The More Time Goes By The More Evidence Proves J6 Was A Democrat Set-Up & Attack On Americans

Only snowflake here is the leftist that cannot handle the truth and needs a safe space to deal with life.
Better not to be able to handle the truth and alive than not to be able to handle the truth and blasted into infinity like that dumbass Ashli Babbit :lmao:
"...innocent people simply exercising their rights."

"Innocent people"....who illegally enter our Capitol, participate in breaching a police-erected and manned barricade specifically intended to keep an angry mob from killing or harming our elected Representatives?

"Innocent people".......who violently and successfully breach that barricade and are then specifically warned to back away, to not enter, to leave.....but then aggressively leap towards those officers.

If one proclaims that is 'innocence', good poster mudwhistle....well, it makes some think that only the guilty would proclaim those kind of activities are innocent activities.

Just sayin'.
FBI claims there were so many informants - and undercover FBI agents - in tbe J6 crowd THEY don't even know how many there were.

It is undeniably clear that Democrats / the FBI NEVER tried to PREVENT J6 from happening but instead ran J6 as a setup Op.

Apparently those informants and agents were all willing to go to jail in order to maintain their cover.

The fake news is what you're trying to report.
Can you point us to any law or Constitutional right to overthrow the legally elected government of the USA?????? I'd be really interested in seeing that one.
I guess you haven't been paying attention.
This wasn't an insurrection.
It was planned by Nancy Pelosi to create a constitutional emergency with a criminal conspiracy to commit murder.

Why else would they refuse to allow the rest of the videos to be made public?

Because they're hiding their involvement in this conspiracy.

They know that any court in the country would convict them of a conspiracy, and all they're doing is trying to stay out of prison.
I guess you haven't been paying attention.
This wasn't an insurrection.
It was planned by Nancy Pelosi to create a constitutional emergency with a criminal conspiracy to commit murder.

Why else would they refuse to allow the rest of the videos to be made public?

Because they're hiding their involvement in this conspiracy.

They know that any court in the country would convict them of a conspiracy, and all they're doing is trying to stay out of prison.
Does it bother you that you are nuts?
That video shows who was responsible for the killing of Ashlie Babbitt.

Nancy Pelosi.
Throughout 2020, Democrats and their agents, BLM and ANIFA, Burned, Looted, and Maimed because Democrats were so upset about the notion of police shooting unarmed persons when those persons don’t heed commands of police officers and represent a threat to police officers.

Then, in the first week of 2021, Ashlie Babbitt is shot and killed as an unarmed protestor who did not heed police officer commands and the Left cheers it. Full of Shit.
Polls over a year out

And a year from now when Biden needs to be led on and off the podium, with instruction cards to remind him not to wander off in the middle of a ceremony, the polls will show him even more behind.

Nobody with a brain would vote for someone in mid-stage dementia who is trying to collapse the economy.
Nah. You're just worried it will be your turn for the minority treatment
Why do you hate whites so much? Our race has contributed amazing contributions in terms of science, medicine, and technology.
That video shows who was responsible for the killing of Ashlie Babbitt.

Nancy Pelosi.
Coyote saw the video and thinks it's funny.

What causes this form of insanity?

Sick minds see what everyone else can see and cannot grasp what the implications are.
And a year from now when Biden needs to be led on and off the podium, with instruction cards to remind him not to wander off in the middle of a ceremony, the polls will show him even more behind.

Nobody with a brain would vote for someone in mid-stage dementia who is trying to collapse the economy.
You already got nexted, racist
Nah. You're just worried it will be your turn for the minority treatment
Yet you support rich whites who will do the same to you the moment they feel they don't need you anymore.

Clearly you're not smart enough to let your prejudices overrule your common-sense.
J6 Reichstag Fire
I bet you that the ignorant Dems reading this don’t know that reference, but that aside….you’re correct. It’s the same tactic they took in pre-WWII Germany to marginalize and delegitimize an entire segment of the population.

And we all know how that turned out.
Yet you support rich whites who will do the same to you the moment they feel they don't need you anymore.

Clearly you're not smart enough to let your prejudices overrule your common-sense.
I'm white. I'm just not a racist like you.

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