The Maskers look really dumb now!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little To No Difference' In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection | ZeroHedge

I'm laughing....the willfully ignorant get increasingly pwnd literally by the day. On COVID and the stabs.

My shoulder is getting sore after 18 months of THIS.....


Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little To No Difference' In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection | ZeroHedge

I'm laughing....the willfully ignorant get increasingly pwnd literally by the day. On COVID and the stabs.

My shoulder is getting sore after 18 months of THIS.....

View attachment 752999
Just keep believing what you want. It is a free country after all...even if you are constantly incorrect. :)

From the linked study.

Authors' conclusions

The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.

So basically, the study is useless. The CDC's recommendations...hold.
Sorry, but thanks for playing.
The fact that so many people started to get various illnesses in droves AFTER the mask rules were repealed...strongly suggests that we WERE being protected from various diseases while wearing it... And because of the extended protection, our immune systems were not updated regularly by constant exposure. When the masks came off the updating began.

But regardless of that, aside from the first few months of the official pandemic, I was never particularly afraid of getting covid. Eventually I did get it... 2 months after my second vaccine...and it sucked. But I came, I saw, I conquered and life goes on.
The fact that so many people started to get various illnesses in droves AFTER the mask rules were repealed...strongly suggests that we WERE being protected from various diseases while wearing it... And because of the extended protection, our immune systems were not updated regularly by constant exposure. When the masks came off the updating began.

But regardless of that, aside from the first few months of the official pandemic, I was never particularly afraid of getting covid. Eventually I did get it... 2 months after my second vaccine...and it sucked. But I came, I saw, I conquered and life goes on.
Wearing a facediaper while sick is are sucking bacteria right back into your lungs and also some of your own CO2.
The fact that so many people started to get various illnesses in droves AFTER the mask rules were repealed...strongly suggests that we WERE being protected from various diseases while wearing it... And because of the extended protection, our immune systems were not updated regularly by constant exposure. When the masks came off the updating began.

But regardless of that, aside from the first few months of the official pandemic, I was never particularly afraid of getting covid. Eventually I did get it... 2 months after my second vaccine...and it sucked. But I came, I saw, I conquered and life goes on.

Or it could have been from the increased isolation.
Or it could have been from the increased isolation.
Probably both as they have the same effect. If masks didn't make a difference doctors wouldn't be required wear them in OR's and ICU's. That's a trend that predates the plandemic by quite a stretch.
Or it could have been from the increased isolation.
Actually no. Being as antisocial as I am, I was really no less social than I was before the pandemic. And being that I had an essential job I never stopped working. I worked directly for the common public exposed to hundreds if not thousands of people everyday. When I finally had the mask off for a while I began to get more nagging little ailments. It was obviously a direct result of that. Although I can see your point how isolation may have been a factor with some folks.
Probably both as they have the same effect. If masks didn't make a difference doctors wouldn't be required wear them in OR's and ICU's. That's a trend that predates the plandemic by quite a stretch.

They don't wear them to prevent aerosol borne viruses. It is primarily to prevent spatter. At most it prevents their droplets if they sneeze from ending up on someone else and from someone else's ejections from hitting them in the mouth or going up their nose, but aerosols, by which colds, flu, covid are spread? Nada.

Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little To No Difference' In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection | ZeroHedge

I'm laughing....the willfully ignorant get increasingly pwnd literally by the day. On COVID and the stabs.

My shoulder is getting sore after 18 months of THIS.....

View attachment 752999

The left forced people out of their jobs over this. They tried to take peoples' children away. They destroyed thousands of small businesses. They forced children out of school for two years.

Crimes against humanity.
Probably both as they have the same effect. If masks didn't make a difference doctors wouldn't be required wear them in OR's and ICU's. That's a trend that predates the plandemic by quite a stretch.
The docs wear them to prevent bacteria from getting into open cuts of the patient, not to prevent viruses from spreading.
Actually no. Being as antisocial as I am, I was really no less social than I was before the pandemic. And being that I had an essential job I never stopped working. I worked directly for the common public exposed to hundreds if not thousands of people everyday. When I finally had the mask off for a while I began to get more nagging little ailments. It was obviously a direct result of that. Although I can see your point how isolation may have been a factor with some folks.
Baloney. It had nothing to do with any facediaper.
Your facediaper is not being worn for your protection anyway.
Probably both as they have the same effect. If masks didn't make a difference doctors wouldn't be required wear them in OR's and ICU's. That's a trend that predates the plandemic by quite a stretch.

Hospitals are different than any other location as operating areas are rigorously controlled environments, with strict HVAC guidelines for air changes as well as purification.

And the masks aren't there to stop lung to lung spread, but mouth/nose to open wound spread.
They don't wear them to prevent aerosol borne viruses. It is primarily to prevent spatter. At most it prevents their droplets if they sneeze from ending up on someone else and from someone else's ejections from hitting them in the mouth or going up their nose, but aerosols, by which colds, flu, covid are spread? Nada.
Most human-borne airborne viruses are actually suspended in water droplets that would be stuck in your mask anyway. Nothing is perfect and certainly some escape. But regardless of this argument the removal of my mask was the only change that coincided with me getting a little bit more sick for a while, as I am already fairly antisocial and don't do a lot of visiting or mingling. I also finally got covid after I stopped wearing a mask as did the majority of my coworkers.
still wear one some.

"Oh you don't need to wear a mask here"

"Think I have COVID"

"Keep it on"

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