The Math of Goddesses(?), Or Of The Pythagorean Religion--Democrats Do The Income Scale


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
This week, the stock market even awaits the October jobs report, to try to guess Federal Reserve Bank interest rate policy. Major problem with economics, that has been happening for about 5000 years, and is generally not well understood: In any of them(?). The ancient Sumer would repay a loan of three bags of barley, with four. The Code of Hammurabi tried to cap usury. In the same Code, the male head of household could sell the wife and kids into slavery for settlement of debts. Kind of like a first start at the welfare state, pop may have messed up, but the wife and kids got housed, clothed, and fed.

Moses, educated out of Imperial Egypt, employed usury as a subjugation form, for the foreign: And nobody so-stated, (Deuteronomy 23:19-20). The effect was finally shown in the New Testament, Matthew 25:14-30, and nobody so-stated--even going forward to Mohammed the Prophet, Adam Smith the economist, Karl Marx the revolutionary, or John Maynard Keynes--more or less the concept that runs the economies of the world, right now. Interest rates are used to regulate the money supply. Keynes was gay, and no one so states his other claim to fame: "He bade the people bend over, and await the Public Works!"

Economic failure has been ingrained in Western Civilization, and likely in the fossil record. No one so-states the remedy. That is inverse usury, in Matthew 20:1-16. Like the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid, "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," the people get an equal amount regardless if they had worked all the year or not, like in the story, regardless if they had worked all the day or not.

Again, no one so-states: Even after the Republicans, took the refundable credit away, in 2011.

Go back to the Matthew 25:14-30 story, and see the introduction of the foreign religion of the Pythagoreans into Old Testament Israel, soon to be in the New Testament. A vertical line, length 5 is shown. Perpendicular to that, a top-line length 5 is shown. An hypoteneuse, more or less length seven is shown. The decimal point would not be invented for another 1000 years. The household that should have been enriched eight talents, was only enriched seven. Eventually, even Lehman Brothers would come tumbling on down--if not right way.

Bill Clinton, likely understanding more about Secretary Reich--who did similar math, not noting the stories: Put into place the $500 per child, equal amount tax credit. The Democrats had created the raised and Indexed, Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption equal amounts, in the 1986 Tax Reform. Those two measures are still in place, essentially throwing people off the tax rolls, so the tax breaks don't get applied any more, in actual savings. Senator McGovern had proposed $1000 for every Man, Woman, and Child--presumably humans--after Nixon had imposed fixed percentage Wage-Price Guidelines. Liberal Republican, President Gerald Ford, would create a non-refundable $50.00 rebate, setting in motion a followed precedent, happening every so often.

The Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid, Refundable Credit went directly to the sources. Living Wage Ordinances, and Minimum Wage increases, go directly to the sources. Indexing an equal amount raise would be similar to the old CBA cost-of-living adjustments, $0.01 per hour for a specified rise in the Consumer Price Index. That could further be indexed to account for the loss of purchasing power, of the amount. Senator Sanders has proposed a $15.00 federal minimum wage. Secretary Clinton is on board with $12.00 per hour, federal minimum wage.

Comparing, even Social Security simply uses the usury, fixed percentage. No equal amounts are paid. The benefit amounts are not equal.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many get equal amounts. Go to market place. Many buy food. Many buy clothing. Many put some to the Money Changers. Many buy sacred vision materials, instead(?)! Many maybe then pack studio, at CNBC, GOP debate(?)."
So Marx never mentioned the banks?

‘A bank represents on the one hand the centralization of money capital, of the lenders, and on the other hand the centralization of the borrowers. It makes its profit in general by borrowing at lower rates than those at which it lends.’

In other words, banks were not a scam to systematically rob people but institutions which played an essential role in the operation of the capitalist system.
The cited Marx passage is about only fixed percentage usury rates. The Matthew 25 story introduces that concept in the further concept of an income scale. Arithmetic denominated currencies are shown to be the source of the scale, in fact. Even that concept, most people never bring up. "Some have more, others have less," is about as far as it goes. Many ancients, and modern primitives, have no concept of four or above. "Many" happens, after two or three. The Middle East had a developing concept of numbers, and their uses, a lot of time units, ago, (as in "many").

Mohammed banned usury, so even Bank of Dubai now has an elaborate description of what it pays, similar to the explanations of banks in Israel. Adam Smith conceded a regulated usury, fixed rates, which US Federal Reserve does, mainly following Keynes. Adam Smith never applied the concept of an income scale manipulating supply and demand. Fewer people can afford a product, lesser demand happens, lesser supply happens. Lamborghini Veneno had only three units produced. They are $4.5 mil. per. That is really not about supply and demand, working naturally on the earth. That is about an acquired taste, easily rejected, as in not demanded. About them, who even knew(?)!

