The Mexican Drug Cartels are Brazenly Threatening our Police!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Take a very close look at the picture and tell us what you see. Do you have the slightest idea what it means? Or who put it there? Or where it is?

Well, you better pay attention as this shows how our president's “open borders” policy is working. :evil:

Read the clearly biased story – with links - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: OPEN BORDERS: Mexican Drug Cartels Now Using Billboards in Texas to Threaten Police and U.S. Citizens

Take a very close look at the picture and tell us what you see. Do you have the slightest idea what it means? Or who put it there? Or where it is?

Well, you better pay attention as this shows how our president's “open borders” policy is working. :evil:

Read the clearly biased story – with links - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: OPEN BORDERS: Mexican Drug Cartels Now Using Billboards in Texas to Threaten Police and U.S. Citizens

there is no reason to worry. liberals are going to ban guns in the usa so we will be safe from their brand of violence
We've spent $millions protecting the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan, even paid for a wall for Egypt's borders. Yet we can't seem to protect our own borders.
Those cartels are awesome. Between a cartel and the police, I'd roll with the cartel anyday. I can relate to them more than I can relate to the cops. F*** the police.
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We've spent $millions protecting the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan, even paid for a wall for Egypt's borders. Yet we can't seem to protect our own borders.

or perhaps don't want to.

Bingo! The dems want them here for the votes and the reps want them here for the cheap labor, either way, American citizens lose.

when our government starts making allowances and excuses for illegal activities we definitely lose.
Lead or silver.

The police who live will be alive and rich on the bribes they get. If the cartels vote, they will vote only for the most corrupt politicians who can be bought.

The one thing the cartels have going for them is that they not only kill one another's dealers and distributors but customers as well. It will be a whole new world once the cartels start playing in our backyard. Around Juarez, the cartels arrange for hunts. Hunters pay big bucks to hunt women. It's been going on for years.

Take a very close look at the picture and tell us what you see.
A billboard owned by a capitalist pig, and an effigy of a capitalist pig hanging.

Do you have the slightest idea what it means?
That the 99% are rising up, and all those "illegal" Mexican-Americans you conservatards want to burn at the stake and deport are here to help us cast off the shackles of corporate oppression and wage slavery and take back our rightful place as strong, independent people.

Or who put it there?
Freedom fighters.

Or where it is?
In America, near the border with Mexico.

Well, you better pay attention as this shows how our president's “open borders” policy is working. :evil:

Wonderfully. There can be no doubt.

Another day in President Obama's America, and we're all the better for it.
Boy the liberals are going to have a huge surprise coming! They really think the cartels are going to unite the workers to overthrow the capitslists!

The cartels ARE capitalist. The difference is when someone does a bad job for the cartels, they don't get fired. Their head ends up rolling around on the floor of some bar.
On a serious note. Everyday Mexicans don't look at the cartels with the same horror as we do. Most know the vast majority of Mexican politicians and bigshots have their hands out to them.

They also know cartel leaders do more to help small towns and villages than the government.

The bottom line is they know the problem is not so much with the cartels as it is THEIR CUSTOMERS!
On a serious note. Everyday Mexicans don't look at the cartels with the same horror as we do. Most know the vast majority of Mexican politicians and bigshots have their hands out to them.

They also know cartel leaders do more to help small towns and villages than the government.

The bottom line is they know the problem is not so much with the cartels as it is THEIR CUSTOMERS!

The cartels are to mexico what Hamas is to Palestine.

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