The members who live in Russia, I have a request for you.

I watched the whole video and I could see the reaction on the French TV set after this woman’s remarks and what she saying is making no sense at all because they would not be fighting against the Russians and Putin if what she was saying was true. Putin himself thought he would have been welcome as a liberator, but they see him more as an invader.
That’s because he is an invader and he is killing citizens not soldiers. He needs to be take out STAT
That’s because he is an invader and he is killing citizens not soldiers. He needs to be take out STAT
Yes, and a lot of members seem completely insensitive to the suffering of ukrainians as long as it doesn’t affect them, they don’t care.
Yes, and a lot of members seem completely insensitive to the suffering of ukrainians as long as it doesn’t affect them, they don’t care.
Yup, there are a lot of selfish people in this world who can’t see beyond their own bubble.
Yup, there are a lot of selfish people in this world who can’t see beyond their own bubble.
Yes, and it’s not a question of being left, right or center, it’s a question of humanity and that doesn’t seem to exist anymore.
They can’t show everything but they seem to show what suits them, I don’t think they show the massacre they do on a daily basis of Ukrainians
They show destruction, but don't highlight collateral damage. Actually they highlight protection of local civilians. As well, French TV don't show massacre and genocide of the Russians in Donbass.
They show destruction, but don't highlight collateral damage. Actually they highlight protection of local civilians. As well, French TV don't show massacre and genocide of the Russians in Donbass.
The French media have talked about what happened in Donbass but they do not make good publicity for Putin either it is him who has repeatedly talked about nuclear deterrence and that directly towards France.
what she saying is making no sense at all because they would not be fighting against the Russians and Putin if what she was saying was true.
Everyone in France is like that... strange? Or is it just your peculiarity?
Why do you think the germans did not meet the russian Red army as liberators, but fought to the last in Berlin?
Because they were for freedom and democracy, and the russians were going to take it away?
C"mon, iron curtain! Nothing but perversions and stupidity comes from Europe anymore.
Everyone in France is like that... strange? Or is it just your peculiarity?
Why do you think the germans did not meet the russian Red army as liberators, but fought to the last in Berlin?
Because they were for freedom and democracy, and the russians were going to take it away?
C"mon, iron curtain! Nothing but perversions and stupidity comes from Europe anymore.
Everyone in France is like what ?
They show destruction, but don't highlight collateral damage. Actually they highlight protection of local civilians. As well, French TV don't show massacre and genocide of the Russians in Donbass.
Donbass?? Why are you talking about that? Wasn’t that like 8 years ago?
Actually, where are no Ukrainian soldiers (say, in Kherson or Melitopol) there are no killings.
So?? Where there are Ukrainian soldiers there are also citizens and citizens are being killed by Russian soldiers.
So?? Where there are Ukrainian soldiers there are also citizens and citizens are being killed by Russian soldiers.
Objective one: "Kill all Nazies". Objective two: "Avoid collateral damage". Comparing with their previous campaigns - they are still acting in white gloves.
In Donetsk, all those involved in yesterday's shelling of the city with a tactical Tochka-U missile were identified, the names of the AFU servicemen are known. Said the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin.

The Donetsk military carefully examined the fragments of a missile launched from the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of Krasnoarmeysk in Donetsk and established the serial number of the ammunition. After that, the unit was established, which was armed with this missile and the rest of the necessary data.

"Yesterday, the data were clarified based on the fact that we had the serial number of the missile, what kind of unit, who were the commanders, who gave the order on the spot, whether there was an appropriate coordination, respectively, the team... that is, all the names of the perpetrators have been established," Pushilin said.
I watched the whole video and I could see the reaction on the French TV set after this woman’s remarks and what she saying is making no sense at all because they would not be fighting against the Russians and Putin if what she was saying was true. Putin himself thought he would have been welcome as a liberator, but they see him more as an invader.
What the hell did you start this thread for if you don't want to listen to the other side at all and keep mumbling about Putin's imaginary transgressions? Go watch CNN or BBC then. Everything they tell you will surely please your ears. Putin's a monster, there can't be Nazis in a country whose president is Jewish, Crimeans voted at gunpoint, DNR and LNR people are villainous separatists. But did you ever stop to think why they chose to be separatists in the first place?
No. They have been shelled by Ukrainian Army for eight years. For example, yesterday a Ukrainian ballistic missile killed about twenty Russian civilians in Donetsk.
Interesting… why would Ukraine be sending missiles into Donetsk?
Objective one: "Kill all Nazies". Objective two: "Avoid collateral damage". Comparing with their previous campaigns - they are still acting in white gloves.
Nazies?! Don’t be a moron. You know the president of the country you’re invading is a Jew, right? Your silly propaganda makes me laugh.

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