The moon landings were a HOAX

I have to admit, even with the much more advanced technology we have today, a moon mission seems incredibly difficult and costly. It seems almost impossible. Yet they pulled it off with such apparent ease all those years ago.

And then there's the big question of why we haven't gone back in so many years. You would think by now we would have bases there. Trips to the moon should be routine at this point. We should be exploring every inch of it. Yet we haven't gone back and still know very little about the moon. So i do understand why so many question if we ever really went there.
It IS costly and very risky. It took a president, JFK, to rally the country behind the idea. Without that, it would have taken a lot longer to get up there. Now that we've been there and demonstrated our clear dominance in space, we've turned our attention to earthbound issues.

I can't buy that. It just doesn't make sense that we would completely stop exploring the moon. Moon trips should be routine by now. I feel there has to be other reasons why we aren't there right now.
Simple, what the Soviet Union did was also a hoax!
To what end? Occam's Razor would seem to apply here.

Oh how funny!

I see Occam's razor when it is needed! People are very very selective using this.

I really don't understand why people can stll BELIEVE that we have send men to the moon.

The 'evidence' is sooooooooooooo thin.
You've provided no evidence that they did not.

What real evidence do we have that they did? Are we supposed to just take the Government/Corporate Media's word?
I have to admit, even with the much more advanced technology we have today, a moon mission seems incredibly difficult and costly. It seems almost impossible. Yet they pulled it off with such apparent ease all those years ago.

And then there's the big question of why we haven't gone back in so many years. You would think by now we would have bases there. Trips to the moon should be routine at this point. We should be exploring every inch of it. Yet we haven't gone back and still know very little about the moon. So i do understand why so many question if we ever really went there.
It IS costly and very risky. It took a president, JFK, to rally the country behind the idea. Without that, it would have taken a lot longer to get up there. Now that we've been there and demonstrated our clear dominance in space, we've turned our attention to earthbound issues.

I can't buy that. It just doesn't make sense that we would completely stop exploring the moon. Moon trips should be routine by now. I feel there has to be other reasons why we're not there right now.
Space exploration as a whole has take a lot of monetary hits. It cost over a billion dollars, for example, every time we launched the space shuttle, and NASA has dealt with budget constrictions for a long time now. I do see private space exploration becoming more feasible, however. If it was easy to do, we WOULD have routine flights to the moon and back, but it's not.
Simple, what the Soviet Union did was also a hoax!
To what end? Occam's Razor would seem to apply here.

Oh how funny!

I see Occam's razor when it is needed! People are very very selective using this.

I really don't understand why people can stll BELIEVE that we have send men to the moon.

The 'evidence' is sooooooooooooo thin.
You've provided no evidence that they did not.

What real evidence do we have that they did? Are we supposed to just take the Government/Corporate Media's word?
For just one example, there are the mirrors placed on the moon that astronomers bounce lasers off of today. Then there are the moon rocks brought back and of course, the radio broadcasts I mentioned.
I have to admit, even with the much more advanced technology we have today, a moon mission seems incredibly difficult and costly. It seems almost impossible. Yet they pulled it off with such apparent ease all those years ago.

And then there's the big question of why we haven't gone back in so many years. You would think by now we would have bases there. Trips to the moon should be routine at this point. We should be exploring every inch of it. Yet we haven't gone back and still know very little about the moon. So i do understand why so many question if we ever really went there.
It IS costly and very risky. It took a president, JFK, to rally the country behind the idea. Without that, it would have taken a lot longer to get up there. Now that we've been there and demonstrated our clear dominance in space, we've turned our attention to earthbound issues.

I can't buy that. It just doesn't make sense that we would completely stop exploring the moon. Moon trips should be routine by now. I feel there has to be other reasons why we're not there right now.
Space exploration as a whole has take a lot of monetary hits. It cost over a billion dollars, for example, every time we launched the space shuttle, and NASA has dealt with budget constrictions for a long time now. I do see private space exploration becoming more feasible, however. If it was easy to do, we WOULD have routine flights to the moon and back, but it's not.

Some would say that is wasn't just 'not easy to do' back then. They would say it was virtually impossible to do with the limited technology they had. I mean even with the much more advanced technology today, it seems impossible to do. So difficult, our Government doesn't even consider it.
Simple, what the Soviet Union did was also a hoax!
To what end? Occam's Razor would seem to apply here.

Oh how funny!

I see Occam's razor when it is needed! People are very very selective using this.

I really don't understand why people can stll BELIEVE that we have send men to the moon.

The 'evidence' is sooooooooooooo thin.
You've provided no evidence that they did not.

What real evidence do we have that they did? Are we supposed to just take the Government/Corporate Media's word?
For just one example, there are the mirrors placed on the moon that astronomers bounce lasers off of today. Then there are the moon rocks brought back and of course, the radio broadcasts I mentioned.

Other explanations could account for mirrors, rocks, and radio broadcasts.
I have to admit, even with the much more advanced technology we have today, a moon mission seems incredibly difficult and costly. It seems almost impossible. Yet they pulled it off with such apparent ease all those years ago.

And then there's the big question of why we haven't gone back in so many years. You would think by now we would have bases there. Trips to the moon should be routine at this point. We should be exploring every inch of it. Yet we haven't gone back and still know very little about the moon. So i do understand why so many question if we ever really went there.
It IS costly and very risky. It took a president, JFK, to rally the country behind the idea. Without that, it would have taken a lot longer to get up there. Now that we've been there and demonstrated our clear dominance in space, we've turned our attention to earthbound issues.

