The most dangerous liberals in Texas

JS, you, obviously have a boner for me...because you can't move on. I may not have the highest I.Q. here (126-130), but more here, have less than I. And it's obvious by the tone, nature and logic of the postings presented. None of you bitches can match me, though you want to impugn my intelligence, while presenting none of your own, and bask in your own stupidity and denial, thinking that "you're all that", when you are clearly not.

poet, you are not an intelligent person, for sure. You are projecting your own slave mentality on me. You need to grow up and take some time in the corner thinking about yourself. Yep, you and JRK could be twins.

Bitch, please. I don't take your word for anything. You think I'm not intelligent? BFD. The people that I care about, and who care about me, think otherwise. Slave mentality? Now, that's fucked up, because I would have been the slave who would have been beat, burned or lynched, because I give a good goddamn about a lowlife, racist white motherfucker.
No. Black Republicans and conservatives are the ones with slave mentality, because they would support a Republican platform, which denies them equal rights, a bona fide 'seat at the table' instead of "window dressing", the likes of Allen West Jr. and Herman Cain.
I'm a fucking acclaimed and revered writer and musician, at least, in certain circles in Houston. Just yesterday, I communed with the artist d'jour of Houston, in his studio, sipping mimosas. He's white, by the way, and just got back from Art Los Angeles, where he was "a hit". White successful artists tend not to "hang out with", unintelligent, black racists with a slave mentality. It's just common sense. Somebody is wrong. And it ain't me.

What crap. Voting in blocks because you see monetary advantage is most assuredly the activity of government slaves. You know which master has the most comfy slave quarters, that's all.
poet, you are not an intelligent person, for sure. You are projecting your own slave mentality on me. You need to grow up and take some time in the corner thinking about yourself. Yep, you and JRK could be twins.

Bitch, please. I don't take your word for anything. You think I'm not intelligent? BFD. The people that I care about, and who care about me, think otherwise. Slave mentality? Now, that's fucked up, because I would have been the slave who would have been beat, burned or lynched, because I give a good goddamn about a lowlife, racist white motherfucker.
No. Black Republicans and conservatives are the ones with slave mentality, because they would support a Republican platform, which denies them equal rights, a bona fide 'seat at the table' instead of "window dressing", the likes of Allen West Jr. and Herman Cain.
I'm a fucking acclaimed and revered writer and musician, at least, in certain circles in Houston. Just yesterday, I communed with the artist d'jour of Houston, in his studio, sipping mimosas. He's white, by the way, and just got back from Art Los Angeles, where he was "a hit". White successful artists tend not to "hang out with", unintelligent, black racists with a slave mentality. It's just common sense. Somebody is wrong. And it ain't me.

What crap. Voting in blocks because you see monetary advantage is most assuredly the activity of government slaves. You know which master has the most comfy slave quarters, that's all.

You just perfectly described the social values con slave mentality as they block vote for Perry in Texas.
Latinos are too smart to fall for identity politics. I don't see a problem.

Hispanics saw clearly the GOP was not the identity with which they wished to associated in 2012.

Primarily because you nominated an idiot because he was next in line from the old boys club. Gee, two idiots in a row, McCain and Romney.

The current republican definition of conservative is someone who doesn't like the same groups I don't like.

What's wrong with peace and prosperity?
Latinos are too smart to fall for identity politics. I don't see a problem.

Hispanics saw clearly the GOP was not the identity with which they wished to associated in 2012.

Indeed. However this has no bearing on how they will continue to vote. The entire south, including TX was once Democrat without hispanics.

Which is predictive of nothing, Samson. Either the GOP reaches out sincerely to meet needs of Hispanics and other minorities, or the changing demography in Texas will end the GOP supremacy in Texas in the third presidential election cycle from now.
Bitch, please. I don't take your word for anything. You think I'm not intelligent? BFD. The people that I care about, and who care about me, think otherwise. Slave mentality? Now, that's fucked up, because I would have been the slave who would have been beat, burned or lynched, because I give a good goddamn about a lowlife, racist white motherfucker.
No. Black Republicans and conservatives are the ones with slave mentality, because they would support a Republican platform, which denies them equal rights, a bona fide 'seat at the table' instead of "window dressing", the likes of Allen West Jr. and Herman Cain.
I'm a fucking acclaimed and revered writer and musician, at least, in certain circles in Houston. Just yesterday, I communed with the artist d'jour of Houston, in his studio, sipping mimosas. He's white, by the way, and just got back from Art Los Angeles, where he was "a hit". White successful artists tend not to "hang out with", unintelligent, black racists with a slave mentality. It's just common sense. Somebody is wrong. And it ain't me.

