Zone1 The most antisemitic university in America just went Judenfree among its 80-member senior staff…..

Seems that 13% of the US population demands about 70% of the publicity so I would say that 1 individual for 9% is under represented.
True that!

I want to see more Jews in commercials.

This is the last one I remember....Sad, it so old there's not even a clear copy. OY!

Ok. Can you discuss anti semitism without posting racist diatribes against blacks in order to dismiss the white racism that we face?
Well, I can certainly discuss anti-semitism:
It exists and it is yucky.
Well, I can certainly discuss anti-semitism:
It exists and it is yucky.
We saw the results of it on Simchas Torah (for Israel - still Shemini Atzereth here in America). The most stomach-turning slaughter of innocent Jews, by intent, since the Holocaust.

I‘d sat yucky raised to the 1000th power.
The relationship between blacks and Jews is complex. Especially in cities where Jews owned businesses and property in black communities. Every criticism made by blacks against Jews is not anti semitic and the OP doesn't point out the more than one centuries worth of white anti semitism towards Jews. All she wants to do is post racist tiraades about blacks and then complain about somebody being anti semitic when she gets her racism called out. Blacks have supported Jews against anti semitism and have done so for most of this countries history
Using Television as a way to show people a forum to get all of the hateful things people did to each other in a civil discussion would help a lot even if it infuriates. Then using names that did the worse deeds from history in all ways.
Leftists don’t care about representation of the population when it’s Jews being adversely impacted. We’ve seen the virulent antisemitism unleashed from their side this past week.
Leftists don’t care about representation of the population when it’s Jews being adversely impacted. We’ve seen the virulent antisemitism unleashed from their side this past week.

Some of our members here collect antisemitic news all day every day.

Israel decided against paying the debt at a meeting in 1979 and granted legal indemnity to Israeli companies which owed it. At least one Israeli bank account is known to hold $250 million owed to Iran. Since the 1980s, Iran has been suing in the European courts for payment of the debts and has won several cases.

Jews Are Sumerians, Who Were "Aryans"

Just because two ethnicities are in the same language group doesn't mean they are genetically related. With all the evidence from other ethnicities, there's no excuse for believing that Jews are Semites. Besides, the Jewish character is obviously completely different from the Arab character.

The Bible, with its two completely different attitudes about Ishmael, the Father of the Arabs, gives a clue to what must have happened. Just like Africans who speak a White language now, the ancient Hebrews were captured and enslaved by Semitic tribes and forced to adopt their Masters' language.

Jews weren't Sumerians.. the Sumeria were non semitic people. The Jews are Canaanites. Abraham was from Urfa near Haran.
This is what the king of Jordan said in 1947.

As the Arabs see the Jews, by His Majesty King Abdullah - Balfour Project
The American Magazine November, 1947 Summary This appeal to the American people, written by King Abdullah, son of Sharif Hussein and grandfather of the current King of Jordan, appeared in the United States six months before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In the article, King Abdullah disputes the...

At the heart of the decades-long war between Israel and its Arab neighbors is this understanding of conflict's origin articulated in Abdullah's letter linked above:

The unimaginable persecution of the Jews was not done by the Arabs: it was done by a Christian nation in the West. The war which ruined Europe and made it almost impossible for these Jews to rehabilitate themselves was fought by the Christian nations of the West. The rich and empty portions of the earth belong, not to the Arabs, but to the Christian nations of the West.

And yet, to ease their consciences, these Christian nations of the West are asking Palestine—a poor and tiny Moslem country of the East—to accept the entire burden. “We have hurt these people terribly,” cries the West to the East. “Won’t you please take care of them for us?” We find neither logic nor justice in this. Are we therefore “cruel and heartless nationalists”?
Since the 1980s
Iran became a scum terrorist state in 1979 and should be shunned by the entire world as such. Hamas should get the same treatment. NOTHING should go into Iran except a force large enough to wipe out every terrorist in the country. That is all they understand.
Iran became a scum terrorist state in 1979 and should be shunned by the entire world as such. Hamas should get the same treatment. NOTHING should go into Iran except a force large enough to wipe out every terrorist in the country. That is all they understand.
Instead we have Biden and Obama making nice-nice with Iran and helping fund HAMAS.
1) Blocking Jew-hating Palestinians from swarming into the U.S. is not antisemitism. It is protecting Americans from people who want to kill Jews.

2) Stop diverting from the subject.
They don't only hate Jews but all infidels and are terrorists.
The whole schmeel is over a commencement speech by a law student that was anti-semitic.
wrong ass-boy------about 20 years ago my son attended CUNY for one semester---
---a blond blue eyed kid----SO WASPISH looking that he could have signed up for
"Hitler's youth" in the 1930s-----He could not tolerate the OVERT ANTI SEMITISM
displayed by both students and Profs complete with utterly nonsensical WRITTEN
propaganda chock full of historical ---uhm "error"?---well no FUCKING LIES AND

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