The Memo: Five Republicans who could primary Trump in 2020


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
The Memo: Five Republicans who could primary Trump in 2020

Opposition to Trump in 2020? Could he be taken down in the Primary?

Will President Trump face a challenge from within his own party in 2020?

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (R) seems to think so. On Sunday, Flake told ABC’s “This Week” that if the president did not change his approach, he “is going to leave a huge swath of voters looking for someone else.”

Flake, a frequent Trump critic, added that the president is “probably inviting a Republican challenge.”

Any challenger to Trump would face enormous hurdles.

The president remains popular among Republican voters, even as he endures historically low approval numbers at large. In most polls, around 80 percent of GOP voters give Trump the thumbs-up.

Still, Trump would become much more vulnerable if Republicans suffered major losses in the midterm elections set for November 2018.

And it’s easy to see why some of his most strident GOP critics might think it’s worthwhile to run against him, even if victory is a long-odds bet.

But who is most likely to do it?
Who will vote against Trump...
Any woman with a mustache.
Any man whose girlfriend or wife has a mustache and he doesn't have the balls to comment on it.
He got through sixteen other Republicans in 2016 I think he could handle five in 2020 if it came to that.
With Trump's 37% approval, I can see republicans lining up to challenge him

He hasn't exactly made many friends
Certainly there will be a lineup of Republicans who will take a stab at running against him. After all, Trump is not a very good "Republican" himself. Also, never forget that there are several states where primaries are "open," that is to say, Democrats can vote in the Republican primaries, so you never know what that will do.

The important thing is, all of the would-be Democrat candidates on the radar screen now are near death, unattractive, insipid, and/or divisive. As bad as Trump is, he would trounce any one of them - one on one - today and in November, 2020.
The Memo: Five Republicans who could primary Trump in 2020

Opposition to Trump in 2020? Could he be taken down in the Primary?

Will President Trump face a challenge from within his own party in 2020?

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (R) seems to think so. On Sunday, Flake told ABC’s “This Week” that if the president did not change his approach, he “is going to leave a huge swath of voters looking for someone else.”

Flake, a frequent Trump critic, added that the president is “probably inviting a Republican challenge.”

Any challenger to Trump would face enormous hurdles.

The president remains popular among Republican voters, even as he endures historically low approval numbers at large. In most polls, around 80 percent of GOP voters give Trump the thumbs-up.

Still, Trump would become much more vulnerable if Republicans suffered major losses in the midterm elections set for November 2018.

And it’s easy to see why some of his most strident GOP critics might think it’s worthwhile to run against him, even if victory is a long-odds bet.

But who is most likely to do it?
Couldn't you just put the list in the commentary? Jeez.
Flake is just that a Flake. His own voters hate the SOB that's why he ain't running for reelection! Not gonna happen.
Sasse is a pathetic neocon whiner...don't think he has the balls to primary President Trump and sure in the hell doesn't have the name recognition
Martinez good god this gets funnier and funnier...not gonna happen.
Kasich was already dismissed by the GOP voters all over the country. Not gonna happen. I think he is the most likely to be dumb enough to try but he won't get anywhere.
Cruz will never do it. He is young enough he can run in 2024 and win!
If Trump's approval drops below 30% I can see him coming up with some excuse as to why he is not seeking a second term

I'd like to run in 2020......but I have these horrible bone spurs....Believe me

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