What crap. Voting in blocks because you see monetary advantage is most assuredly the activity of government slaves. You know which master has the most comfy slave quarters, that's all.

You just perfectly described the social values con slave mentality as they block vote for Perry in Texas.

Yes, Perry, McCain, Lindsay Graham and most republicans are lackeys to the military/industrial complex. Until we lessen the power of government, it will be corrupt no matter who we elect.

Small government. No military entanglements. Peace. Prosperity.

That's what will get a conservative elected.
There are liberals in Texas? You mean someone actually has different views in the state that's oppressive, ignorant, hateful, and supports the GOP and the Tea Partiers?

Oh, man. We all gonna die.

jk. The OP is showing how dangerous extreme conservatism is by saying this:

conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

By saying this, you are indicating that you are against a democracy and a free country that allows others to have their views and take part of this democracy.

OP is a dangerous Conservative.
There are liberals in Texas? You mean someone actually has different views in the state that's oppressive, ignorant, hateful, and supports the GOP and the Tea Partiers?

Oh, man. We all gonna die.

jk. The OP is showing how dangerous extreme conservatism is by saying this:

conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

By saying this, you are indicating that you are against a democracy and a free country that allows others to have their views and take part of this democracy.

OP is a dangerous Conservative.

what a frickin' hysterical little lib you are....

is attempting to vote someone out of office "against democracy".......?
i suppose like the other idiot here you also think "targeting" a political office is being 'armed and dangerous' too...

fucking liberal hysterics....:cuckoo:
What crap. Voting in blocks because you see monetary advantage is most assuredly the activity of government slaves. You know which master has the most comfy slave quarters, that's all.

You just perfectly described the social values con slave mentality as they block vote for Perry in Texas.

Yes, Perry, McCain, Lindsay Graham and most republicans are lackeys to the military/industrial complex. Until we lessen the power of government, it will be corrupt no matter who we elect.

Small government. No military entanglements. Peace. Prosperity.

That's what will get a conservative elected.

Small government to you means great reduction in SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and so forth. The rank and file of the GOP will never vote for that, particularly the older ones. They may say they will, but they won't.

Most of the GOP is now progressive right wing statist big government.
Unbelievable, how stupid, narrow-minded, and Neanderthalic the right is. And they have the abject nerve to bring up I.Q. Hilarious.

I'm willing to bet that Texas' electoral votes will go to the GOP(or it's successor) candidate through 2024, at the very least.
poet, of all people, should not be talking about IQ. That is hilarious. :lol: He is the left's equivalent to JRK.

JS, you, obviously have a boner for me...because you can't move on. I may not have the highest I.Q. here (126-130), but more here, have less than I. And it's obvious by the tone, nature and logic of the postings presented. None of you bitches can match me, though you want to impugn my intelligence, while presenting none of your own, and bask in your own stupidity and denial, thinking that "you're all that", when you are clearly not.

You're likely not in the upper 50% here, Poet. This is not a fair sampling of society.
poet, you are not an intelligent person, for sure. You are projecting your own slave mentality on me. You need to grow up and take some time in the corner thinking about yourself. Yep, you and JRK could be twins.

Bitch, please. I don't take your word for anything. You think I'm not intelligent? BFD. The people that I care about, and who care about me, think otherwise. Slave mentality? Now, that's fucked up, because I would have been the slave who would have been beat, burned or lynched, because I give a good goddamn about a lowlife, racist white motherfucker.
No. Black Republicans and conservatives are the ones with slave mentality, because they would support a Republican platform, which denies them equal rights, a bona fide 'seat at the table' instead of "window dressing", the likes of Allen West Jr. and Herman Cain.
I'm a fucking acclaimed and revered writer and musician, at least, in certain circles in Houston. Just yesterday, I communed with the artist d'jour of Houston, in his studio, sipping mimosas. He's white, by the way, and just got back from Art Los Angeles, where he was "a hit". White successful artists tend not to "hang out with", unintelligent, black racists with a slave mentality. It's just common sense. Somebody is wrong. And it ain't me.

What crap. Voting in blocks because you see monetary advantage is most assuredly the activity of government slaves. You know which master has the most comfy slave quarters, that's all.

You're just pissed because negroes got away (from the plantation), and are on equal footing with you when it comes to voting. We're not going to vote against our best interests....who would? And the truth is, you can't compete. I guess I'd be pissed too. LOL
poet, of all people, should not be talking about IQ. That is hilarious. :lol: He is the left's equivalent to JRK.

