The metoo shit is proving men right when they say that women are incapable of working outside of hom


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The metoo shit is proving men right when they say that women are incapable of working outside of home and are far weaker then men.

Example one: A women goes to work at a company and wants to sleep her way to the top. She does just that with a fully accepting boss . The next day the women feels violated of course! Who's fault is it? I'd say the woman's. Why? Simply besty! You said YES, YOU WANT INTO HIS BED OR YOU INVITED HIM INTO YOURS!!! If he didn't then you would have gone to the goddam police and reported a goddamn rape.

Example two: We both know that women talk to their friends about that hot guy all the time running down the street before work or the guy across the department at work as do guys with their friends about women. Who the fuck are women to act like this should be a reason to fire the guy? It shouldn't. If they can't deal with the reality of ones freedom to speak ones mind than they need to step back into the fucking kitchen. The world isn't fair and isn't caring of your over sensitive ass. At the very most if it hurts the working environment the boss should step in and have a nasty talk with the parties at hand.

Example three: A guy flirts with a women and ask's her out. He may even call her cute or sexy! What does the women do? Report him and demand that he be removed from his job. Fuck, if the damn women can't take some nice words then she is weaker then a bowl of shit within my opinion and isn't capable of dealing with the world as it is. Imagine for 5 seconds if the women asked the guy out? The guy would accept or say no and that would be the end of it! We all fucking know it, but the women has been trained their entire effin lives to see everything a man does as a reason to destroy him! At the core of the issue is a hatred for men steming from jealously of the reality that men can deal with "words" and have thrived in this environment for hundreds of years.

The truth is most of this metoo shit is faker then a two dollar bill. Most of these outings you see in the media are one of the three examples above. Most of Hollywood is 1# or 3#. The only reason women are opening up now is because they see their chance at retaining power out of destroying their bosses careers. But the reality is that they're the ones that want up to their rooms, took their fucking panties off and sucked their fucking dicks. At the end of the day the female likes to say how tough they're and how capable they're but what this shows me is they're neither. They can't take responsibility for their own fucking choices in life.

And foxnews? Or NBC??? Or dare I say PBS firings? Most of these are example 3# steming from the reality that their co-host want to have fucking sex just like every other human being on this planet. So lets just say for example Bill O'really is a normal man and gone up to these babes to asked them out and said that they're cutie or something harmless like good looking? Should that be a crime? I say no. If he forced them against the wall and ripped their panties off that would be one thing, but what I've come to understand as I read through the news reports of this metoo crap is its frankly the former. The women thinks she shouldn't be flirted with and uses every tiny little hints of sexual behavior as a reason to utterly destroy her male competition. It has been a fucking feeding frenzy for the past 4 fucking months and I am fucking sick of it. It is a power play and that is exactly what 90% of this metoo crap is all about. POWER!!!! Women want to take the easy road upwards and it doesn't matter how many men get their goddamn lives destroyed to do it.

I am in no way saying that men should be abusive to women but most of these cases probably should have gone to the cops to begin with. Most everything else is asserting power in a very nasty way and it needs to fucking stop.
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The problem with reporting the sexual assault of a powerul man is that women rarely get justice. Powerful men have powerful legal teams that 9 times out 10 will win in court.

Women who come forward are generally accused of wanting money or fame. And the men always argues the sex was consensual.

Look at r Kelly. The man is a know abuser and loves underages girls. Yet this man still has a career.

Woody Allen is another one. Dylan Farrow came out a few years back stating how he abused her. Yet her claims were dismissed and Woody Allen continued to make movies.

The stories in the metoo movement aren't about women who willingly slept their way up to the top. It's about women who were sexual assaulted against their will. They said no, but they continued to sexual assault or harass them.

And it's not just simple flirting. Look at the Bill O Reilly victims. One of the victims talks about how he would leave voice messages talking about in detail what he wanted to do. That is sexual harassment.
The metoo shit is proving men right when they say that women are incapable of working outside of home and are far weaker then men.