I can't buy that. It just doesn't make sense that we would completely stop exploring the moon. Moon trips should be routine by now. I feel there has to be other reasons why we're not there right now.
Space exploration as a whole has take a lot of monetary hits. It cost over a billion dollars, for example, every time we launched the space shuttle, and NASA has dealt with budget constrictions for a long time now. I do see private space exploration becoming more feasible, however. If it was easy to do, we WOULD have routine flights to the moon and back, but it's not.

Some would say that is wasn't just 'not easy to do' back then. They would say it was virtually impossible to do with the limited technology they had. I mean even with the much more advanced technology today, it seems impossible to do.
It WAS extremely difficult to do in 1969, and we WERE very lucky, because we nearly lost astronauts several times. The truth of the matter is, we had very smart, very dedicated people all working on the project and determined to succeed. We can do it today, but think of this. Apollo 1 caught fire and burned on the launch pad, killing the astronauts on board. We took a step back, realized it's not a good idea to pressurize the cabin with pure oxygen, and tried again. If that happened today, the entire project would be shut down for months while Congress held hearings, multiple federal agencies would point fingers at each other, administrators would resign, new ones be appointed, thousands of pages of new regulations would be written, and finally, after two or more years in hiatus, the project would start up again. It would take a long time to even get off the ground.
To what end? Occam's Razor would seem to apply here.

Oh how funny!

I see Occam's razor when it is needed! People are very very selective using this.

I really don't understand why people can stll BELIEVE that we have send men to the moon.

The 'evidence' is sooooooooooooo thin.
You've provided no evidence that they did not.

What real evidence do we have that they did? Are we supposed to just take the Government/Corporate Media's word?
For just one example, there are the mirrors placed on the moon that astronomers bounce lasers off of today. Then there are the moon rocks brought back and of course, the radio broadcasts I mentioned.

Other explanations could account for mirrors, rocks, and radio broadcasts.
Not the mirrors. They are precisely placed to reflect back laser beams and anyone with a powerful enough laser can see them.
Oh how funny!

I see Occam's razor when it is needed! People are very very selective using this.

I really don't understand why people can stll BELIEVE that we have send men to the moon.

The 'evidence' is sooooooooooooo thin.
You've provided no evidence that they did not.

What real evidence do we have that they did? Are we supposed to just take the Government/Corporate Media's word?
For just one example, there are the mirrors placed on the moon that astronomers bounce lasers off of today. Then there are the moon rocks brought back and of course, the radio broadcasts I mentioned.

Other explanations could account for mirrors, rocks, and radio broadcasts.
Not the mirrors. They are precisely placed to reflect back laser beams and anyone with a powerful enough laser can see them.

Seems a little hokey. Moon missions should be routine by now.
TBBT- Moon Laser Experiment
lol, What is this suposed to mean? A part of a episode of a tv-serie as proof?? You MUST be joking now, right?
Not at all. It shows that anyone with some knowledge and readily available equipment can prove there are mirrors on the moon exactly where the moon landings occurred. I was just trying to keep it simple and entertaining enough that even you would be able to understand it.
Seems a little hokey. Moon missions should be routine by now.
Would be, if they weren't so expensive. Until they can be made to pay, we're unlikely to go back in the near future.

The U.S. Government doesn't run out of money. It always has it. So why didn't it "return" to the moon? Maybe it's because it never went there in the first place.
Seems a little hokey. Moon missions should be routine by now.
Would be, if they weren't so expensive. Until they can be made to pay, we're unlikely to go back in the near future.

The U.S. Government doesn't run out of money. It always has it. So why didn't it "return" to the moon? Maybe it's because it never went there in the first place.
There needs to be a good reason to go back, one that justifies the expense.
Seems a little hokey. Moon missions should be routine by now.
Would be, if they weren't so expensive. Until they can be made to pay, we're unlikely to go back in the near future.
The U.S. Government doesn't run out of money. It always has it. So why didn't it "return" to the moon? Maybe it's because it never went there in the first place.
What's the mission? They've already proven it can be done. Simply saying, "I don't believe it" isn't proof it hasn't been done. If there was proof, don't you think the Soviets would have debunked it in a minute?
Seems a little hokey. Moon missions should be routine by now.
Would be, if they weren't so expensive. Until they can be made to pay, we're unlikely to go back in the near future.

The U.S. Government doesn't run out of money. It always has it. So why didn't it "return" to the moon? Maybe it's because it never went there in the first place.
There needs to be a good reason to go back, one that justifies the expense.

We know so little about the moon. Further exploration of our nearest celestial body should be good enough reason. We as humans, are explorers, no? I just can't understand abandoning such an important exploration opportunity. Like i said, moon missions should be routine by now.
Seems a little hokey. Moon missions should be routine by now.
Would be, if they weren't so expensive. Until they can be made to pay, we're unlikely to go back in the near future.

The U.S. Government doesn't run out of money. It always has it. So why didn't it "return" to the moon? Maybe it's because it never went there in the first place.
There needs to be a good reason to go back, one that justifies the expense.

We know so little about the moon. Further exploration of our nearest celestial body should be good enough reason. We as humans, are explorers, no? I just can't understand abandoning such an important exploration opportunity. Like i said, moon missions should be routine by now.
Consider that low earth orbit missions are not only routine, we have a permanently inhabited station up there. We'll get to the moon again, but the bottom line remains that current lack of moon missions is not prove positive there were none in the past.

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