The most critical difference between the political right and the political left is...

Republicans claim to favour small government...

Is it the right or the left in America that wants government to provide free college education to every adult in the country? Is it the right or the left in American that wants government to manage the nation's healthcare system?
You seem to be under the impression that your questions debunk the idea that the Right loves big government.

However, your idiotic and willfully blind premise is utterly destroyed by this: Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

And this: Budget Deficit on Path to Surpass $1 Trillion Under Trump
About the only things these days which differentiate the Left from the Right is the Left's love of abortion and the Right's love of guns. Both infatuations have led to millions of deaths.

Both parties are thoroughly evil today.
It amazes me that there are still people so mentally ill that they believe the Republican party is for small government.

I am astonished there are people that far gone, that willfully blind and stupid, frankly.
About the only things these days which differentiate the Left from the Right is the Left's love of abortion and the Right's love of guns. Both infatuations have led to millions of deaths.

Both parties are thoroughly evil today.
That might be but Republicans have the first 3 scum on the list Trump McConnell Giuliani Those are my top 3 Beat em
The most critical difference
The most basic, critical difference?

RIGHT: Believes in a people-up society of autonomy and self-determination where individuals freely explore their potentials.

LEFT: Believes in a government-down society where man is like a weed whose proclivities need carefully managed that they fit according to a predetermined master plan..
Who invented a whole new Cabinet-level department to track and control the movements of the American people?

George W. Bush.

Who demands everyone carry federally-trackable identity papers?


The Right is in love with the idea of totalitarianism.
One must differentiate between Right v Left, Dem v Repub, and Conservative v Progressive.

Speaking as a Conservative the difference is wanting to use the Gov and Law Enforcement to make everyone go along with what you think we should submit to.
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?

That depends on how one defines big government. I for one don't think big government is the amount of people working in it as it is how intrusive they are in your life. When government tells me what I must purchase, causes me to lose benefits at work, costs me money I really didn't want to spend, that's big government to me.

Big government is telling me what size drinks I'm permitted to buy. What kind of bags I'm allowed to use to bring my groceries home. What kind of firearms I'm allowed to use, or how many rounds I'm allowed to have in that firearm. Big government is when they say boys in dresses must be permitted in the locker room or showers with my daughter in school. Big government is restricting their choices when it comes to what they eat for lunch. Big government is forcing my restaurant to post calorie count on every item they sell. Big government is taking over school loans, or telling insurance companies what business model they are allowed to have.

To me, that's big government.
Who you're allowed to marry?

Government should never be in the marriage business in the first place. Do you think it's okay for brother and sister to marry? How about man and dog? If not, then you too have restrictions you approve when it comes to marriage.
The Right protects the wealthy from the masses
The Left protects the masses from the wealthy

The right does that? Please give us an example of how they do that. And when have the wealthy ever attacked anybody in which people would need protection?
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…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?

I see a bigger government to take more control over business and peoples lives as actually a good thing. A bigger goverment so can have more social services, medicaid for all, a 10 fold increase in low income government housing, more public schools, a centralized government controlling prices for goods and services, more restraints put on businesses so its harder to fire employees, lowering social security age to 55, etc
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?

I see a bigger government to take more control over business and peoples lives as actually a good thing. A bigger goverment so can have more social services, medicaid for all, a 10 fold increase in low income government housing, more public schools, a centralized government controlling prices for goods and services, more restraints put on businesses so its harder to fire employees, lowering social security age to 55, etc

I believe places like Cuba have most of those things.
The Left is driven by hate.
The Right is driven by freedom.

The first Right wingers were Monarchists in France.
The first Left wingers were Republic supporting Capitalists in France.

Classical Liberalism, Neo Liberalism & Liberalism are just different words for Capitalist deregulation.

The striking botch of politics by Americans is out of control.

In reality America is dictated by 2 dumbo, Liberal, Individualist parties that really should've been eliminated, if not for the sheer ignorance of many here.

The fact is Republicans are just slightly Paleo Conservative Capitalists overall while Democrats more akin to Social Democracy Capitalists.

Both are terrible on Multiculturalism.
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?

That depends on how one defines big government. I for one don't think big government is the amount of people working in it as it is how intrusive they are in your life. When government tells me what I must purchase, causes me to lose benefits at work, costs me money I really didn't want to spend, that's big government to me.

Big government is telling me what size drinks I'm permitted to buy. What kind of bags I'm allowed to use to bring my groceries home. What kind of firearms I'm allowed to use, or how many rounds I'm allowed to have in that firearm. Big government is when they say boys in dresses must be permitted in the locker room or showers with my daughter in school. Big government is restricting their choices when it comes to what they eat for lunch. Big government is forcing my restaurant to post calorie count on every item they sell. Big government is taking over school loans, or telling insurance companies what business model they are allowed to have.

To me, that's big government.
Who you're allowed to marry?

Government should never be in the marriage business in the first place. Do you think it's okay for brother and sister to marry? How about man and dog? If not, then you too have restrictions you approve when it comes to marriage.
Don't try to shift the subject.

You approve of government where you like it. What others would consider "big government".

You wanted an example, there it is.
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?
Conservatives believe in personal liberty as ensconced in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Liberals believe in more government control and never question authority. They believe the Constitution is nothing more than statutory law and should be changed at Will. Conservatives believe in everyone’s right to be left alone by government. Liberals see it as a way to attack people the don’t agree with, in particular rural, gun owning, Christians. Liberals always want to force their cultural will on people ...which make the dangerous to our Republic.

Load of cr@p.

First off the Founding Fathers weren't very much for Liberty for all.

They only allowed 6% of the population to vote in the USA's first election, being ONLY White male land owners.

They ONLY allowed free Whites of good character to become USA citizens, as according to the 1790 Naturalization Act.

They supported Black slavery, extermination of Natives, they were Homophobes, they were anti-Semites excluding Madison.
They didn't even like Catholics on the whole.

Second off.
Liberty is Liberal.

Liberalism & Liberty go hand & hand.
Not only do they share the same root for freedom.

But, in practice Liberty leads to Liberalism & Left values.

Capitalism & Individualist Liberty are all about hiring Illegals, outsourcing jobs, Abortion, Hollywood, Facebook, MSNBC, CNN, the Porn industry, Drug dealers, Prostitutes & so forth.

Third off.
No, just no.

That's not the definition.

The definition of Right wing is for Tradition & Hierarchy.

Forth off.

The first Right Wingers were Monarchists for tradition & religious values in France.

The first Left Wingers were for the Republic & Capitalism in France.

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