaged.2
    • The FBI fired two bullets into tubes of cotton. Both of these bullets displayed a minimal amount of damage, just like CE 399.3
  • More metal had been deposited in Governor Connally’s wounds than was missing from the bullet. The surgeons who operated on Connally noted several tiny fragments of bullet lead in his wrist, as well as a larger fragment in his thigh. Other fragments may well have been washed out when the wounds to the torso and wrist were cleaned prior to surgery. The only part of the CE 399 bullet which was not sheathed in copper, and from which the lead fragments could have come, was the base, but the only piece missing from the base was a very small sample taken by the FBI for testing. Even without that sample and another taken from the nose, the weight of the bullet was within the normal tolerance of intact bullets.4
The Provenance of the Bullet
It also became clear that the bullet presented to the Warren Commission had not come from Governor Connally’s stretcher.

There had been two stretchers outside the operating theatre: one had held Connally, while the other had had no connection with either Connally or Kennedy. Darrell Tomlinson, the hospital employee who discovered the bullet, was insistent that he had found it on the other stretcher.5

Not only had no bullet been found on Connally’s stretcher, but the bullet produced in evidence was not in fact the one discovered at the hospital. The Warren Commission’s bullet, Commission Exhibit 399, was not shown to Tomlinson during his testimony. Another hospital employee, O.P. Wright, who also saw the bullet on the stretcher, was not called to testify. Three years later, a researcher showed a photograph of the CE 399 bullet to Wright, who claimed that the bullet he had seen on the stretcher was of an entirely different type.6

More Evidence that Oswald was Framed
Like the bullet shells and rifle found on the sixth floor, the magic bullet appears to have been planted in order to incriminate Lee Harvey Oswald. Three other areas of evidence also indicated that Oswald had been framed:

The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
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Although Lee Oswald has been declared guilty by the news media consistently for the last half a century and more, it is far from certain that he played an active role in the assassination.

Oswald 'had no time to fire all Kennedy bullets'

Was Oswald Framed?
Commission Exhibit 399, the so-called magic bullet, had sustained too little damage to have caused Connally's wounds, and was probably not found on Connaly's stretcher.

The rifle and bullet shells which had been discovered on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository pointed unambiguously to Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy.

The evidence assembled and considered by the Warren Commission, however, demonstrated that Oswald almost certainly had not been involved in the assassination. The rifle and bullet shells must, therefore, have been planted in order to frame Oswald.

The Magic Bullet: Commission Exhibit 399
Perhaps the most blatant indication of the framing of Oswald was the emergence of an unlikely candidate for the single bullet which supposedly caused all of Kennedy’s and Connally’s non–fatal injuries.

A bullet was discovered on a stretcher outside the operating theatre in Parkland Hospital, Dallas, at around the time when Governor Connally was undergoing emergency surgery. The Warren Commission was told that this bullet was of the same type as those found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, and that it had been fired from the rifle discovered on the sixth floor.1

Several problems soon emerged with the nature and provenance of what became known, derisively, as the magic bullet.

The CE 399 Bullet and Connally’s Wounds
It became clear that this bullet alone could not have caused all of Connally’s injuries:

  • Despite the great destruction it had apparently caused, the bullet had suffered very little damage. Its base was slightly squashed, and its copper sheath possessed several fine scratches, but the bullet was otherwise intact. It was supposed to have destroyed four inches of one of Connally’s ribs and shattered the radius bone in his wrist, one of the densest bones in the human body. To determine whether the condition of the bullet was consistent with these injuries, two sets of tests were conducted:
    • The US Army fired ten similar bullets into the wrists of human cadavers. In all ten cases, the bullets were severely damaged.2
    • The FBI fired two bullets into tubes of cotton. Both of these bullets displayed a minimal amount of damage, just like CE 399.3
  • More metal had been deposited in Governor Connally’s wounds than was missing from the bullet. The surgeons who operated on Connally noted several tiny fragments of bullet lead in his wrist, as well as a larger fragment in his thigh. Other fragments may well have been washed out when the wounds to the torso and wrist were cleaned prior to surgery. The only part of the CE 399 bullet which was not sheathed in copper, and from which the lead fragments could have come, was the base, but the only piece missing from the base was a very small sample taken by the FBI for testing. Even without that sample and another taken from the nose, the weight of the bullet was within the normal tolerance of intact bullets.4
The Provenance of the Bullet
It also became clear that the bullet presented to the Warren Commission had not come from Governor Connally’s stretcher.

