The Media may be the among the biggest threats to our Constitutional Republic


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
The media is at all out war with Conservative and Right wing values. The media affects a vast portion of not only the citizens of this country, but globally as well. A large swath of citizens are easily swayed by fake news and emotionally charged stories labeled "news" that in fact, only represent biased political views while completely stifling any opposing views with slanderous, misleading propaganda that is cleverly manipulated to cause many important topics to make Left values appear virtuous and proper when in fact the exact opposite is the case.

This is dangerous to a society.

By controlling nearly ALL the media, the Left has an ominous advantage over the opposition. To the extent that it represents a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic.

Feeble Democrat minds are not able to discriminate fact from fiction.....but they can still cast a vote.
The left media portrays blacks as victims, even when a white man is killed at the hands of a violent mob. This is wrong. The left media withholds the identity of perpetrators when they are non white - but quickly grandstands rare incidents where a white person was the perpetrator. Again, this is wrong.

The American media is probably the most profound and dangerous collection of media since WWII and among the most prolific dangers to a free society.

David Boardman, chairman of the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press, says in response to Attorny General Jeff Sessions' assertion that the press must stop benefiting from and assisting with these illegal leaks.....

"What the attorney general is suggesting is a dangerous threat to the freedom of the American people to know and understand what their leaders are doing, and why," Boardman said in a statement.

This is not freedom of the press......this is true collusion to sabotage and undermine the office of the President of the United States of America

Something MUST be done.

The current level of attack on our Constitutional Republic is unprecedented and has been long coming. For decades, the Right has either willfully turned a blind eye to what was happening or was "shamed" into submission and called out as racist and bigoted if any attempt to level the playing field was attempted.

The path we are on has no good outcome for the Right wing or America. Continuing on the path as it has ben for over 50 years now is guaranteed to bring the demise of our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Socialist oligarchy where those who are not loyal to specific government leaders are sidelined and deprived basic human needs. I offer Venezuela as a stark, relatively close modern reminder.
You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>
The media is at all out war with Conservative and Right wing values. The media affects a vast portion of not only the citizens of this country, but globally as well. A large swath of citizens are easily swayed by fake news and emotionally charged stories labeled "news" that in fact, only represent biased political views while completely stifling any opposing views with slanderous, misleading propaganda that is cleverly manipulated to cause many important topics to make Left values appear virtuous and proper when in fact the exact opposite is the case.

This is dangerous to a society.

By controlling nearly ALL the media, the Left has an ominous advantage over the opposition. To the extent that it represents a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic.

Feeble Democrat minds are not able to discriminate fact from fiction.....but they can still cast a vote.
The left media portrays blacks as victims, even when a white man is killed at the hands of a violent mob. This is wrong. The left media withholds the identity of perpetrators when they are non white - but quickly grandstands rare incidents where a white person was the perpetrator. Again, this is wrong.

The American media is probably the most profound and dangerous collection of media since WWII and among the most prolific dangers to a free society.

David Boardman, chairman of the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press, says in response to Attorny General Jeff Sessions' assertion that the press must stop benefiting from and assisting with these illegal leaks.....

"What the attorney general is suggesting is a dangerous threat to the freedom of the American people to know and understand what their leaders are doing, and why," Boardman said in a statement.

This is not freedom of the press......this is true collusion to sabotage and undermine the office of the President of the United States of America

Something MUST be done.

The current level of attack on our Constitutional Republic is unprecedented and has been long coming. For decades, the Right has either willfully turned a blind eye to what was happening or was "shamed" into submission and called out as racist and bigoted if any attempt to level the playing field was attempted.

The path we are on has no good outcome for the Right wing or America. Continuing on the path as it has ben for over 50 years now is guaranteed to bring the demise of our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Socialist oligarchy where those who are not loyal to specific government leaders are sidelined and deprived basic human needs. I offer Venezuela as a stark, relatively close modern reminder.