JS, you, obviously have a boner for me...because you can't move on. I may not have the highest I.Q. here (126-130), but more here, have less than I. And it's obvious by the tone, nature and logic of the postings presented. None of you bitches can match me, though you want to impugn my intelligence, while presenting none of your own, and bask in your own stupidity and denial, thinking that "you're all that", when you are clearly not.

You're likely not in the upper 50% here, Poet. This is not a fair sampling of society.

And you don't know shit. You're damn straight, that this isn't a fair sampling of society.....these are the dregs of society.
It's true. Texas is very close to becoming a purple state, and will soon become blue.

You know how you stop it? Stop treating people of Hispanic descent like shit. Embrace them into the republican party and stop trying to fuck them over at every turn.

You *CANNOT* stop the rate of hispanic descent births in this country. So you might as well accept it.
There are liberals in Texas? You mean someone actually has different views in the state that's oppressive, ignorant, hateful, and supports the GOP and the Tea Partiers?

Oh, man. We all gonna die.

jk. The OP is showing how dangerous extreme conservatism is by saying this:

conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

By saying this, you are indicating that you are against a democracy and a free country that allows others to have their views and take part of this democracy.

OP is a dangerous Conservative.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Are you being serious or are you just nuts?
Fear rules the right wingers.

Fear rules also the lefties like poet, who has that silly mentality. He will come following along.

See there you go, mouthing off, about me...still with a boner in your pants....but I'm not interested. I don't dyke.
I'm not afraid of shit. Certainly no white racist wing nuts, on a fucking political debate forum, with about as much intelligence as a 6th grader.
Fear rules the Republican party, who are afraid if women have control over their bodies, and its' contents, that it will usurp power from controlling ego-centric white males with small genitals, who substitute guns for girth. Fear rules conservative white males, who are so afraid of blacks and browns, they'll do anything to subvert and subject them...but if confronted "one on one", would reveal themselves as "pure pussy".
Silly mentality? Bitch, you're one to talk. You need the mob to back your cowardly ass up.
You're no match for me....intellectually, mentally, socially, or morally.
Anyone thinking "lefties vs. righties" is stuck in a timewarp. If you're trapped in a house fire, would you pass on being rescued by a leftie, you stupid mf'er?
Fear rules the right wingers.

Fear rules also the lefties like poet, who has that silly mentality. He will come following along.

See there you go, mouthing off, about me...still with a boner in your pants....but I'm not interested. I don't dyke.
I'm not afraid of shit. Certainly no white racist wing nuts, on a fucking political debate forum, with about as much intelligence as a 6th grader.
Fear rules the Republican party, who are afraid if women have control over their bodies, and its' contents, that it will usurp power from controlling ego-centric white males with small genitals, who substitute guns for girth. Fear rules conservative white males, who are so afraid of blacks and browns, they'll do anything to subvert and subject them...but if confronted "one on one", would reveal themselves as "pure pussy".
Silly mentality? Bitch, you're one to talk. You need the mob to back your cowardly ass up.
You're no match for me....intellectually, mentally, socially, or morally.
Anyone thinking "lefties vs. righties" is stuck in a timewarp. If you're trapped in a house fire, would you pass on being rescued by a leftie, you stupid mf'er?

Another crazy left wing rant, you guys are going nuts.
Fear rules the right wingers.

Fear rules also the lefties like poet, who has that silly mentality. He will come following along.

See there you go, mouthing off, about me...still with a boner in your pants....but I'm not interested. I don't dyke.
I'm not afraid of shit. Certainly no white racist wing nuts, on a fucking political debate forum, with about as much intelligence as a 6th grader.
Fear rules the Republican party, who are afraid if women have control over their bodies, and its' contents, that it will usurp power from controlling ego-centric white males with small genitals, who substitute guns for girth. Fear rules conservative white males, who are so afraid of blacks and browns, they'll do anything to subvert and subject them...but if confronted "one on one", would reveal themselves as "pure pussy".
Silly mentality? Bitch, you're one to talk. You need the mob to back your cowardly ass up.
You're no match for me....intellectually, mentally, socially, or morally.
Anyone thinking "lefties vs. righties" is stuck in a timewarp. If you're trapped in a house fire, would you pass on being rescued by a leftie, you stupid mf'er?

I said you would come following and so you did.

You are so funny with your swag and gag. :lol:

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