The members who live in Russia, I have a request for you.

France refuses to return paintings from Morozov's collection. The canvases have been in Paris since September last year. The exhibition was held in the building of the Louis Vuitton Foundation and ended on March 3, the Izvestia TV channel reports. Transportation of works was postponed allegedly because of the imposed sanctions. However, later the Marianne edition, with reference to the government of the country, reported that the paintings would serve as a pledge for the French living in Russia and would become a guarantor of their safety.

"We will send our mercenaries to Ukraine to fight with you, but please do not kill them, otherwise we will not return your paintings to you."...
It's hard to live surrounded by thieves and prostitutes... But there is no other Europe.
Just because something exists does not make it a vital necessity. It does not excuse evil and immorality. You can point to several things America has done in the past.
There are plenty of things that America is doing now (like invasion in Syria).

None of it makes what Putin is doing OK. It is wrong and immoral and evil and should be stopped and punished. Simple as that

"Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."

Who is without sin to stop and punish Russia? The USA? No. The UK? No. China? No.

And why do you think, that Russian self-defense is evil? Do you think, that the Russians don't need to live and must be genocided?
Your righteous indignation at Russia's actions is worth as much as Chikatilo's indignation of some of the mistreatment of cats in a cat shelter. You are hypocritical morons.
Everybody should have righteous indignation for Russia actions. What they are doing is plainly evil and wrong. Nothing hypocritical about it, it’s just simple morals and truth
There are plenty of things that America is doing now (like invasion in Syria).


"Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."

Who is without sin to stop and punish Russia? The USA? No. The UK? No. China? No.

And why do you think, that Russian self-defense is evil? Do you think, that the Russians don't need to live and must be genocided?
Poor actions of one does not excuse the poor actions of another. Your stone reference is a lesson in forgiveness. Russia is continuing to murder people. They need to be stopped and held accountable liable and should they then show remorse, they can be forgiven.

Stop hiding behind the whataboutisms. They are ineffective
Everybody should have righteous indignation for Russia actions. What they are doing is plainly evil and wrong. Nothing hypocritical about it, it’s just simple morals and truth
I got it already, you are hypocritical morons, you don't have repeat it.
Everybody should have righteous indignation for Russia actions. What they are doing is plainly evil and wrong. Nothing hypocritical about it, it’s just simple morals and truth
There are people who help and care about Ukraine peoples here in France we prefer to welcome them instead of killing them.
Briefly about British valor

The editorial board of" Middle East Eye" published an investigation into the activities of British servicemen in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It turned out that the British soldiers have instructions that allow them to open fire on civilians. For example, it was possible to shoot at teenagers with a phone (perhaps he is monitoring soldiers and transmitting his results to the Taliban) or at people with shovels (you never know, they suddenly go to bury explosives on the side of the road).

The soldiers admitted that civilians were also killed because some colleagues wanted to have time to "kill someone" before the end of the trip.

The commanders directly said that in case of any investigation, they would protect their subordinates. As a means of protection, Russian-made weapons were used, which were specially stored at the base and, if necessary, thrown to the dead.

The meaning of the instruction boils down to the fact that a soldier can open fire to kill at the slightest suspicion that he is in danger.

Direct action democracy...
I should ask the administrator to kick all those Russian assholes members out of here and farewell!
Why don't you, french whore, infect these bad russians with syphilis, as brave french prostitutes did during the german occupation. And brave french men spat at the germans in cafes, serving them in a bistro, while the bad russians treacherously killing brave french volunteers in the Wehrmacht army near Moscow.
PS I don't know about you, but I am an American citizen.
Why don't you, french whore, infect these bad russians with syphilis, as brave french prostitutes did during the german occupation. And brave french men spat at the germans in cafes, serving them in a bistro, while the bad russians treacherously killing brave french volunteers in the Wehrmacht army near Moscow.
PS I don't know about you, but I am an American citizen.
Ho là ! Again a other the big word, you are a American ? wow you act like a Russian asshole , you should move there.
Poor actions of one does not excuse the poor actions of another. Your stone reference is a lesson in forgiveness. Russia is continuing to murder people. They need to be stopped and held accountable liable and should they then show remorse, they can be forgiven.

Stop hiding behind the whataboutisms. They are ineffective
Fair game means same rules for both sides. Russia continue to murder people, Ukraine continue to murder people, America continue to murder people, China continue to murder people.
Do you think that Ukraine, America and China must stop murder people, too?
Fair game means same rules for both sides. Russia continue to murder people, Ukraine continue to murder people, America continue to murder people, China continue to murder people.
Do you think that Ukraine, America and China must stop murder people, too?
Yes, I think anybody murdering innocent people should stop. What kind of idiotic question is that?
Yes, I think anybody murdering innocent people should stop. What kind of idiotic question is that?
Should they stop by themselves, or should they be coerced by military force?
The Russians started this operation to coerce Kievan regime to stop murdering of the innocent civilians. At least they say this.
By the way, there is a nice French channel in Tellegram about situation in Donbass.


Few more English channels:

Should they stop by themselves, or should they be coerced by military force?
The Russians started this operation to coerce Kievan regime to stop murdering of the innocent civilians. At least they say this.
No the Russians did not start this mission to stop murder. Don’t be an idiot. Diplomatic and economic sanctions should be first priority and the yes defensive military force can be considered

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