You want the government to reign in the media? That doesn't sound very conservative.
The media is rightfully protected by the U.S. Constitution. Who would want it any other way? The problem comes when we allow the media to be a propaganda arm of mostly democrat party regimes. Lincoln suspended the 1st Amendment (and others) during the Civil War and FDR suspended the 1st Amendment freedom of the press (and others) during WW2. Those days are over but Barry Hussein tried an end run around the Constitution when it seemed that right wing talk radio became too popular. High profile democrats, supported by liberal universities, proposed an ironically named bill called the "Fairness Doctrine" (popularly called Hush Rush) which was intended to "level the playing field in politics" by forcing right wing independent radio stations to broadcast left wing propaganda. It didn't fly because democrats, as usual, underestimated the intelligence of Americans in the age of information.
first, the media insnt all left wing, so from that point on the op is full of shit.

You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>
The media is NOT protected against libel and slander.
Americans, favoring an attack upon a Free Press, in violation of the US Constitution?

American military and law enforcement and federal appointees are all sworn to defend the US Constitution "...against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." .

Those who favor an attack upon a Free Press fall under the category of "domestic" enemy of The People and the Republic and the Constitution.

Enemies.... of our liberties and the rule of law and our traditions of governance and our social contract.

Mortal enemies.

Shallow, un-thinking 'bots', mind you, but, nevertheless...

Mortal enemies.

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You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>

STFU ya pole smoker.
You wont do shit and you know it. Unless you've gone butch in the last few days you'll be sucking cock for protection if the shit hits the fan.
The media is at all out war with Conservative and Right wing values. The media affects a vast portion of not only the citizens of this country, but globally as well. A large swath of citizens are easily swayed by fake news and emotionally charged stories labeled "news" that in fact, only represent biased political views while completely stifling any opposing views with slanderous, misleading propaganda that is cleverly manipulated to cause many important topics to make Left values appear virtuous and proper when in fact the exact opposite is the case.

This is dangerous to a society.

By controlling nearly ALL the media, the Left has an ominous advantage over the opposition. To the extent that it represents a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic.

Feeble Democrat minds are not able to discriminate fact from fiction.....but they can still cast a vote.
The left media portrays blacks as victims, even when a white man is killed at the hands of a violent mob. This is wrong. The left media withholds the identity of perpetrators when they are non white - but quickly grandstands rare incidents where a white person was the perpetrator. Again, this is wrong.

The American media is probably the most profound and dangerous collection of media since WWII and among the most prolific dangers to a free society.

David Boardman, chairman of the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press, says in response to Attorny General Jeff Sessions' assertion that the press must stop benefiting from and assisting with these illegal leaks.....

"What the attorney general is suggesting is a dangerous threat to the freedom of the American people to know and understand what their leaders are doing, and why," Boardman said in a statement.

This is not freedom of the press......this is true collusion to sabotage and undermine the office of the President of the United States of America

Something MUST be done.

The current level of attack on our Constitutional Republic is unprecedented and has been long coming. For decades, the Right has either willfully turned a blind eye to what was happening or was "shamed" into submission and called out as racist and bigoted if any attempt to level the playing field was attempted.

The path we are on has no good outcome for the Right wing or America. Continuing on the path as it has ben for over 50 years now is guaranteed to bring the demise of our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Socialist oligarchy where those who are not loyal to specific government leaders are sidelined and deprived basic human needs. I offer Venezuela as a stark, relatively close modern reminder.

You want the government to reign in the media? That doesn't sound very conservative.
No we want the Media to not be a hit squad for the Democratic Party. The Media is contributing to the total division of this country and that is absolutely a threat. Just read this board to get a sense how divided we are.
You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>

STFU ya pole smoker.
You wont do shit and you know it. Unless you've gone butch in the last few days you'll be sucking cock for protection if the shit hits the fan.

I know quite a few female 2nd amendment activists who would just as soon double tap you as to look at you .. muscle one, they'll make you famous.
You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>

STFU ya pole smoker.
You wont do shit and you know it. Unless you've gone butch in the last few days you'll be sucking cock for protection if the shit hits the fan.

I know quite a few female 2nd amendment activists who would just as soon double tap you as to look at you .. muscle one, they'll make you famous.

Hardly...we'd end up drinking beer and talking about our latest firearm purchase and what mods we've done to our current firearms.
And of course the conversation would invariably turn to you liberal cocksuckers and your gun grabber ways.
You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>

STFU ya pole smoker.
You wont do shit and you know it. Unless you've gone butch in the last few days you'll be sucking cock for protection if the shit hits the fan.

