The More Cannabis You Smoke, The More Likely You Are To Be A Loser

Why not take care of the addicts the same way they were in the early days, instantly. When someone shot an addict, no one even cared. It was taking out the trash. No report, no arrest. Stop feeding them and giving them medical care. When a family helps by locking the addict in a basement or attic, it's an act of responsible social conscience.

The sight of addicts dead in the street may well discourage others from taking drugs.
Is drug abuse a public health issue or strictly a criminal issue? Do addicts suffer from a drug dependency or a character flaw? And, if toy think it's a character flaw, should justice be served, or should, as you suggest, addicts be shot down like mad dogs due to their character flaw?
As a southern conservative Christian (I'm Baptist), I've always been anti-drug. If I suspected anyone smoking pot or doing illegal drugs of any kind, especially negros, I would turn them into the authorities where they would be arrested, and I will continue to do so.
Right! but copious amounts of alcohol and and home made meth are just fine
I don't drink nor use any type of drug.
I don't. I am pure. I will go to heaven pure.
You are as pure as a backed up septic tank.
If heaven existed , it would be the Last place you'd go.
As a southern conservative Christian (I'm Baptist), I've always been anti-drug. If I suspected anyone smoking pot or doing illegal drugs of any kind, especially negros, I would turn them into the authorities where they would be arrested, and I will continue to do so.
How so?
Racists who demand conformity and are willing to rat out fellow citizens make splendid Nazis. You fit the bill.
These people are breaking the law. They must be reported so they can be jailed and purged of these bad habits during their probation period. There is nothing remotely Nazi about it.
So rounding people and purging them is not Nazi like ?
Nothing twisted about that "thinking" at all.
In 2002 I was diagnosed with leukemia .
Weed was instrumental in my recovery .
Been cancer free since late 03.
So here's a hardy fuck off and die to the willfully ignorant nazi dumb fucks.
In 2002 I was diagnosed with leukemia .
Weed was instrumental in my recovery .
Been cancer free since late 03.
So here's a hardy fuck off and die to the willfully ignorant nazi dumb fucks.

I fail to see any connection between your condition and the thread topic.
I have had several medical conditions that required narcotics, that doesn't mean that those same narcotics are not a problem when abused.
Your use of marijuana has nothing to do with daily misuse.
Pot users should be rounded up, taken to the park and shot in the head. Bill the family for the bullet.

Pot smokers celebrate Hitler's birthday as their special holiday. Nazis.
and who is going to do that you?....or do you hold the coats?....and can you link this hitler birthday thing or is this just more of your pot bullshit?...
That post might lead some to believe that cannabis is pharmacologically addictive. Is that what you believe?
It is addictive.
alcohol is leads to violence ...liver disease ,,, stomach cancer
I have no problem banning alcohol. But it must be enforced seriously and not a policy of looking the other way regarding speakeasies.

Because that worked out SOOO well last time, right?

It's no coincidence that organized crime has made use of pot in the same way.
Pot users should be rounded up, taken to the park and shot in the head. Bill the family for the bullet.

Pot smokers celebrate Hitler's birthday as their special holiday. Nazis.

??????What the hell are you on??????
I am not letting an intrusive nanny Government tell me what I can and can't smoke... I'll make that decision.
The Law will make that decision. That's not nanny government. Society has a reason for keeping its citizens clean and sober.
Society has a reason for keeping its citizens clean and sober.
so what is that reason?....because it sure as hell aint working with alcohol.....
In 2002 I was diagnosed with leukemia .
Weed was instrumental in my recovery .
Been cancer free since late 03.
So here's a hardy fuck off and die to the willfully ignorant nazi dumb fucks.

I fail to see any connection between your condition and the thread topic.
I have had several medical conditions that required narcotics, that doesn't mean that those same narcotics are not a problem when abused.
Your use of marijuana has nothing to do with daily misuse.
Bullshit !define daily misuse?
These people are breaking the law. They must be reported so they can be jailed and purged of these bad habits during their probation period. There is nothing remotely Nazi about it.
Not only that but
<---Dude says Marijuana both leads to "pacifism" and is the "most violence causing drug in the history of mankind"...too fucking much LOL
He's 100% correct.
well steve i think you just proved you are just funning us by agreeing to what this jerk said....tipsy is ignorant enough to buy what this guy said because she is an old decrepit person, i dont think you are that least i hope you are not...
I am not letting an intrusive nanny Government tell me what I can and can't smoke... I'll make that decision.
The Law will make that decision. That's not nanny government. Society has a reason for keeping its citizens clean and sober.
Society has a reason for keeping its citizens clean and sober.
so what is that reason?....because it sure as hell aint working with alcohol.....

