The Marxist Mob: The Most Dangerous Cult in America | Glenn TV

And what makes them Marxist?
poor parenting,,,

You mouth breathers don't even understand the ideology of Marxism, or even why it's incompatible with our system of government. I can't help your ignorance, but I know this ridiculous belief will eventually hang you for reasons you refuse to comprehend. Best of luck with that.

Marxism is incompatible with HUMAN. In the history of human evolution, MOST genetic
mutations that create a significant alteration
in the genetic code are LETHAL-----they just don't GO.

Wtf are you babbling about? Marxism is incompatible with our society. I *literally* said that in my previous comment. Please try to keep up.
And what makes them Marxist?
I'm not going to sit through some hour long video on a YouTube post. That said, here is, at least in part, a core principle of Marxism.
That is how it addresses Capitalism. Karl Marx believed that Capitalist business leaders were basically robber barons that took the sweat of their workers to profit themselves and leave the workers poor and that the workers should be the ones who reap the profits. Not the business owner and thus, it was imperative that the government control the businesses to ensure that the workers received those profits. That at its very basic, is some of Karl Marx's thinking.
But, there's a glaring problem with this. Let's take a hypothetical inventor. Under Capitalism, this inventor has just created his latest gizmo. In creating it, he/she sees that this thing could benefit the average individual and thus, sees that he could benefit the public and if he sells his product to the public, he/she can make money. To sell the product, he needs capital to start his/her business and as he/she is not rich, must obtain a loan from somewhere. If it's not something the military would be interested in, then it's off to the banks for a loan. The product is pitched to the banks and if the inventor has enough collateral to in part, back his/her new business and the bank sees that it will most likely make a good investment, they give him/her the "loan."
Our intrepid inventor now has the money....and in return, debt to start the business.
Property has to be purchased or rented.
Equipment has to be purchased so that numerous gizmos can be manufactured.
Insurance has to be obtained to cover the risk of property damage and suits from the public and/or workers.
Utilities have to be paid.
Advertising is needed to be paid for.
The inventor has to regularly work at reimbursing the bank for their financial investment.
The inventor also has his/her own family and living expenses to pay for.
In short, the gizmo inventor takes ALL the risks that come along with his/her business.
What risk does the worker who may just sit on an assembly line popping in some part of the gizmo or, package the gizmo for shipping take? None. Marx didn't think through all of the elements needed to create and run a successful business. All Marx saw in his era, were upper class rich people and struggling poor. There were no freedoms which would create a middle class. Plus, in his era, there were no unions to push for "better" wages and temporary unemployment coverage.
Then of course, with Marxism, there's no incentive to dangle in front of people to invent. No innovation. What do they do now? They steal from the west and adapt the products to their needs, but still no significant innovation.
And of course, under Marxism, there is only one political party, a strict socialist government that is oppressive and authoritarian. If after years of hard work you want to own a home, small or large, forget it. That's not acceptable.
In the end result you haven't created a "classless" society. You've created a two class society. The lower working class and the upper politburo running the government. Middle class? No such thing.
In Free Market Capitalism, individuals have the incentives and opportunities to see their personal dreams come true. In such a system. Those innovative driven individuals can become wealthy and those working for them can work their way up, perhaps breaking off on their own to see their dreams come true. And, as the government does step in with minimum wage earnings in many areas, people are paid a fair wage, something that didn't occur in Marx's era.
And what makes them Marxist?
Do you ever listen to them for more than a one second sound-bite?
I have relatives in that group who know zero about how an economy works.
They think everyone can exist on magically appearing goods and services.
And what makes them Marxist?
poor parenting,,,

You mouth breathers don't even understand the ideology of Marxism, or even why it's incompatible with our system of government. I can't help your ignorance, but I know this ridiculous belief will eventually hang you for reasons you refuse to comprehend. Best of luck with that.
Marx described why Capitalism becomes Socialism becomes Communism becomes Capitalism, etc...
Marxism is not a specific state of any of the above.
And what makes them Marxist?
Do you ever listen to them for more than a one second sound-bite?
I have relatives in that group who know zero about how an economy works.
They think everyone can exist on magically appearing goods and services.

and then there is the EXPERT ECONOMIST who imagines that money exists in giant heaps which can EASILY be given away so that everyone will have lots of money to buy everything
And what makes them Marxist?
poor parenting,,,

You mouth breathers don't even understand the ideology of Marxism, or even why it's incompatible with our system of government. I can't help your ignorance, but I know this ridiculous belief will eventually hang you for reasons you refuse to comprehend. Best of luck with that.

