The More Cannabis You Smoke, The More Likely You Are To Be A Loser

I am not letting an intrusive nanny Government tell me what I can and can't smoke... I'll make that decision.
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I have no problem banning alcohol.
You don't however our Society suffered greatly when that was last attempted .... you support intrusive nanny Government getting into individual adult decisions ......are you Stalinist too ?

If you ban alcohol who will sponsor Football games and what about NASCAR

These places banned booze. Now they're dealing with something far worse
"Dry counties" that prohibit alcohol sales seem to have a bigger meth problem than other counties.
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I have no problem banning alcohol.
You don't however our Society suffered greatly when that was last attempted .... you support intrusive nanny Government getting into individual adult decisions ......are you Stalinist too ?

If you ban alcohol who will sponsor Football games and what about NASCAR

These places banned booze. Now they're dealing with something far worse
"Dry counties" that prohibit alcohol sales seem to have a bigger meth problem than other counties.
So you are in favor of meth usage too?
I am not letting an intrusive nanny Government tell me what I can and can't smoke... I'll make that decision.
The Law will make that decision. That's not nanny government. Society has a reason for keeping its citizens clean and sober.
I am not letting an intrusive nanny Government tell me what I can and can't smoke... I'll make that decision.
The Law will make that decision. That's not nanny government. Society has a reason for keeping its citizens clean and sober.
oh does it have a reason to tax and to have a safety net ?

The Government has utterly failed to keep me from smoking pot for over 45 years but it has kept marijuana from being developed as a valuable therapy agent

Marijuana Pain Relief | Marijuana Pain Management .
Medical Marijuana and Epilepsy | Epilepsy Foundation
Marijuana oil reduces Alzheimer's symptoms, study finds
Marijuana and Migraines: Treatment
These people are breaking the law. They must be reported so they can be jailed and purged of these bad habits during their probation period. There is nothing remotely Nazi about it.
Not only that but
<---Dude says Marijuana both leads to "pacifism" and is the "most violence causing drug in the history of mankind"...too fucking much LOL
He's 100% correct.
Hitler, Trump, Duke, and Cruz have smoked dope.
There is no way for such a longitudinal study to control for all the different variables that might affect people over the course of their lives...

Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users | Alternet

View attachment 69936
I am sure [LOL] that you are much wealthier and accomplished than Sean Penn...:2up:

Maybe not but I sure know I tip a hell of a lot better then him

Top Ten Cheapest Celebrity Tippers

Sean Penn and three others had "New Orleans waiters waiting on them hand and foot. The tip left on a $450 tab? Absolutely nothing. There are lots of instances of Sean Penn stiffing waitstaff," Glamorati reports. He takes the number three spot on the Frisky's compilation of measly stars as well. Of course Penn was in N.O. helping out poor people, so let's at least acknowledge he's generous with his time, if not his money
Maybe not but I sure know I tip a hell of a lot better then him

Link that shows you are a "better tipper" yeah sure LOL

You smoking so much weed you don't know One is bigger then Zero?
In a digital system one and zero are two equal options binary system ....
this is the irrefutable fact...Sean Penn likely a heavy pot smoker [at least at some time in his life if not now] is just another Universe from you in terms of success...
As a southern conservative Christian (I'm Baptist), I've always been anti-drug. If I suspected anyone smoking pot or doing illegal drugs of any kind, especially negros, I would turn them into the authorities where they would be arrested, and I will continue to do so.
How so?
Racists who demand conformity and are willing to rat out fellow citizens make splendid Nazis. You fit the bill.
These people are breaking the law. They must be reported so they can be jailed and purged of these bad habits during their probation period. There is nothing remotely Nazi about it.
They must be reported, arrested and purged. And you don't see the Nazi in that. Right.
Why not take care of the addicts the same way they were in the early days, instantly. When someone shot an addict, no one even cared. It was taking out the trash. No report, no arrest. Stop feeding them and giving them medical care. When a family helps by locking the addict in a basement or attic, it's an act of responsible social conscience.

The sight of addicts dead in the street may well discourage others from taking drugs.
It doesn't make people "losers", it does however make them complacent.
Marijuana creates euphoria, a sense of well being regardless if they actually are or not.
And therein lies the problem.
If things are not going to well in a persons life, like there personal can either work to make them better - or medicate the problem away. Smoking marijuana daily will make you feel less anxious about reality, indeed even satisfied about how things are. So that person is less likely to do anything to improve their situation.
However, unlike meth and much stronger euphoric narcotics - it does not alter reality. Potheads, unlike Methheads, are aware of their circumstances...they just simply care less about it.

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