Clean and sober ? No way the Corporate Drug Capo s are at it

In 2002 I was diagnosed with leukemia .
Weed was instrumental in my recovery .
Been cancer free since late 03.
So here's a hardy fuck off and die to the willfully ignorant nazi dumb fucks.

I fail to see any connection between your condition and the thread topic.
I have had several medical conditions that required narcotics, that doesn't mean that those same narcotics are not a problem when abused.
Your use of marijuana has nothing to do with daily misuse.
Bullshit !define daily misuse?

Just like alcohol, marijuana has undeniable benefit when used moderately.
I LOVE craft beer, I also make beer. And you bet I love the buzz that comes with the higher alcohol in real beer. BUUUT...I do not drink every night till I am shitfaced. That is daily misuse.
Same with pot, if someone lit up a moderate amount to get the calming effects - and quit...I have zero problem with that, and yes it should be legal. Daily misuse is people who get stoned "to be normal". People who literally spend most of the day at some level of high. I know more than one person like this - and the people they hang out with. And every single one of them live in poverty.
If one drinks too much water one can actually die of "water intoxication"..a radio station where I live had a contest where a person had to drink more water than the others to win...a woman died in that contest from water...

In rare cases,drinking an extreme amount in a short time can be dangerous. It can cause the level of salt, or sodium, in your blood to drop too low. That's a condition called hyponatremia.It's very serious, and can be fatal.You may hear it called water intoxication.
These people are breaking the law. They must be reported so they can be jailed and purged of these bad habits during their probation period. There is nothing remotely Nazi about it.
Not only that but
<---Dude says Marijuana both leads to "pacifism" and is the "most violence causing drug in the history of mankind"...too fucking much LOL
He's 100% correct.
well steve i think you just proved you are just funning us by agreeing to what this jerk said....tipsy is ignorant enough to buy what this guy said because she is an old decrepit person, i dont think you are that least i hope you are not...
I think he buys every last syllable of that steaming pile.
In 2002 I was diagnosed with leukemia .
Weed was instrumental in my recovery .
Been cancer free since late 03.
So here's a hardy fuck off and die to the willfully ignorant nazi dumb fucks.

I fail to see any connection between your condition and the thread topic.
I have had several medical conditions that required narcotics, that doesn't mean that those same narcotics are not a problem when abused.
Your use of marijuana has nothing to do with daily misuse.
Bullshit !define daily misuse?

Just like alcohol, marijuana has undeniable benefit when used moderately.
I LOVE craft beer, I also make beer. And you bet I love the buzz that comes with the higher alcohol in real beer. BUUUT...I do not drink every night till I am shitfaced. That is daily misuse.
Same with pot, if someone lit up a moderate amount to get the calming effects - and quit...I have zero problem with that, and yes it should be legal. Daily misuse is people who get stoned "to be normal". People who literally spend most of the day at some level of high. I know more than one person like this - and the people they hang out with. And every single one of them live in poverty.
You opinion is based on sample too small to be of any value.
One more thing the drugs I now have to use because of the damage caused by chemotherapy to my heart and pancreas are far more distructive than aNY amount of weed.
One more thing the drugs I now have to use because of the damage caused by chemotherapy to my heart and pancreas are far more distructive than aNY amount of weed.

Again, what you are saying for you has no bearing on the ill effects of marijuana when abused.
I always have Lortabs in the house. I have RA and sometimes severe sciatica. When I am suffering a flare up - the narcotics keep me sane. Anyone who has any condition that makes them suffer chronic pain - I don't care what the drug is that gives them relief - by all means use it.
It is no less silly to deny that marijuana can have negative impact on users, as saying it is 100% bad.
Everything does not have to be absolutes.

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