The Mega Failures of the Bush Administration, will Forever Haunt America, even 20 Years Later.

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Bush and the GOP failed so bad, so many times it is hard to pick their biggest failure, but the insane Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are at the top of the list.

The GOP were in charge of these wars. Bush was Comander in chief. Bush was the "Decider" (remember that). If you opposed these wars you were labeled a traitor

Remember Freedom Fries. Go look that up again... That was pure GOP, as the Wars in the Mid-East were pure GOP.

For some reason the idiot GOP was obsessed with going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in US history that is going to haunt and hurt America for years to come.

This is what watching Fake Fox News does. It destroys America and crushes our citizens, and our finances.

Bush and the GOP failed so bad, so many times it is hard to pick their biggest failure, but the insane Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are at the top of the list.

The GOP were in charge of these wars. Bush was Comander in chief. Bush was the "Decider" (remember that). If you opposed these wars you were labeled a traitor

Remember Freedom Fries. Go look that up again... That was pure GOP, as the Wars in the Mid-East were pure GOP.

For some reason the idiot GOP was obsessed with going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in US history that is going to haunt and hurt America for years to come.

This is what watching Fake Fox News does. It destroys America and crushes our citizens, and our finances.

You're so desperate to cast blame for Biden's screwups on a Republican.
Democrats take a working situation and screw it usual....and you Dumbasses think you can get away with projecting all of this on the GOP.
It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that the only thing Democrats are any good at is making up accusations. They suck when it comes to leadership.
Bush and the GOP failed so bad, so many times it is hard to pick their biggest failure, but the insane Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are at the top of the list.

The GOP were in charge of these wars. Bush was Comander in chief. Bush was the "Decider" (remember that). If you opposed these wars you were labeled a traitor

Remember Freedom Fries. Go look that up again... That was pure GOP, as the Wars in the Mid-East were pure GOP.

For some reason the idiot GOP was obsessed with going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in US history that is going to haunt and hurt America for years to come.

This is what watching Fake Fox News does. It destroys America and crushes our citizens, and our finances.

Certainly bit Biden in the ass.
It's spelled B I D E N.
Yes, Biden did screw up the withdraw, badly, but none of this would have happened in the first place if Bush, Rumsfeld, and their merry band of neo-cons hadn't changed the mission in Afghanistan in the first place. Once they did that the war was lost.
You're so desperate to cast blame for Biden's screwups on a Republican.
Democrats take a working situation and screw it usual....and you Dumbasses think you can get away with projecting all of this on the GOP.
It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that the only thing Democrats are any good at is making up accusations. They suck when it comes to leadership.
Democrats were distracted from. Afghanistan by a larger and more important war. The war against the American people. The greatest enemy is white supremacy. General Milley sees his role as an American General fighting white rage. The Pentagon's chief concern is transsexuals and encouraging the authentic transsexual self. First the military got too fight. Then it got too woke to care. This is the result.
Bush and the GOP failed so bad, so many times it is hard to pick their biggest failure, but the insane Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are at the top of the list.

The GOP were in charge of these wars. Bush was Comander in chief. Bush was the "Decider" (remember that). If you opposed these wars you were labeled a traitor

Remember Freedom Fries. Go look that up again... That was pure GOP, as the Wars in the Mid-East were pure GOP.

For some reason the idiot GOP was obsessed with going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in US history that is going to haunt and hurt America for years to come.

This is what watching Fake Fox News does. It destroys America and crushes our citizens, and our finances.

biden owns the withdrawal failure which will be felt for decades
Bush and the GOP failed so bad, so many times it is hard to pick their biggest failure, but the insane Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are at the top of the list
He left behind a financial meltdown and two hideous wars.

What a fuckin' disaster.

And the right wingers here, now anti-war Trumpsters and ersatz populists, were defending ALL of it.
It's spelled B I D E N.
No, no, no, no. Your guys don't get to lead a clusterfuck and then blame it on the opposition - AGAIN....
Weirdest thing I've never understood about right-wing, conservative, neocon, trailer trash, Deplorable losers - always calling for personal responsibility from EVERYONE, yet every single fuck-up they've been responsible for, they try and blame the other guy. Iraq/Afghanistan are 100 per cent conservative wars. 100 per cent. Own it. Grow the fuck up and some balls and take responsibilty.
Bush and the GOP failed so bad, so many times it is hard to pick their biggest failure, but the insane Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are at the top of the list.

