The More Cannabis You Smoke, The More Likely You Are To Be A Loser

"My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them." - Winston Churchill -

"Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy." - Frank Sinatra -

"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." - P. J. O'Rourke -

"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction." - Bob Marley -

"Our national drug is alcohol. We tend to regard the use any other drug with special horror." - William S. Burroughs -

“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” - Bill Hicks -

"Of course I know how to roll a joint." - Martha Stewart -

“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world." - Carl Sagan -

Whenever the people are for gay marriage or medical
marijuana or assisted suicide, suddenly the "will of the peop
le" goes out the window.
- Bill Maher -

"The only dead bodies from marijuana are in the prisons
and at the hands of the police.
This is ridiculous."
- Jack Herer -
One more thing the drugs I now have to use because of the damage caused by chemotherapy to my heart and pancreas are far more distructive than aNY amount of weed.

Again, what you are saying for you has no bearing on the ill effects of marijuana when abused.
I always have Lortabs in the house. I have RA and sometimes severe sciatica. When I am suffering a flare up - the narcotics keep me sane. Anyone who has any condition that makes them suffer chronic pain - I don't care what the drug is that gives them relief - by all means use it.
It is no less silly to deny that marijuana can have negative impact on users, as saying it is 100% bad.
Everything does not have to be absolutes.
Again bullshit your idea of abuse is subjective and bias.
One more thing the drugs I now have to use because of the damage caused by chemotherapy to my heart and pancreas are far more distructive than aNY amount of weed.

Again, what you are saying for you has no bearing on the ill effects of marijuana when abused.
I always have Lortabs in the house. I have RA and sometimes severe sciatica. When I am suffering a flare up - the narcotics keep me sane. Anyone who has any condition that makes them suffer chronic pain - I don't care what the drug is that gives them relief - by all means use it.
It is no less silly to deny that marijuana can have negative impact on users, as saying it is 100% bad.
Everything does not have to be absolutes.
Again bullshit your idea of abuse is subjective and bias.'s not...but I am bored of this conversation.
Smokers in front of the White House should have been arrested yesterday.

Legal in DC
You misunderstand what legal in DC means. The DC police will not arrest someone for pot. But, because pot is still illegal under federal law, the capitol police absolutely can arrest and prosecute a pot offender. Any federal office could. A federal marshal could. So legal in DC doesn't mean a whole lot.
These people are breaking the law. They must be reported so they can be jailed and purged of these bad habits during their probation period. There is nothing remotely Nazi about it.
Not only that but
<---Dude says Marijuana both leads to "pacifism" and is the "most violence causing drug in the history of mankind"...too fucking much LOL
He's 100% correct.
well steve i think you just proved you are just funning us by agreeing to what this jerk said....tipsy is ignorant enough to buy what this guy said because she is an old decrepit person, i dont think you are that least i hope you are not...
I think he buys every last syllable of that steaming pile.
anyone who does would have to be one ignorant individual....
Why not take care of the addicts the same way they were in the early days, instantly. When someone shot an addict, no one even cared. It was taking out the trash. No report, no arrest. Stop feeding them and giving them medical care. When a family helps by locking the addict in a basement or attic, it's an act of responsible social conscience.

The sight of addicts dead in the street may well discourage others from taking drugs.
Is drug abuse a public health issue or strictly a criminal issue? Do addicts suffer from a drug dependency or a character flaw? And, if toy think it's a character flaw, should justice be served, or should, as you suggest, addicts be shot down like mad dogs due to their character flaw?
Drug addiction is a criminal issue. It is not a character flaw any more than a person driven to thrill kill has a character flaw.
One more thing the drugs I now have to use because of the damage caused by chemotherapy to my heart and pancreas are far more distructive than aNY amount of weed.

Again, what you are saying for you has no bearing on the ill effects of marijuana when abused.
I always have Lortabs in the house. I have RA and sometimes severe sciatica. When I am suffering a flare up - the narcotics keep me sane. Anyone who has any condition that makes them suffer chronic pain - I don't care what the drug is that gives them relief - by all means use it.
It is no less silly to deny that marijuana can have negative impact on users, as saying it is 100% bad.
Everything does not have to be absolutes.
Again bullshit your idea of abuse is subjective and bias.'s not...but I am bored of this conversation.
Why not take care of the addicts the same way they were in the early days, instantly. When someone shot an addict, no one even cared. It was taking out the trash. No report, no arrest. Stop feeding them and giving them medical care. When a family helps by locking the addict in a basement or attic, it's an act of responsible social conscience.

The sight of addicts dead in the street may well discourage others from taking drugs.
Is drug abuse a public health issue or strictly a criminal issue? Do addicts suffer from a drug dependency or a character flaw? And, if toy think it's a character flaw, should justice be served, or should, as you suggest, addicts be shot down like mad dogs due to their character flaw?
Drug addiction is a criminal issue. It is not a character flaw any more than a person driven to thrill kill has a character flaw.
So in spite of what epidemiologists say, in spite of what people public health officials say, in spite of what the medical community says, drug addiction should be exclusively in the realm of criminal justice.

Folks addicted to pain medications are criminals. Folks who smoke pot recreationally are criminals. Folks who smoke pot medicinally are criminals. As if we don't already lock up enough Americans.

Do you want to rethink your position, or should I nail your arguments to the wall in my next response?
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Smokers in front of the White House should have been arrested yesterday.

Legal in DC
You misunderstand what legal in DC means. The DC police will not arrest someone for pot. But, because pot is still illegal under federal law, the capitol police absolutely can arrest and prosecute a pot offender. Any federal office could. A federal marshal could. So legal in DC doesn't mean a whole lot.
that would be true if they were actually arresting anyone for it.
But neither police or Fed's are.
Why not take care of the addicts the same way they were in the early days, instantly. When someone shot an addict, no one even cared. It was taking out the trash. No report, no arrest. Stop feeding them and giving them medical care. When a family helps by locking the addict in a basement or attic, it's an act of responsible social conscience.

The sight of addicts dead in the street may well discourage others from taking drugs.
Is drug abuse a public health issue or strictly a criminal issue? Do addicts suffer from a drug dependency or a character flaw? And, if toy think it's a character flaw, should justice be served, or should, as you suggest, addicts be shot down like mad dogs due to their character flaw?
Drug addiction is a criminal issue. It is not a character flaw any more than a person driven to thrill kill has a character flaw.
Oh bullshit!
Why not take care of the addicts the same way they were in the early days, instantly. When someone shot an addict, no one even cared. It was taking out the trash. No report, no arrest. Stop feeding them and giving them medical care. When a family helps by locking the addict in a basement or attic, it's an act of responsible social conscience.

The sight of addicts dead in the street may well discourage others from taking drugs.
Is drug abuse a public health issue or strictly a criminal issue? Do addicts suffer from a drug dependency or a character flaw? And, if toy think it's a character flaw, should justice be served, or should, as you suggest, addicts be shot down like mad dogs due to their character flaw?
Drug addiction is a criminal issue. It is not a character flaw any more than a person driven to thrill kill has a character flaw.

Medical cannabis is a life saving and life extending issue.
The more cannibis you smoke, the more likely you are to be a loser, and the more likely you are to be a democrat.
Three joint cannabis or marijuana every year are good for me even was 13 year back I smoke weed last time and it was 40 precent one gram for 8/10/12 Dollar.
The more cannibis you smoke, the more likely you are to be a loser, and the more likely you are to be a democrat.
can see you have never been around smokers....there are LOTS of conservative/republicans and even religious people who indulge.....smoked with many in my day...

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