I know quite a few female 2nd amendment activists who would just as soon double tap you as to look at you .. muscle one, they'll make you famous.

Hardly...we'd end up drinking beer and talking about our latest firearm purchase and what mods we've done to our current firearms.
And of course the conversation would invariably turn to you liberal cocksuckers and your gun grabber ways.

fuk off pumpkin, I own more guns than you have IQ points ... gun grabber my ass.. meh
most of the media is out of control today. They are slandering and lying and making public classified info from the highest office of out government. That is not covered by the first amendment.
You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>

STFU ya pole smoker.
You wont do shit and you know it. Unless you've gone butch in the last few days you'll be sucking cock for protection if the shit hits the fan.

I know quite a few female 2nd amendment activists who would just as soon double tap you as to look at you .. muscle one, they'll make you famous.

Hardly...we'd end up drinking beer and talking about our latest firearm purchase and what mods we've done to our current firearms.
And of course the conversation would invariably turn to you liberal cocksuckers and your gun grabber ways.

fuk off pumpkin, I own more guns than you have IQ points ... gun grabber my ass.. meh

I highly doubt your claim.
But I'm not about to get into a "my dick is bigger than yours" based on numbers of firearms I own.
Thats a liberal argument.
The media has built walls around their news rooms. No conservatives allowed, that kind of inbreeding breeds very one sided news reporting. The news media in America is broken and won't be fixed until they take down those walls.
Interesting and important topic. Has been battled out over the course of this Great Country since the days of Jefferson and Adams...the forerunners of the Republicans and the the Heartland and the Rotting City Elites.

What is noticeable is that the battle has not been so bad since Jefferson and Adams.

Back then, as now, the Northeastern Elites---(The Pilgram/Massachusetts Heritage--who declared themselves the Elect of God)---those Assholes---they thought the Rubes (everybody else) were too poorly educated to elect rulers; that they (the The Puritan Assholes) were burdened by God with the care of the poor Rubes, and they must therefore have Control in order to make the Rubes listen...for the Rubes persistently tpld the Puritan Assholes to go Fuck themselves.

That's the way it was then and that is the way it is today.

The Puritans (NewEngland/NewYork/NewJerseyRottingCityAssholes) no longer know God but they still love Control. And, they are winning because of an unfortunate concurrence of independent but interrelated phenomena---1) the Media is both more corrupt and powerful today....and it has more completely abandoned the duty they assumed when they were granted special protection under the becoming unabashedly the Propaganda Wing for the Democratic Party....on the same specious reasoning the Puritans used to burn witches in Massachusetts

-----They know whats best for the Rubes.

And, the Republican Causas has an unusually high percentage of Pussies in it.

Control of the Media is so complete, it really does not phase us Rubes anymore. We don't pay any attention to it, but we have noticed that it scares the shit out of the Pussy Republicans we have been electing. Why do Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy appear the be the only members of the Republican Caucas in the whole House....with a set of balls?

Same old fight, but Puritans are winning and they ain't really Puritans anymore....they're Bolsheviks.


You're nuts. YOu're the biggest threat to this country and our future.

The media is protected under the first amendment idiot.

Now eat shit! If you attack our Constitution I will lock in load. Want war?>

STFU ya pole smoker.
You wont do shit and you know it. Unless you've gone butch in the last few days you'll be sucking cock for protection if the shit hits the fan.

I know quite a few female 2nd amendment activists who would just as soon double tap you as to look at you .. muscle one, they'll make you famous.

Hardly...we'd end up drinking beer and talking about our latest firearm purchase and what mods we've done to our current firearms.
And of course the conversation would invariably turn to you liberal cocksuckers and your gun grabber ways.

fuk off pumpkin, I own more guns than you have IQ points ... gun grabber my ass.. meh

I highly doubt your claim.
But I'm not about to get into a "my dick is bigger than yours" based on numbers of firearms I own.
Thats a liberal argument.

if you had a dick ..

57 Smith 29/44 nickle/pacmayr in ONE of my Browning gun safes is worth more than your car.

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