The METS just walked off the field in protest!

It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
I hope you read the new topic I posted. Yes, I believe that the justice system is unfair to black people. The laws passed in the 90's by congress (Joe Biden had a huge hand in writing those laws) under the Clinton administration certainly made it much, much worse. But, no, I don't believe that the police brutality that needs to be addressed is a racial issue. It's a training and policy issue.

Sorry, it's both.
Studies from MIT say otherwise.

Classroom theory does not over ride the real life expierences of people. Philandro Castillo was pulled over for having a "wide set nose".

Cauvin's union head would wear a "white power" patch on his jacket. Nothing racist in any of that is there?
It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
I hope you read the new topic I posted. Yes, I believe that the justice system is unfair to black people. The laws passed in the 90's by congress (Joe Biden had a huge hand in writing those laws) under the Clinton administration certainly made it much, much worse. But, no, I don't believe that the police brutality that needs to be addressed is a racial issue. It's a training and policy issue.

Sorry, it's both.
Studies from MIT say otherwise.

Classroom theory does not over ride the real life expierences of people. Philandro Castillo was pulled over for having a "wide set nose".

Cauvin's union head would wear a "white power" patch on his jacket. Nothing racist in any of that is there?
I'm not saying there isn't any racism. I'm saying that the vast majority of police brutality is due to training and bad apples. You'll never get rid of bad apples. Racism ISN"T fucking "systemic".

Anecdotal evidence is mostly useless.
It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
More black people are shot and killed by other blacks in one weekend in Chicago than are killed by Police officers for the entire year in the entire US...but that's been ignored while this false narrative that the Police are "targeting" blacks for assassination is pushed by the main stream media! It's farce of the highest order! If Lebron James REALLY cared about black lives...he would have been calling for something to be done in Chicago and now New York to to stop the bloodshed that's been going on for years now!
It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
I hope you read the new topic I posted. Yes, I believe that the justice system is unfair to black people. The laws passed in the 90's by congress (Joe Biden had a huge hand in writing those laws) under the Clinton administration certainly made it much, much worse. But, no, I don't believe that the police brutality that needs to be addressed is a racial issue. It's a training and policy issue.

Sorry, it's both.
Studies from MIT say otherwise.

Classroom theory does not over ride the real life expierences of people. Philandro Castillo was pulled over for having a "wide set nose".

Cauvin's union head would wear a "white power" patch on his jacket. Nothing racist in any of that is there?
I'm not saying there isn't any racism. I'm saying that the vast majority of police brutality is due to training and bad apples. You'll never get rid of bad apples. Racism ISN"T fucking "systemic".

Anecdotal evidence is mostly useless.

Country wide? Maybe not. In some forces including some high profile forces? There most certainly are.

Yes we can get rid of the bad apples. Others may get hired but we can make it expensive to hire them.
It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
More black people are shot and killed by other blacks in one weekend in Chicago than are killed by Police officers for the entire year in the entire US...but that's been ignored while this false narrative that the Police are "targeting" blacks for assassination is pushed by the main stream media! It's farce of the highest order! If Lebron James REALLY cared about black lives...he would have been calling for something to be done in Chicago and now New York to to stop the bloodshed that's been going on for years now!

When a black kills another black man the system doesn't cover for him. He goes to prison. Those who have killer innocent individuals as a police officer often times have not.
What kind of arrogance does it take for them to think we care if they play ore not...especially during a China caused pandemic...go home...all of you dumb ball players can go home.....
They dont think inbreds such as yourself care. They know you are a lost cause. They are speaking to all the supposed non racist white people.
Reruns of Raymond and Guys kitchen beat the NBA playoffs the other day.....not by a little but by thousands so if I were in the NBA front office I would be very worried today....
People have discovered how unimportant pro sports are....if the players would have braved up and just played to give their fans an escape from the pandemic they would have repaired their reputation....
All they are doing now is losing their most die hard fans....they lost folks like me a long time I'm enjoying watching them fall....
Why do they think this will change minds?...I really don't get it....

