The more Republicans fuck up - the more they get rewarded. Why?

What's there not to understand, both the Hag, her party, and the GOP establishment have lied to the American people for 8 f-ing years. You my friend are so blinded by political rhetoric, cronyism, and entitlement without skin in the game you look foolish. Populism as defined by Andrew Jackson in his first unsuccessful bid for political office against Adams, jury mannered by the house, and his successful bid demonstrated that the people own this country, not a self ordained political elite establishment, and when they have had enough they get mad.

Best post of the day, IMO..................:clap::clap:

Except that the LAST party that should ever be given a mandate is the fiscally irresponsible Republican Party. They're the ones who sold you out to the 1%.
Apparently Democrats need to start fucking up more.
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. Much like the death of a close family member. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground. BTW, you sound like you may be a legend in your own mind.

Crisis Help Lines Have Been Inundated Following The Election

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage.
Last edited:
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.


The goddamned media wanted us to believe that Hillary's victory was imminent.

They wanted us to stay home and not waste our votes.

Their strategy backfired.

Now you stupid motherfuckers are all depressed.

Bite the bullet.

Yup, grabbin pussies and takin names. That's how we deplorables do it.

Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

Just get down on your Brietbart Christian knees and thank James Comey, Assange and Putin for your alt-right mesiah's victory. Meanwhile, you can continue to praise yourself for being right.
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

I listened closely to Hillary and Trump. I didn't need the media to decode it for me.
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

I listened closely to Hillary and Trump. I didn't need the media to decode it for me.

You became addicted to media hype and euphoria

You are undergoing withdrawal symptoms.

Go jogging . Its only 51 degrees in Fargo


Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

Just get down on your Brietbart Christian knees and thank James Comey, Assange and Putin for your alt-right mesiah's victory. Meanwhile, you can continue to praise yourself for being right.
You just proved my point. You just parroted and entire sentence that you heard/saw on TV. You'll forever be enslaved by your masters. Good luck with that, it will never serve you.
I'm not really bitter - I'm just fucking amazed and shocked. You might have a point if your candidate wasn't the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist. Therefore, you are not on the moral high ground.

Stop Telling Me To Keep Fighting. Today Is About Rage. | Huffington Post
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

Just get down on your Brietbart Christian knees and thank James Comey, Assange and Putin for your alt-right mesiah's victory. Meanwhile, you can continue to praise yourself for being right.
You just proved my point. You just parroted and entire sentence that you heard/saw on TV. You'll forever be enslaved by your masters. Good luck with that, it will never serve you.

Look, you can praise yourself all you want - but I see it clearly as false praise. BECAUSE, if not for Assange, Putin, and ESPECIALLY Comey - YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN WRONG. Hillary would be our new president. You got LUCKY - not SMART.
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

Just get down on your Brietbart Christian knees and thank James Comey, Assange and Putin for your alt-right mesiah's victory. Meanwhile, you can continue to praise yourself for being right.
You just proved my point. You just parroted and entire sentence that you heard/saw on TV. You'll forever be enslaved by your masters. Good luck with that, it will never serve you.

Look, you can praise yourself all you want - but I see it clearly as false praise. BECAUSE, if not for Assange, Putin, and ESPECIALLY Comey - YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN WRONG. Hillary would be our new president. You got LUCKY - not SMART.

Hillary needed to be exposed.

Obama wasn't going to do it.

Thank you Julian Assange and whoever else helped.


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