The naturally attributed subjugation rules of Moses of Egypt: Are thought natural, and from a formless, nameless deity. Finally Acts 7:22 indirectly states that Moses had to learn his stuff, however. It was from the Imperialist regime of Egypt. It even had a concept of deities. Israel was further allowed to have none of the other known deities even celebrated, no one so-states. The other deities were thought capable, apparently, of far less damage than was the one allegedly creator of the Christ of Israel. The concept is not of a universal deity. A case could even be made that it was an SPCA for pigs. Consumption of humans was also prohibited. Now the planet has problem of just how many of the humans actually exist, all at the same time. No one suggests a supply and demand problem, other than the Chinese. The one child only policy has apparently been rescinded, maybe due to the air pollution. If the babies can suck some of it up. . . .then maybe there will be less supply for everyone else(?).

Like the income scale, there are all kinds of explanations for supply and demand. One explanation is lack of money. One explanation is too much money. There is even the concept of No Money At All(?). Attention even gets turned to the supply and demand just of that. The Chinese bought US Treasuries. Now the Americans can buy Chinese products and concepts. They are called socialists, but they seem to do supply and demand. Ronald Reagan flooded the economy with bogus deficit dollars. Now there are Self-Reliant Conservatives(?), clearly independent of anything having anything to do with government, like a currency(?).

Usury manipulates all of that. An Inverse Usury can become a remedy of the atrocity consequences.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Many Chinese--not yet delivering goods on bicycles, on Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
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The cited Marx passage is about only fixed percentage usury rates. The Matthew 25 story introduces that concept in the further concept of an income scale. Arithmetic denominated currencies are shown to be the source of the scale, in fact. Even that concept, most people never bring up. "Some have more, others have less," is about as far as it goes. Many ancients, and modern primitives, have no concept of four or above. "Many" happens, after two or three. The Middle East had a developing concept of numbers, and their uses, a lot of time units, ago, (as in "many").

Mohammed banned usury, so even Bank of Dubai now has an elaborate description of what it pays, similar to the explanations of banks in Israel. Adam Smith conceded a regulated usury, fixed rates, which US Federal Reserve does, mainly following Keynes. Adam Smith never applied the concept of an income scale manipulating supply and demand. Fewer people can afford a product, lesser demand happens, lesser supply happens. Lamborghini Veneno had only three units produced. They are $4.5 mil. per. That is really not about supply and demand, working naturally on the earth. That is about an acquired taste, easily rejected, as in not demanded. About them, who even knew(?)!

The naturally attributed subjugation rules of Moses of Egypt: Are thought natural, and from a formless, nameless deity. Finally Acts 7:22 indirectly states that Moses had to learn his stuff, however. It was from the Imperialist regime of Egypt. It even had a concept of deities. Israel was further allowed to have none of the other known deities even celebrated, no one so-states. The other deities were thought capable, apparently, of far less damage than was the one allegedly creator of the Christ of Israel. The concept is not of a universal deity. A case could even be made that it was an SPCA for pigs. Consumption of humans was also prohibited. Now the planet has problem of just how many of the humans actually exist, all at the same time. No one suggests a supply and demand problem, other than the Chinese. The one child only policy has apparently been rescinded, maybe due to the air pollution. If the babies can suck some of it up. . . .then maybe there will be less supply for everyone else(?).

Like the income scale, there are all kinds of explanations for supply and demand. One explanation is lack of money. One explanation is too much money. There is even the concept of No Money At All(?). Attention even gets turned to the supply and demand just of that. The Chinese bought US Treasuries. Now the Americans can buy Chinese products and concepts. They are called socialists, but they seem to do supply and demand. Ronald Reagan flooded the economy with bogus deficit dollars. Now there are Self-Reliant Conservatives(?), clearly independent of anything having anything to do with government, like a currency(?).

Usury manipulates all of that. An Inverse Usury can become a remedy of the atrocity consequences.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Many Chinese--not yet delivering goods on bicycles, on Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
yet another liberal retard speaking gibberish!
The President of the United States already remarked about the EwardBaiamonte poster types, who had appeared at the CNBC debate. Not only nothing of substance, but one of the presidential hopefuls has motivated 500,000 people, in a matter of hours, to ask Saturday Night Live to cancel his appearance as a guest hose.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!
(Many now understand new language concept: T-Rump, hole(?), (ho'lay(?))!)
The President of the United States already remarked about the EwardBaiamonte poster types, who had appeared at the CNBC debate. Not only nothing of substance, but one of the presidential hopefuls has motivated 500,000 people, in a matter of hours, to ask Saturday Night Live to cancel his appearance as a guest hose.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!
(Many now understand new language concept: T-Rump, hole(?), (ho'lay(?))!)
yet another liberal retard speaking gibberish that no one understands!

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