The members who live in Russia, I have a request for you.

You’re full of shit. Zelensky is the president and he is Jewish. The Nazi peacekeeping excuse is absurd and laughable. You’re either a moron for believing it or a lying moron thinking anybody else would believe it
Nobody wants you to believe anything. But if you want to find a diplomatic solution (more or less mutually acceptable) you must, at least, understand their concerns and search for more or less rational explanation of their behavior. If you think, that their behavior is totally irrational, and they are not human beings, but evil monsters, came on Earth directly from the deepest circles of the Hell - ok, then any peaceful coexistence is impossible.
The logic of a moron. Firstly, Zelensky does not solve anything and he is a puppet, a "useful Jew" of the nazis. Secondly, why are you discriminating against jews, denying them the possibility of being scoundrels and murderers?! Are you antisemite?
Are you listening to yourself?! He is only the nations president but is a puppet and he is the Jew of the Nazis??? You need to reconsider who you are calling a moron because your arguments are completely laughable.
No. This "war" was started on Maidan in 2013, when pro-European nationalistic militants crushed fragile ethnic, cultural and political equilibrium in Ukraine between "Banderovci" and "Vatniki".
The Russians (from their own point of view) don't start wars at all - they finish them. And they are going to destroy nationalistic organisations and military units, kill their members and establish new (better from their point of view) peace order in Ukraine (and in Europe).
No the war wasn’t started in 2013. it was started a couple weeks ago when Putin decided to invade Ukraine. Get real
Nobody wants you to believe anything. But if you want to find a diplomatic solution (more or less mutually acceptable) you must, at least, understand their concerns and search for more or less rational explanation of their behavior. If you think, that their behavior is totally irrational, and they are not human beings, but evil monsters, came on Earth directly from the deepest circles of the Hell - ok, then any peaceful coexistence is impossible.
I don’t think their behavior is totally irrational. They have plenty of reason to be upset. They have zero reason to invade and murder. Those actions do not deserve compromise, they deserve condemnation and punishment
I saw a video of a Russian reporter doing interviews in Red Square. I don't know what she was saying but she held up a sign that said "Two Words" and was immediately taken away by two policemen in riot gear. Her friend stayed to talk to the reporter and within a minute she too was taken away.
If you did the same in BBC or RTE do you think you would be treated differently? 🤔
Are you listening to yourself?! He is only the nations president but is a puppet and he is the Jew of the Nazis??? You need to reconsider who you are calling a moron because your arguments are completely laughable.
From the Russian point of view, it is absolutely indifferent who exactly want to genocide them - Germans, Poles, Swedens, Frenchmen, Japans or Jews.
They see a treat - they react.
That's what they are fighting against:

No that’s not what they are fighting against. That what they are pretending to fight against. In reality Putin is doing a power grab and murdering innocent people in the process
No the war wasn’t started in 2013. it was started a couple weeks ago
No, a couple of weeks ago, the sewer stream of anti-russian propaganda was turned on and you were finally officially allowed to hate someone. You've been waiting for this for so long.
From the Russian point of view, it is absolutely indifferent who exactly want to genocide them - Germans, Poles, Swedens, Frenchmen, Japans or Jews.
They see a treat - they react.
Well then the Russian point of view is evil as you are making very clear
No, a couple of weeks ago, the sewer stream of anti-russian propaganda was turned on and you were finally officially allowed to hate someone. You've been waiting for this for so long.
If by anti Russian propaganda you mean actual video footage of their invasion and murder of civilians then you’d be correct. The only people I hold responsible are Putin, and soldiers Committing war crimes and morons like yourself who make lame excuses for it all
I don’t think their behavior is totally irrational. They have plenty of reason to be upset. They have zero reason to invade and murder. Those actions do not deserve compromise, they deserve condemnation and punishment
Of course they have more then enough reasons to invade:
1) A civil war and genocide of local ethnic minorities (the same reasone was used by the USA to excuse invasion in Serbia).
2) The Ukrainian WMD programs -(the same reason was used by the USA to excuse invasion in Iraq).
3) The state-supported acts of terrorism (the same reason was used by the USA to excuse invasion in Afghanistan).
4) The revolution and potential joining to hostile military block (the same reason was used by the USA to excuse invasion and treats of war against Cuba, by Saudi lead coalition to excuse invasion in Yemen).
5) Attacks against recognized by Russia allies - DPR and LPR, (Russia recognized them as the USA recognized Kosovo) - collective self-defense.
Well then the Russian point of view is evil as you are making very clear
No. The Russian point of view is not basically evil, or basically good. It is basically Russian.
They didn't do anything that we wouldn't have done under the same circumstances.
Of course they have more then enough reasons to invade:
1) A civil war and genocide of local ethnic minorities (the same reasone was used by the USA to excuse invasion in Serbia).
2) The Ukrainian WMD programs -(the same reason was used by the USA to excuse invasion in Iraq).
3) The state-supported acts of terrorism (the same reason was used by the USA to excuse invasion in Afghanistan).
4) The revolution and potential joining to hostile military block (the same reason was used by the USA to excuse invasion and treats of war against Cuba, by Saudi lead coalition to excuse invasion in Yemen).
5) Attacks against recognized by Russia allies - DPR and LPR, (Russia recognized them as the USA recognized Kosovo) - collective self-defense.
Again you use propaganda points and not reality. If your points were true then the world would be aligned with Russia to stop Ukraine. There is a reason why Putin is alone and being shunned by the world. He is going for a power grab and lying about the reasons. So are you
No. The Russian point of view is not basically evil, or basically good. It is basically Russian.
They didn't do anything that we wouldn't have done under the same circumstances.
Invading a country without cause and murdering civilians is evil. I don’t care how you try and spin it
Do you know that countries that voted against or abstained from UN resolution combating glorification of neo-Naziism and countries that imposed sanctions on Russia are almost exactly the same?

No that’s not what they are fighting against. That what they are pretending to fight against. In reality Putin is doing a power grab and murdering innocent people in the process
They have bogus excuses for the massacre, Ukrainian they’re all Nazis, how many with the swastika on 44,622,516 of Ukrainian peoples ? It’s more that Putin wants to fill-up his pockets with their mineral resources, that’s why he wants Ukraine completely stop taking us for fools.
There have already been many reports about the ugly behavior of Ukrainian "refugees" in different European countries. This is a video from the Rome metro.

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