Example one: A women goes to work at a company and wants to sleep her way to the top. She does just that with a fully accepting boss accepts. The next day the women feels violated of course! Who's fault is it? I'd say the woman's. Why? Simply besty! You said YES, YOU WANT INTO HIS BED OR YOU INVITED HIM INTO YOURS!!! If he didn't then you would have gone to the goddam police and reported a goddamn rape.

Example two: We both know that women talk to their friends about that hot guy all the time running down the street before work or the guy across the department at work as do guys with their friends about women. Who the fuck are women to act like this should be a reason to fire the guy? It shouldn't. If they can't deal with the reality of ones freedom to speak ones mind than they need to step back into the fucking kitchen. The world isn't fair and isn't caring of your over sensitive ass. At the very most if it hurts the working environment the boss should step in and have a nasty talk with the parties at hand.

Example three: A guy flirts with a women and ask's her out. He may even call her cute or sexy! What does the women do? Report him and demand that he be removed from his job. Fuck, if the damn women can't take some nice words then she is weaker then a bowl of shit within my opinion and isn't capable of dealing with the world as it is. Imagine for 5 seconds if the women asked the guy out? The guy would accept or say no and that would be the end of it! We all fucking know it, but the women has been trained their entire effin lives to see everything a man does as a reason to destroy him! At the core of the issue is a hatred for men steming from jealously of the reality that men can deal with "words" and have thrived in this environment for hundreds of years.

The truth is most of this metoo shit is faker then a two dollar bill. Most of these outings you see in the media are one of the three examples above. Most of Hollywood is 1# or 3#. The only reason women are opening up now is because they see their chance at retaining power out of destroying their bosses careers. But the reality is that they're the ones that want up to their rooms, took their fucking panties off and sucked their fucking dicks. At the end of the day the female likes to say how tough they're and how capable they're but what this shows me is they're neither. They can't take responsibility for their own fucking choices in life.

And foxnews? Or NBC??? Or dare I say PBS firings? Most of these are example 3# steming from the reality that their co-host want to have fucking sex just like every other human being on this planet. So lets just say for example Bill O'really is a normal man and gone up to these babes to asked them out and said that they're cutie or something harmless like good looking? Should that be a crime? I say no. If he forced them against the wall and ripped their panties off that would be one thing, but what I've come to understand as I read through the news reports of this metoo crap is its frankly the former. The women thinks she should be flirted with and uses every tiny little hints of sexual behavior as a reason to utterly destroy her male competition. It has been a fucking feeding frenzy for the past 4 fucking months and I am fucking sick of it. It is a power play and that is exactly what 90% of this metoo crap is all about. POWER!!!! Women want to take the easy road upwards and it doesn't matter how many men get their goddamn lives destroyed to do it.

I am in no way saying that men should be abusive to women but most of these cases probably should have gone to the cops to begin with. Most everything else is asserting power in a very nasty way and it needs to fucking stop.

You're a very, very confused, little man. I'm not sure how you make it through a single day.
Matthew is just upset being born a man, wanting to be a woman, yet hating women that he wants to be part of. It's confused.
Just when I think we're getting closer to exterminating sexism, I see post like these on this internet.
The metoo shit is proving men right when they say that women are incapable of working outside of home and are far weaker then men.

Example one: A women goes to work at a company and wants to sleep her way to the top. She does just that with a fully accepting boss . The next day the women feels violated of course! Who's fault is it? I'd say the woman's. Why? Simply besty! You said YES, YOU WANT INTO HIS BED OR YOU INVITED HIM INTO YOURS!!! If he didn't then you would have gone to the goddam police and reported a goddamn rape.