There had been two stretchers outside the operating theatre: one had held Connally, while the other had had no connection with either Connally or Kennedy. Darrell Tomlinson, the hospital employee who discovered the bullet, was insistent that he had found it on the other stretcher.5

Not only had no bullet been found on Connally’s stretcher, but the bullet produced in evidence was not in fact the one discovered at the hospital. The Warren Commission’s bullet, Commission Exhibit 399, was not shown to Tomlinson during his testimony. Another hospital employee, O.P. Wright, who also saw the bullet on the stretcher, was not called to testify. Three years later, a researcher showed a photograph of the CE 399 bullet to Wright, who claimed that the bullet he had seen on the stretcher was of an entirely different type.6

More Evidence that Oswald was Framed
Like the bullet shells and rifle found on the sixth floor, the magic bullet appears to have been planted in order to incriminate Lee Harvey Oswald. Three other areas of evidence also indicated that Oswald had been framed:

The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
The magic bullet was invented by conspiracy theorists and has been debunked. The bullets fired DIRECTLY into the wrists of cadavers are not valid for comparison. The bullet fired by Oswald passed through soft tissue before striking bone which would have slowed it down and caused it to tumble. This is why the damage to Oswalds second bullet is at the base of the bullet not the tip.

It turns out the bullet was damaged in a manner perfectly consistent with hitting two bodies as it did.

It also turns out it was missing just as much mass as it should have been consistent with the fragments in the bodies.

There was never an Oswald impersonator and he never had a career as a defector or agitator.

The evidence is crushing and no evidence disputes it despite your failed attempts
Why Helms Perjured Himself regarding Oswald.

This is a rumination on lies — layer upon layer of lies — told by US intelligence agencies and other officials about what Lee Harvey Oswald, or someone pretending to be him, was allegedly doing in Mexico City just weeks before the Kennedy assassination. The original goal, it seems, was to associate Oswald, in advance of the events of Dealey Plaza, with the USSR and Cuba.

Why CIA’s Richard Helms Lied About Oswald: Part 1 - WhoWhatWhy
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To Kill a President: Finally - an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen seeks to uncover new information about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and identify the groups who conspired to kill him.

According to Swearingen, Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in assassinating Kennedy as was claimed by the FBI, the Warren Commission and other investigating bodies. Instead, he argues that rogue CIA agents acting in concert with the mafia and certain Cuban exiles plotted to kill Kennedy. Swearingen contends that the conspiracy was covered up by the FBI, an effort that continues to this day through the agency's unwillingness to disclose key details about the events surrounding Kennedy's death.

"I want to set the record straight," Swearingen says. "The truth is my inspiration. Upholding the Constitution and exposing government corruption is my sole purpose."

A 25-year veteran of FBI field work, Swearingen was employed by the bureau in 1963 when Kennedy was shot in Dallas. Citing internal sources and information not previously released to the public, Swearingen claims that Oswald was an FBI informant who was known to government officials prior to the assassination. He argues that the statements and actions of FBI and CIA personnel indicate a cover-up, one that he believes included CIA-trained Cuban exiles and American mobsters.

"Names are named, associations are made, reasonable conjectures are served and Swearingen comes across as the real deal," explains a Kirkus Discoveries review. "He virtually dares readers to prove him wrong."

About the Author

M. Wesley Swearingen is a former FBI agent and the author of FBI Secrets: an Agent's Expose. A U.S. Navy veteran who served during World War II, Swearingen later graduated from Ohio State University and joined the FBI while it was directed by J. Edgar Hoover. Following his retirement from the FBI in 1977, Swearingen was involved in several lawsuits against the bureau related to wrongful imprisonment and civil rights violations. A licensed private investigator, Swearingen has appeared in several documentary films about the FBI and earned the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice's President's Award.
Richard Cain

In their book, Double Cross (1992), Charles and Sam Giancana (Sam's half-brother and nephew) argue that Richard Cain, along with Charlie Nicoletti, were the two gunman who killed President John F. Kennedy. The authors claim that it was Cain, rather than Lee Harvey Oswald, who fired from the 6th Floor of the Texas Book Depository.

In 1996 Eric Hamburg claimed that Cain worked with Dave Yarras and Lenny Patrick in the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas. This statement was based on information obtained from Claudia Furiati, a Brazilian journalist. Later that year Peter Dale Scott suggested that Cain was implicated in the assassination as a result of his links with Johnny Roselli and John Martino.

Richard Cain was murdered in 1973.

The Tangled Web: The Life and Death of Richard Cain - Chicago Cop and Mafia Hit Man by Michael J. Cain

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Richard Cain

In their book, Double Cross (1992), Charles and Sam Giancana (Sam's half-brother and nephew) argue that Richard Cain, along with Charlie Nicoletti, were the two gunman who killed President John F. Kennedy. The authors claim that it was Cain, rather than Lee Harvey Oswald, who fired from the 6th Floor of the Texas Book Depository.

In 1996 Eric Hamburg claimed that Cain worked with Dave Yarras and Lenny Patrick in the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas. This statement was based on information obtained from Claudia Furiati, a Brazilian journalist. Later that year Peter Dale Scott suggested that Cain was implicated in the assassination as a result of his links with Johnny Roselli and John Martino.

Richard Cain was murdered in 1973.

The Tangled Web: The Life and Death of Richard Cain - Chicago Cop and Mafia Hit Man by Michael J. Cain

And still no credible evidence

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