Marxism is incompatible with HUMAN. In the history of human evolution, MOST genetic
mutations that create a significant alteration
in the genetic code are LETHAL-----they just don't GO.

Wtf are you babbling about? Marxism is incompatible with our society. I *literally* said that in my previous comment. Please try to keep up.

oh excuse me------I was a biology major during
the acid head 60s. I don't do society----I do
And what makes them Marxist?
poor parenting,,,

You mouth breathers don't even understand the ideology of Marxism, or even why it's incompatible with our system of government. I can't help your ignorance, but I know this ridiculous belief will eventually hang you for reasons you refuse to comprehend. Best of luck with that.

Marxism is incompatible with HUMAN. In the history of human evolution, MOST genetic
mutations that create a significant alteration
in the genetic code are LETHAL-----they just don't GO.

Wtf are you babbling about? Marxism is incompatible with our society. I *literally* said that in my previous comment. Please try to keep up.

oh excuse me------I was a biology major during
the acid head 60s. I don't do society----I do

Fair enough. Then you're definitely smart enough to know we should be picking our political battles a bit better, yes?
And what makes them Marxist?
poor parenting,,,

You mouth breathers don't even understand the ideology of Marxism, or even why it's incompatible with our system of government. I can't help your ignorance, but I know this ridiculous belief will eventually hang you for reasons you refuse to comprehend. Best of luck with that.

Marxism is incompatible with HUMAN. In the history of human evolution, MOST genetic
mutations that create a significant alteration
in the genetic code are LETHAL-----they just don't GO.

Wtf are you babbling about? Marxism is incompatible with our society. I *literally* said that in my previous comment. Please try to keep up.

oh excuse me------I was a biology major during
the acid head 60s. I don't do society----I do

Fair enough. Then you're definitely smart enough to know we should be picking our political battles a bit better, yes?
With a beaker.
this should help put things in perspective,,,

I disagree. I know a bunch of guys who have done their time in the military and would love if some of these jokers got uppity and tried their shit. They live for this crap, Just like bikers, pilots, cops,and disgruntled democrats, never let a good whine and snotty nose go to waste. We deserve a TV, microwave and ability to beat a few 90 year olds out of their Social Security. Even us White guys like blowing stuff up not so much burning though, ESPECIALLY our own neighborhoods Yep I don't know a White Man that has to walk 15 miles to the local 7/11 or Wendy's
And what makes them Marxist?
poor parenting,,,

You mouth breathers don't even understand the ideology of Marxism, or even why it's incompatible with our system of government. I can't help your ignorance, but I know this ridiculous belief will eventually hang you for reasons you refuse to comprehend. Best of luck with that.

Marxism is incompatible with HUMAN. In the history of human evolution, MOST genetic
mutations that create a significant alteration
in the genetic code are LETHAL-----they just don't GO.

Wtf are you babbling about? Marxism is incompatible with our society. I *literally* said that in my previous comment. Please try to keep up.

oh excuse me------I was a biology major during
the acid head 60s. I don't do society----I do

Fair enough. Then you're definitely smart enough to know we should be picking our political battles a bit better, yes?

this should help put things in perspective,,,

I disagree. I know a bunch of guys who have done their time in the military and would love if some of these jokers got uppity and tried their shit. They live for this crap, Just like bikers, pilots, cops,and disgruntled democrats, never let a good whine and snotty nose go to waste. We deserve a TV, microwave and ability to beat a few 90 year olds out of their Social Security. Even us White guys like blowing stuff up not so much burning though, ESPECIALLY our own neighborhoods Yep I don't know a White Man that has to walk 15 miles to the local 7/11 or Wendy's

And what makes them Marxist?
poor parenting,,,

You mouth breathers don't even understand the ideology of Marxism, or even why it's incompatible with our system of government. I can't help your ignorance, but I know this ridiculous belief will eventually hang you for reasons you refuse to comprehend. Best of luck with that.

Marxism is incompatible with HUMAN. In the history of human evolution, MOST genetic
mutations that create a significant alteration
in the genetic code are LETHAL-----they just don't GO.

Wtf are you babbling about? Marxism is incompatible with our society. I *literally* said that in my previous comment. Please try to keep up.

oh excuse me------I was a biology major during
the acid head 60s. I don't do society----I do

Fair enough. Then you're definitely smart enough to know we should be picking our political battles a bit better, yes?


Whales. We have to save the whales. Duh. :04:
this should help put things in perspective,,,

Not the big bad bogeyman is out to get you AGAIN scenario!
You nonse's have been pedaling that shit for decades!
And how come whether Russian or Black they are always Marxist?

is that what you limey pricks call a neville chamberlin moment???

and youre welcome for saving your ass from the nazis,,,

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