The Morning Briefing: Trump Can't Allow Democrats To Enjoy One Minute of Biden 'Victory

The Morning Briefing: Trump Can't Allow Democrats To Enjoy One Minute of Biden 'Victory'

I agree with the below. Add in that lawsuits should be filed in every State with issues to preserve all election material and list all election workers to be investigated after to give people actual answers over the fraud accusations.

President Trump is running out of legal options to contest the election but there is still a lot of fight left in his legal team. They continue to put up a united front and vow to uncover every spurious ballot cast. I don’t pretend to know anything about election law so I haven’t weighed in on that a lot.

I do know optics, however, The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media are still rending their garments over the fact that Trump and the faithful will not go quietly into Inauguration Day, which you all know I’m a fan of. Watching them flail throughout what should be their extended moment of triumph is rather delightful. I didn’t used to be this mean-spirited about politics but after what they did for the last for years I find myself a bit bereft of any charitable feelings for the Dems.

I am done being charitable as well, time to be just as mean as the left.

Trump lost. Good lord, this is embarrassing. You idiots have made it so that people like me are not even interested in what policy considerations Trump supporters want anymore. After December 14th, it's over. Trump had four years to show that he was interested in the job. Good riddance to bad garbage. May he descend into the legal hell that he deserves.

Nice try on trying to back out, but it is fucking on. No rest, no respite, no break. You will be hounded, you will be countered, you will be called out for ALL YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT on this board.

Get used to it you fucking pussy.
The Morning Briefing: Trump Can't Allow Democrats To Enjoy One Minute of Biden 'Victory'

I agree with the below. Add in that lawsuits should be filed in every State with issues to preserve all election material and list all election workers to be investigated after to give people actual answers over the fraud accusations.

President Trump is running out of legal options to contest the election but there is still a lot of fight left in his legal team. They continue to put up a united front and vow to uncover every spurious ballot cast. I don’t pretend to know anything about election law so I haven’t weighed in on that a lot.

I do know optics, however, The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media are still rending their garments over the fact that Trump and the faithful will not go quietly into Inauguration Day, which you all know I’m a fan of. Watching them flail throughout what should be their extended moment of triumph is rather delightful. I didn’t used to be this mean-spirited about politics but after what they did for the last for years I find myself a bit bereft of any charitable feelings for the Dems.

I am done being charitable as well, time to be just as mean as the left.
Lol, still getting sucked into the conspiracy theories, huh?

Dismiss it if you want, that's your pathetic right.
The Morning Briefing: Trump Can't Allow Democrats To Enjoy One Minute of Biden 'Victory'

I agree with the below. Add in that lawsuits should be filed in every State with issues to preserve all election material and list all election workers to be investigated after to give people actual answers over the fraud accusations.

President Trump is running out of legal options to contest the election but there is still a lot of fight left in his legal team. They continue to put up a united front and vow to uncover every spurious ballot cast. I don’t pretend to know anything about election law so I haven’t weighed in on that a lot.

I do know optics, however, The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media are still rending their garments over the fact that Trump and the faithful will not go quietly into Inauguration Day, which you all know I’m a fan of. Watching them flail throughout what should be their extended moment of triumph is rather delightful. I didn’t used to be this mean-spirited about politics but after what they did for the last for years I find myself a bit bereft of any charitable feelings for the Dems.

I am done being charitable as well, time to be just as mean as the left.

Trump lost. Good lord, this is embarrassing. You idiots have made it so that people like me are not even interested in what policy considerations Trump supporters want anymore. After December 14th, it's over. Trump had four years to show that he was interested in the job. Good riddance to bad garbage. May he descend into the legal hell that he deserves.

Nice try on trying to back out, but it is fucking on. No rest, no respite, no break. You will be hounded, you will be countered, you will be called out for ALL YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT on this board.

Get used to it you fucking pussy.

Go for it. So far, all you've got is gas. Trump is gone on January 20th. While I expect there will be a small section of his hardcore believers that will hang on to his every word, my guess is most will go back to bellyaching about Biden and the Democrats. And Trump? I will guess he's going to be too busy dodging legal action for the rest of his life to be much of an influence.

Biden won. Trump lost. Deal with it. Move on.
We'll have lots to argue about over the next four years.
There is no "Biden victory".

It is a Democrat Dirty Tricks Thievery.

Biden can celebrate with his Chicom buddies.
The Morning Briefing: Trump Can't Allow Democrats To Enjoy One Minute of Biden 'Victory'

I agree with the below. Add in that lawsuits should be filed in every State with issues to preserve all election material and list all election workers to be investigated after to give people actual answers over the fraud accusations.

President Trump is running out of legal options to contest the election but there is still a lot of fight left in his legal team. They continue to put up a united front and vow to uncover every spurious ballot cast. I don’t pretend to know anything about election law so I haven’t weighed in on that a lot.

