The Manhattan Project

Much easier to destroy then to build.

The WTC took over a decade to get built and an hour to destroy.

It does not take 10 years to build a functioning web site. That you would make the comparison is ridiculous in the extreme. They had 3 years almost 4. That you are making excuses is hilarious. And proves you are a partisan hack that would make excuses for Obama no matter what he did or did not do.

They don't call him 'Swallow' for nothing! :lol:
More "Fun With Polls"

From the Quinnipiac Poll

Republicans are obviously not doing so great right now either. People like to point to high levels of party disapproval, but let’s put things in perspective for a moment. Whom do people trust more to handle the following issues?


And here’s something that might throw you for a loop: Let’s look at how the age 18-29 crowd answers each of these — whom do the young folk trust more to handle….


The young, by and large, hold opinions almost indistinguishable from those of the median voter at a time when the latter is quite sour on Obama.

Think about it for a moment — not just through a 2014 prism, but beyond that. The Democrats have been full of crowing triumphalism over the demographic explosion they’re expecting — and part of their hope involves taking the young vote for granted. What if they’re just wrong in assuming that any other Democrat is capable of exciting the young the way Obama did in two successive elections?

- See more at: Q-Poll: Young voters trust congressional Republicans on key issues more than Obama | Conservative Intelligence Briefing

And dimocraps are the ones trying to give US advice? :lmao:
Much easier to destroy then to build.

The WTC took over a decade to get built and an hour to destroy.

Took Bush 8 years to get Bin Laden, losing thousands of soldiers, killing hundreds of thousands Iraqis and still didn't get it done. Meanwhile he nearly bankrupted the nation having to inject 700B into the economy he let go to shit by not funding the wars that produced nothing.

Obama took about 3 years...boom done.

Bush never wanted to get Bin Laden or invade Afghanistan.

It's all spelled out in the PNAC documents.
Correct me if I am in error here but back in 1941 the Democrats and the Republicans were working together to fight the common enemy we were at war with. What we have today is a republican party that is the enemy. THEY are the ones at war with America, the president, and the Democratic party. THEY are the ones who have done everything in their power to insure that ACA fails.

You're wrong.

Conservatives wanted nothing to do with WWII.

Up until December 7, 1941. Then the GOP threw its full support behind the war effort.

No they didn't.

There was a draft.

Conservatives wanted no part of the war.

When we won, however, they wanted the credit.
Much easier to destroy then to build.

The WTC took over a decade to get built and an hour to destroy.

Took Bush 8 years to get Bin Laden, losing thousands of soldiers, killing hundreds of thousands Iraqis and still didn't get it done. Meanwhile he nearly bankrupted the nation having to inject 700B into the economy he let go to shit by not funding the wars that produced nothing.

Obama took about 3 years...boom done.

Ya cause Obama started from scratch of course. As for the cost of the wars they were paid for and covered by the deficit. Obama created more debt in 4 years then Bush did in 8.

Basically, yeah..he did.

Bush did not want to get Bin Laden.

If he did?

Afghanistan would have been the beginning and end of it.

And that was over in weeks.

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