They're doing it precisely because they have goobers like you talking about police brutality. You can't ignore why they walked out, and you know it.
Bullcrap...this is about an election and the pro leagues trying to push a friend of China over the finish line...the NBA and other leagues are salivating at the prospect of playing in China...if this were about police brutality we would hear about the 200 white people killed by cops this year...triple the amount of blacks killed...they would decry black on black crime if it were about Black lives...its not...its about an election in two months...wake up....
What kind of arrogance does it take for them to think we care if they play ore not...especially during a China caused pandemic...go home...all of you dumb ball players can go home.....
They dont think inbreds such as yourself care. They know you are a lost cause. They are speaking to all the supposed non racist white people.
Reruns of Raymond and Guys kitchen beat the NBA playoffs the other day.....not by a little but by thousands so if I were in the NBA front office I would be very worried today....
People have discovered how unimportant pro sports are....if the players would have braved up and just played to give their fans an escape from the pandemic they would have repaired their reputation....
All they are doing now is losing their most die hard fans....they lost folks like me a long time I'm enjoying watching them fall....
Obviously youre just a low information stooge. The ratings are up in prime time 16% from last year. Its the early afternoon games no one is watching because most people are at work or out doing summer things. So the scheduling is to blame for the overall decline, not disinterest in the NBA.
Last edited:
What kind of arrogance does it take for them to think we care if they play ore not...especially during a China caused pandemic...go home...all of you dumb ball players can go home.....
They dont think inbreds such as yourself care. They know you are a lost cause. They are speaking to all the supposed non racist white people.
Reruns of Raymond and Guys kitchen beat the NBA playoffs the other day.....not by a little but by thousands so if I were in the NBA front office I would be very worried today....
People have discovered how unimportant pro sports are....if the players would have braved up and just played to give their fans an escape from the pandemic they would have repaired their reputation....
All they are doing now is losing their most die hard fans....they lost folks like me a long time I'm enjoying watching them fall....
Obviously youre just a low information stooge. The ratings are up in prime time 16% from last year. Its the early afternoon games no one is watching because most people are at work or out doing summer things. So the scheduling is to blame for the overall decline, not disinterest in the NBA.
Bullshit...I just saw the ratings...they are way one is watching...
It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
More black people are shot and killed by other blacks in one weekend in Chicago than are killed by Police officers for the entire year in the entire US...but that's been ignored while this false narrative that the Police are "targeting" blacks for assassination is pushed by the main stream media! It's farce of the highest order! If Lebron James REALLY cared about black lives...he would have been calling for something to be done in Chicago and now New York to to stop the bloodshed that's been going on for years now!

When a black kills another black man the system doesn't cover for him. He goes to prison. Those who have killer innocent individuals as a police officer often times have not.
That's a crock. The average black on black crime does not end with the perpetrator going to prison. The "system" doesn't catch the people doing these crimes because the black people living in high crime neighborhoods are more afraid of the gang bangers than they are of the Police and won't testify against them!
What kind of arrogance does it take for them to think we care if they play ore not...especially during a China caused pandemic...go home...all of you dumb ball players can go home.....
They dont think inbreds such as yourself care. They know you are a lost cause. They are speaking to all the supposed non racist white people.
Reruns of Raymond and Guys kitchen beat the NBA playoffs the other day.....not by a little but by thousands so if I were in the NBA front office I would be very worried today....
People have discovered how unimportant pro sports are....if the players would have braved up and just played to give their fans an escape from the pandemic they would have repaired their reputation....
All they are doing now is losing their most die hard fans....they lost folks like me a long time I'm enjoying watching them fall....
Obviously youre just a low information stooge. The ratings are up in prime time 16% from last year. Its the early afternoon games no one is watching because most people are at work or out doing summer things. So the scheduling is to blame for the overall decline, not disinterest in the NBA.
So the millions of people that are stuck in their homes don't constitute an audience? The ones that are bored out of their skulls? To be quite blunt...if you can't draw a big TV audience NOW then you're never going to draw a big audience!
It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
More black people are shot and killed by other blacks in one weekend in Chicago than are killed by Police officers for the entire year in the entire US...but that's been ignored while this false narrative that the Police are "targeting" blacks for assassination is pushed by the main stream media! It's farce of the highest order! If Lebron James REALLY cared about black lives...he would have been calling for something to be done in Chicago and now New York to to stop the bloodshed that's been going on for years now!

When a black kills another black man the system doesn't cover for him. He goes to prison. Those who have killer innocent individuals as a police officer often times have not.
That's a crock. The average black on black crime does not end with the perpetrator going to prison. The "system" doesn't catch the people doing these crimes because the black people living in high crime neighborhoods are more afraid of the gang bangers than they are of the Police and won't testify against them!

Yes they do get caught and go to prison .
It affects a lot of people in many ways but as I said, this is going to spread to other areas also.
You sound hopeful that violence will spread.

I missed the violence. If people continue to fight a more fairer justice system, yeah, I'm OK with the violence. I've noted that many times.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Just because Jefferson said that doesn't mean violence is the way to go. I thought the human race was "Progressing".

Guess not.

BTW - You suck for being OK with it. Over 30 people have died - mostly innocent people.

No, far far more people have died than that. It's why we are where we are.
More black people are shot and killed by other blacks in one weekend in Chicago than are killed by Police officers for the entire year in the entire US...but that's been ignored while this false narrative that the Police are "targeting" blacks for assassination is pushed by the main stream media! It's farce of the highest order! If Lebron James REALLY cared about black lives...he would have been calling for something to be done in Chicago and now New York to to stop the bloodshed that's been going on for years now!

When a black kills another black man the system doesn't cover for him. He goes to prison. Those who have killer innocent individuals as a police officer often times have not.
That's a crock. The average black on black crime does not end with the perpetrator going to prison. The "system" doesn't catch the people doing these crimes because the black people living in high crime neighborhoods are more afraid of the gang bangers than they are of the Police and won't testify against them!

Yes they do get caught and go to prison .

Not really.


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