I do know optics, however, The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media are still rending their garments over the fact that Trump and the faithful will not go quietly into Inauguration Day, which you all know I’m a fan of. Watching them flail throughout what should be their extended moment of triumph is rather delightful. I didn’t used to be this mean-spirited about politics but after what they did for the last for years I find myself a bit bereft of any charitable feelings for the Dems.

I am done being charitable as well, time to be just as mean as the left.

Aw. The left is being mean to you. Poor widdle snowflake.

Retarded democrats were talking about impeaching Trump before he was even sworn in.

Accordingly, he should make this transition the most difficult in the history of Presidential transitions...

Retarded Republicans should never have allowed this lying corrupt criminal run for President in the first place. The Party has some responsibility to the nation to declare intelligible people who are morally unfit for office based on their espoused beliefs and/or past behaviour.

Trump has always conducted his business dealings in a corrupt and unprincipled manner leading to numerous claims of fraud, and 7 large corporate bankruptcies around the world.

He has utterly destroyed the US economy, just as he has destroyed every corporate entity he has headed. Leaving them broke, unable to meet obligations, and the real estate project involved, in ruins.

Republicans promised, if elected in the House and Senate, to curb his worst impulses, and then stood back and did nothing, as Trump rode roughshod over the Constitution and the rule of law.

He should have been impeached for his conduct in the election. It would have saved the nation from the mess you’re in now.
The Party has some responsibility to the nation to declare intelligible people who are morally unfit for office based on their espoused beliefs and/or past behaviour.

Um, you say he's unfit for office, but you also say that the party has a responsibility to find such a person "intelligible".

Do you know what "intelligible" even means?

Trump has always conducted his business dealings in a corrupt and unprincipled manner leading to numerous claims of fraud, and 7 large corporate bankruptcies around the world.

Trump owns over 500 companies. 7 out of 500 ain't a bad record...

He has utterly destroyed the US economy, just as he has destroyed every corporate entity he has headed. Leaving them broke, unable to meet obligations, and the real estate project involved, in ruins.

Before the pandemic, our economy was on fire. More blacks, women and latinos were working than ever before.

Now, if you want to be a retard and blame Trump for the Kung Flu, go right ahead, but it doesn't mean you're right...

Republicans promised, if elected in the House and Senate, to curb his worst impulses, and then stood back and did nothing, as Trump rode roughshod over the Constitution and the rule of law.

Cite specific examples of them doing that...

He should have been impeached for his conduct in the election. It would have saved the nation from the mess you’re in now.

You ain't the sharpest knife in the shed, are you, cupcake? What conduct during the election do you believe was impeachable? Hell, when you consider that liberal retards were talking about impeaching him before he even won the nomination, such claims are fantastical, at best...
The Morning Briefing: Trump Can't Allow Democrats To Enjoy One Minute of Biden 'Victory'

I agree with the below. Add in that lawsuits should be filed in every State with issues to preserve all election material and list all election workers to be investigated after to give people actual answers over the fraud accusations.

President Trump is running out of legal options to contest the election but there is still a lot of fight left in his legal team. They continue to put up a united front and vow to uncover every spurious ballot cast. I don’t pretend to know anything about election law so I haven’t weighed in on that a lot.

I do know optics, however, The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media are still rending their garments over the fact that Trump and the faithful will not go quietly into Inauguration Day, which you all know I’m a fan of. Watching them flail throughout what should be their extended moment of triumph is rather delightful. I didn’t used to be this mean-spirited about politics but after what they did for the last for years I find myself a bit bereft of any charitable feelings for the Dems.

I am done being charitable as well, time to be just as mean as the left.

Aw. The left is being mean to you. Poor widdle snowflake.

Retarded democrats were talking about impeaching Trump before he was even sworn in.

Accordingly, he should make this transition the most difficult in the history of Presidential transitions...

Retarded Republicans should never have allowed this lying corrupt criminal run for President in the first place. The Party has some responsibility to the nation to declare intelligible people who are morally unfit for office based on their espoused beliefs and/or past behaviour.

Trump has always conducted his business dealings in a corrupt and unprincipled manner leading to numerous claims of fraud, and 7 large corporate bankruptcies around the world.

He has utterly destroyed the US economy, just as he has destroyed every corporate entity he has headed. Leaving them broke, unable to meet obligations, and the real estate project involved, in ruins.

Republicans promised, if elected in the House and Senate, to curb his worst impulses, and then stood back and did nothing, as Trump rode roughshod over the Constitution and the rule of law.

He should have been impeached for his conduct in the election. It would have saved the nation from the mess you’re in now.

Again you use the term wrong, I am not trying to stop morons like you from bleating your bullshit, I encourage it, Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and your own words are my best weapons.

The party doesn't get to "allow or disallow" anyone who meets the requirements and gets the votes. Typical that a lefty like you would rather some nefarious cabal of "your betters" figure things out for you than let an elective process play out.

Trump just did things you didn't like, he didn't break any part of the Constitution, he broke no laws you can prove.

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