The More Time Goes By The More Evidence Proves J6 Was A Democrat Set-Up & Attack On Americans

It doesn't take illegal immigration to fill job positions, you commie bitch.

They've let in 15 million already this year.

The only reason they're letting so many in now is because they plan on replacing us with slaves who are stupid enough to come here.

This isn't "illegal immigration". Seeking "refugee status" is NOT illegal immigration.

You keep repeating these white supremacist lies like they have any meaning in the real world, other than to reveal you as both gullible and stupid.

How can they have let in "15 million" already, when fewer than 2 million have crossed the Southern Border illegally????

Where are you getting your information from??????
My wife is black, Honkie.
Half my family is Native-American, Honkie.

Try not to make a fool of yourself by talking like you're black when you're just a Pinko faggot.
Only a Pinko Faggot goes around calling everyone racist when they're white.
I call you a racist because you are one. Deal with it. Or not. Makes no difference to me, racist
My wife is black, Honkie.
Half my family is Native-American, Honkie.

Try not to make a fool of yourself by talking like you're black when you're just a Pinko faggot.
Only a Pinko Faggot goes around calling everyone racist when they're white.

There are other racists on this board who make similar claims, and we don't believe them either.
And a year from now when Biden needs to be led on and off the podium, with instruction cards to remind him not to wander off in the middle of a ceremony, the polls will show him even more behind.

Nobody with a brain would vote for someone in mid-stage dementia who is trying to collapse the economy.
They don't vote for them.
The Democrats gather people's information and fill out ballots for them.
Most illegals are being registered to vote, and then their ballots are filled out for them.
That's how Biden won the last time.
Their policies are pissing everyone off and they're creating millions of new voters who aren't legally supposed to be voting to counter the anti-Biden sentiment that is growing all over the country.
The Democrats, according to the OP are smerter than a stable genius and duped him into believing the election was stolen.
FBI claims there were so many informants - and undercover FBI agents - in tbe J6 crowd THEY don't even know how many there were.

It is undeniably clear that Democrats / the FBI NEVER tried to PREVENT J6 from happening but instead ran J6 as a setup Op.

Come on guys. You try another way to blame this on somebody besides tRump pretty much every week.

It's reached the point of being ridiculous.

You look foolish and weak.
My wife is black, Honkie.
Half my family is Native-American, Honkie.

Try not to make a fool of yourself by talking like you're black when you're just a Pinko faggot.
Only a Pinko Faggot goes around calling everyone racist when they're white.
Yeah, and I'm married to Morgan Fairchild.

I know you're a racist and you know you're a racist. There is no argument
Says the lib who demeans an Air Force veteran because she’s white and was killed by a black - all the while defending a ex-con druggie thug who held a knife to a pregnant woman’s belly because he’s black.

We see who the racist is - the one with different standards depending on the race of the victim.
Says the lib who demeans an Air Force veteran because she’s white and was killed by a black - all the while defending a ex-con druggie thug who held a knife to a pregnant woman’s belly because he’s black.

We see who the racist is - the one with different standards depending on the race of the victim.
How is Ashli btw? Still dead?
Was Jan 6 planned and controlled by Democrats?
I wouldn’t be surprised

Democrats understood how stupid and gullible Republicans are and that they would believe any wild conspiracies they were fed.

Democrats also understood that Republicans hate America and would attack our Democracy under the slightest pretext.
Was Jan 6 planned and controlled by Democrats?
I wouldn’t be surprised

Democrats understood how stupid and gullible Republicans are and that they would believe any wild conspiracies they were fed.

Democrats also understood that Republicans hate America and would attack our Democracy under the slightest pretext.
What the? Explain how you think Republicans "hate America"?
What the? Explain how you think Republicans "hate America"?

Let me count the ways

They hate our Government
They hate our Democracy and try to overthrow it
They want to terminate the Constitution
They advocate withdrawing from the Union
Was Jan 6 planned and controlled by Democrats?
I wouldn’t be surprised

Democrats understood how stupid and gullible Republicans are and that they would believe any wild conspiracies they were fed.

Democrats also understood that Republicans hate America and would attack our Democracy under the slightest pretext.
That's weird, considering the fact that you all believe Russia, Russia, Russia, and that an unarmed protest was an insurgency.

Just how stupid can you get?

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