Example two: We both know that women talk to their friends about that hot guy all the time running down the street before work or the guy across the department at work as do guys with their friends about women. Who the fuck are women to act like this should be a reason to fire the guy? It shouldn't. If they can't deal with the reality of ones freedom to speak ones mind than they need to step back into the fucking kitchen. The world isn't fair and isn't caring of your over sensitive ass. At the very most if it hurts the working environment the boss should step in and have a nasty talk with the parties at hand.

Example three: A guy flirts with a women and ask's her out. He may even call her cute or sexy! What does the women do? Report him and demand that he be removed from his job. Fuck, if the damn women can't take some nice words then she is weaker then a bowl of shit within my opinion and isn't capable of dealing with the world as it is. Imagine for 5 seconds if the women asked the guy out? The guy would accept or say no and that would be the end of it! We all fucking know it, but the women has been trained their entire effin lives to see everything a man does as a reason to destroy him! At the core of the issue is a hatred for men steming from jealously of the reality that men can deal with "words" and have thrived in this environment for hundreds of years.

The truth is most of this metoo shit is faker then a two dollar bill. Most of these outings you see in the media are one of the three examples above. Most of Hollywood is 1# or 3#. The only reason women are opening up now is because they see their chance at retaining power out of destroying their bosses careers. But the reality is that they're the ones that want up to their rooms, took their fucking panties off and sucked their fucking dicks. At the end of the day the female likes to say how tough they're and how capable they're but what this shows me is they're neither. They can't take responsibility for their own fucking choices in life.

And foxnews? Or NBC??? Or dare I say PBS firings? Most of these are example 3# steming from the reality that their co-host want to have fucking sex just like every other human being on this planet. So lets just say for example Bill O'really is a normal man and gone up to these babes to asked them out and said that they're cutie or something harmless like good looking? Should that be a crime? I say no. If he forced them against the wall and ripped their panties off that would be one thing, but what I've come to understand as I read through the news reports of this metoo crap is its frankly the former. The women thinks she shouldn't be flirted with and uses every tiny little hints of sexual behavior as a reason to utterly destroy her male competition. It has been a fucking feeding frenzy for the past 4 fucking months and I am fucking sick of it. It is a power play and that is exactly what 90% of this metoo crap is all about. POWER!!!! Women want to take the easy road upwards and it doesn't matter how many men get their goddamn lives destroyed to do it.

I am in no way saying that men should be abusive to women but most of these cases probably should have gone to the cops to begin with. Most everything else is asserting power in a very nasty way and it needs to fucking stop.
You keep using this phrase... “faker than a two dollar bill”. And I’ve corrected you repeatedly... The two dollar bill is legitimate legal tender currency. How you don’t know this, is beyond me.
The truth is most of this metoo shit is faker then a two dollar bill.

At the end of the day the female likes to say how tough they're and how capable they're but what this shows me is they're neither. They can't take responsibility for their own fucking choices in life.
I am a 50 yr old female and agree with you 100%!

One minute, you're watching a barely dressed,
ass hanging out, woman gyrating on stage...
the next minute, its a 'metoo' movement.

You have a room full of singers and song writer's,
who have made millions and won Grammy's,
by degrading women and portraying women as sex objects,
in their songs and music videos.

You have idiots like Katy Perry,
with a contraption fitted into her bra
so whip cream can ooze from her 'nipples',
lecturing the masses on respecting women!

Bitch, shut the fuck up!

Sex and being slutty sells, they know this,
they've made millions doing just that!

They are not part of the solution,
they are part of the problem!

They make me sick!
I am a 50 yr old female and agree with you 100%!

One minute, you're watching a barely dressed,
ass hanging out, woman gyrating on stage...
the next minute, its a 'metoo' movement.

You have a room full of singers and song writer's,
who have made millions and won Grammy's,
by degrading women and portraying women as sex objects,
One woman represents ALL women?
Charles Manson represents all men?
Western women are a very illogical and confused group of people.

They want to dress like a street hooker. Then get outraged when a man looks at them will lusting eyes. ..... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

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