The GOP were in charge of these wars. Bush was Comander in chief. Bush was the "Decider" (remember that). If you opposed these wars you were labeled a traitor

Remember Freedom Fries. Go look that up again... That was pure GOP, as the Wars in the Mid-East were pure GOP.

For some reason the idiot GOP was obsessed with going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in US history that is going to haunt and hurt America for years to come.

This is what watching Fake Fox News does. It destroys America and crushes our citizens, and our finances.

Since you have a gross mental issue regarding memory... Let me refresh it..

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Democrats were distracted from. Afghanistan by a larger and more important war. The war against the American people. The greatest enemy is white supremacy. General Milley sees his role as an American General fighting white rage. The Pentagon's chief concern is transsexuals and encouraging the authentic transsexual self. First the military got too fight. Then it got too woke to care. This is the result.
You're either nuts or echoing something you've heard from one of the AM Radio talking heads; you sure can't provide any probative facts to support your bullshit.
Since you have a gross mental issue regarding memory... Let me refresh it..


Dems do get some blame, maybe 5% of the blame.

The rest pure GOP.

Go look up Freedom Fries, maybe you weren't alive when that was happening so you don't remember what all the idiot republicans were saying back in 2003...
No, no, no, no. Your guys don't get to lead a clusterfuck and then blame it on the opposition - AGAIN....
Weirdest thing I've never understood about right-wing, conservative, neocon, trailer trash, Deplorable losers - always calling for personal responsibility from EVERYONE, yet every single fuck-up they've been responsible for, they try and blame the other guy. Iraq/Afghanistan are 100 per cent conservative wars. 100 per cent. Own it. Grow the fuck up and some balls and take responsibilty.

Dems do get some blame, maybe 5% of the blame.

The rest pure GOP.

Go look up Freedom Fries, maybe you weren't alive when that was happening so you don't remember what all the idiot republicans were saying back in 2003...

Let me refresh your memory once more... Only one Democrat dissented and voted Nay.

"On Sept. 14, 2001 — just days after three airplanes burrowed into Manhattan's World Trade Center and the Pentagon building outside Washington, D.C. — the United States House of Representatives voted 420-1 on a resolution that "authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against" any country involved in the attacks on 9/11.
That resolution, which flew through the Senate without a single vote against, quickly established itself as the foundational doctrine for what would just weeks later become Operation Enduring Freedom. The effort is now better known as the United States invasion of Afghanistan, the decades-long war which this weekend ended with the rapid implosion of the Western-backed Afghan government and the reclamation of the country by fundamentalist Taliban forces."
Yes, Biden did screw up the withdraw, badly, but none of this would have happened in the first place if Bush, Rumsfeld, and their merry band of neo-cons hadn't changed the mission in Afghanistan in the first place. Once they did that the war was lost. case you didn't know....Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden are all in the same cabal. They are just a continuation of the same organization. Note that Trump was never invited to go in with them because he didn't want to go along with their bull shit.
Bush and the GOP failed so bad, so many times it is hard to pick their biggest failure, but the insane Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are at the top of the list.

The GOP were in charge of these wars. Bush was Comander in chief. Bush was the "Decider" (remember that). If you opposed these wars you were labeled a traitor

Remember Freedom Fries. Go look that up again... That was pure GOP, as the Wars in the Mid-East were pure GOP.

For some reason the idiot GOP was obsessed with going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in US history that is going to haunt and hurt America for years to come.

This is what watching Fake Fox News does. It destroys America and crushes our citizens, and our finances.

I reject the notion that the "War on Terror" was a failure in much the same way I reject the notion that Socialism is a failure when both have a 100% success rate!

The War on Terror accomplished it's objectives: get the USA back in debt (we were just turning to surpluses) and build a Orwellian surveillance State!

It's not Bush, or Clinton, it's the Evil people who hate humanity - the Deep State

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