The Mind of Franklin Roosevelt

I visited Hyde Park last month and what struck me the most about FDR was that he seemed to be the only one in that era who "got it"

He understood the depression was about people and not corporations
He understood the panic of the time and what he needed to do to calm it
He understood the threat of the Nazis and Japan

It was funny reading the anti-FDR rhetoric Republicans were using......exact same nonsense they use against Obama

Everything you just wrote is a lie.....the same as your usual posts.

When I visited Hyde Park, I noted the Henry Wallace Library adjacent and attached to Roosevelt's.
Ironic, huh?

Roosevelt attached to the communist Henry Wallace in life and afterwards as well.

Let's see...

Rightwingnuts scream.......commie, commie, commie

Their rhetoric didn't work then, doesn't work now
a. The Russians laughed about their alleged promises of future behavior. This is the conversation that Litvinov had with staff at his embassy after the 'agreement' was signed:
"Well, it's all in the bag. They wanted us to recognize the debts we owed them and I promised we were going to negotiate. But they did not know we were going to negotiate until doomsday. The next one was a corker; they wanted us to promise freedom of religion in the Soviet Union, and I promised that, too. I was very much prompted to offer that I would personally collect all the Bibles and ship them over."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.33.


Good example of the standard kind of distortion and misrepresentation of the fascist ghost writers who operated under the pen name Manly. PC loves to use the anti FDR book that was refuted and exposed as garbage conspiracy theory over a half century ago.
What is not being told in this quote is that the American businesses that were owed money from Russia would be the ones negotiating for payment. Litvinov knew the profit motivated capitalist would make deals forgiving large amounts of past debts for the privilege of making new deals. The American businesses had pushed for the deal that was made.
The freedom of religion quote was not in regards to freedom of religion for Russian. It was restricted to Americans living in or visiting Russia. The agreement gave Americans a right they did not have in Russia. Americans were not allowed to practice religious freedom Russia until the agreement was made.
Surely by this time Chic has sent all of her historical evidence to the various professional historical organizations so they will rate FDR correctly next time. If only she would share the historians response to her revelations it would make us all feel better. The biggie, however, for those historians, that now see the light, is to explain why the American people voted for FDR four times. Will the commie thing cover all those millions of people?
I visited Hyde Park last month and what struck me the most about FDR was that he seemed to be the only one in that era who "got it"

He understood the depression was about people and not corporations
He understood the panic of the time and what he needed to do to calm it
He understood the threat of the Nazis and Japan

It was funny reading the anti-FDR rhetoric Republicans were using......exact same nonsense they use against Obama

Everything you just wrote is a lie.....the same as your usual posts.

When I visited Hyde Park, I noted the Henry Wallace Library adjacent and attached to Roosevelt's.
Ironic, huh?

Roosevelt attached to the communist Henry Wallace in life and afterwards as well.

Let's see...

Rightwingnuts scream.......commie, commie, commie

Their rhetoric didn't work then, doesn't work now

But you didn't deny that Wallace was a communist.....

...nor that Roosevelt demanded Wallace as his vice-president after Garner....or he wouldn't run.
Yes.....he actually threatened not to run.
A great self portrait of PC: "aren't you the liar who hides his politics behind a false avi title...and about whom this was written:"
Can you imagine the disaster if it was Republicans who had to restructure us into a wartime economy with their states rights and isolationist philosophies?

FDR was the right man for the right time
I visited Hyde Park last month and what struck me the most about FDR was that he seemed to be the only one in that era who "got it"

He understood the depression was about people and not corporations
He understood the panic of the time and what he needed to do to calm it
He understood the threat of the Nazis and Japan

It was funny reading the anti-FDR rhetoric Republicans were using......exact same nonsense they use against Obama

Everything you just wrote is a lie.....the same as your usual posts.

When I visited Hyde Park, I noted the Henry Wallace Library adjacent and attached to Roosevelt's.
Ironic, huh?

Roosevelt attached to the communist Henry Wallace in life and afterwards as well.

Let's see...

Rightwingnuts scream.......commie, commie, commie

Their rhetoric didn't work then, doesn't work now

But you didn't deny that Wallace was a communist.....

...nor that Roosevelt demanded Wallace as his vice-president after Garner....or he wouldn't run.
Yes.....he actually threatened not to run.

Come on PC

To you, everyone to the left of Nixon is a communist
Next to Lincoln, our greatest president

Without question, our greatest modern president who made us into a superpower

The worst, most dangerous SOB to ever soil the office.
History shows it was the conservatives of the day who were dangerous

Bullshit. History shows that the scumbag played "duh, let's try this today!" with our economy, prolonged and deepened the Depression, bullied the Supreme Court, threatened our very form of government, played the useful fool to communist dictators, and threw scores and scores of innocent American citizens into concentration camps.
Next to Lincoln, our greatest president

Without question, our greatest modern president who made us into a superpower

The worst, most dangerous SOB to ever soil the office.
History shows it was the conservatives of the day who were dangerous

Bullshit. History shows that the scumbag played "duh, let's try this today!" with our economy, prolonged and deepened the Depression, bullied the Supreme Court, threatened our very form of government, played the useful fool to communist dictators, and threw scores and scores of innocent American citizens into concentration camps.

FDR rightly dumped money into our economy when nobody else would. It was conservatives who were the greatest threats to Americans with their.....let em die mentality

FDR was the right man for the right time

Can you imagine where we would have been if Republicans had been allowed to lead us out of the depression or during WWII?
We would have sided with Hitler and the world would be a vastly different place.
FDR was the right man for the right time

Can you imagine where we would have been if Republicans had been allowed to lead us out of the depression or during WWII?
We would have sided with Hitler and the world would be a vastly different place.

Republicans would have bitched about HItler but would have done nothing about him
They would have tied us up in interstate bickering about who was getting defense dollars and would not have been able to build an allied alliance

We would have fought as isolationists
FDR was the right man for the right time

Can you imagine where we would have been if Republicans had been allowed to lead us out of the depression or during WWII?

I can imagine it would not have taken us that long had a conservative been president.
The biggie, however, for those historians, that now see the light, is to explain why the American people voted for FDR four times. Will the commie thing cover all those millions of people?

Many dictators have been reelected over and over.
FDR let Pearl Harbor happen because a World War would take care of his nasty little unemployment problem.

Watch Obama start smoking using a long plastic cigarette holder.

I don't think He's quite crass enough to take to a wheelchair but He IS, after all, a Democrat.
FDR was the right man for the right time

Can you imagine where we would have been if Republicans had been allowed to lead us out of the depression or during WWII?

I can imagine it would not have taken us that long had a conservative been president.

You forgot that Republicans led us into the depression and only allowed it to grow worse for the first three years

"Prosperity is just around the corner" only fooled them for so long

FDR rightly dumped money into our economy when nobody else would.

The scumbag "dumped" American citizens into concentration camps.

Yes he did

Can you point out all the Republicans who were outraged by his action? ( I can, there was only one)
Can you point to where the Supreme Court stood up for Americans?

Roosevelt responded to post Pearl Harbor panic much like Bush responded to post 9-11 panic
The blending of socialist ideas into a capitalist economy is what created the middle class in America. That led to America being the richest and most powerful country the world has ever seen. It was done without conquering vast regions and numbers of other countries with military might. FDR promised a chicken in every pot. By the time he was done he had us lined up for a house, car, college education and jobs for everyone willing to work. Presidents that followed him kept to his basic plans until Reagan showed up. Countries been a mess ever since.

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