The most dangerous liberals in Texas

Yep, the commies are everywhere, those two are only a couple of folks that need to be defeated, we got some major leftist coming out of Houston, Dallas and Austin also.

Commies. :lol:

When I see someone saying that, I picture a bitter old man in bib overalls complaining to all the other bitter old men in the barbershop.
Then you must be willing to let commies do away with 97,000,000 people who disagree with your leader.

That's what commies do.

Um, what exactly are you talking about here?

I'm not that big a fan of Obama. He dropped the public option from the ACA. The public option should be brought back. I like what's he's doing in terms of the economy, but Gitmo is still open, the Patriot Act is till in force, and the US is still in Afghanistan.

I don't think you'd really like Harper either. He's further to the left of Obama, even if he is a Conservative. I suspect that Harper would dump our health care system if he thought he could get away with it, but he can't. He knows how to pick his battles and that is one he cannot win.
“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

The most interesting thing about this quote si that there seems to be the assumption that, "folks from outside Texas will be Democrats." And that these folks will appear in the next 8 years.

I wonder why this makes more sense than predicting that folks from outside Texas will be Republicans? Or that folks already in Texas will become MORE republican?


I think the dems, and especially the hispanic politicians may need to examine how hispanics vote once they HAVE MONEY. This is a critical point to consider because once they have money, hispanics become notoriously conservative, if not downright radical.

Show me a facist South American Dictator, and I'll show you a guy that was once poor, and is now rich.

No, if the Dems expect middle class and wealthy hispanics to immitate their contributors in Connecticut, Martha's Vinyard, or Beverly Hills, they will likely be very disappointed.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

The GOP can target all they like, but here in San Antonio the Castro brothers are golden. They're not going to be losing to any republicans.

As for what they said, I somewhat agree. By 2020, Texas should at least be a purple state. Won't that be fun. :lol:
Cons better get used to the Castro twins. They are the future, where there will be more like them.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

The GOP can target all they like, but here in San Antonio the Castro brothers are golden. They're not going to be losing to any republicans.

As for what they said, I somewhat agree. By 2020, Texas should at least be a purple state. Won't that be fun. :lol:
Cons better get used to the Castro twins. They are the future, where there will be more like them.

No disagreement, but I relish the day that democrats learn they selectively ignored the other side of this coin.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

The GOP can target all they like, but here in San Antonio the Castro brothers are golden. They're not going to be losing to any republicans.

As for what they said, I somewhat agree. By 2020, Texas should at least be a purple state. Won't that be fun. :lol:
Only if you like socialism, which it seems a lot of idiots in this country do.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

The GOP can target all they like, but here in San Antonio the Castro brothers are golden. They're not going to be losing to any republicans.

As for what they said, I somewhat agree. By 2020, Texas should at least be a purple state. Won't that be fun. :lol:
Only if you like socialism, which it seems a lot of idiots in this country do.

Outside of emotionally charged rhetoric gushing from your radio, do you know what socialism really is?

I'm not that big a fan of Obama. He dropped the public option from the ACA. The public option should be brought back. I like what's he's doing in terms of the economy, but Gitmo is still open, the Patriot Act is till in force, and the US is still in Afghanistan.

I don't think you'd really like Harper either. He's further to the left of Obama, even if he is a Conservative. I suspect that Harper would dump our health care system if he thought he could get away with it, but he can't. He knows how to pick his battles and that is one he cannot win.

Please.... Harper believes in developing energy, cutting taxes he stands strongly with Israel out of principal rather than Obama who does it for purely political reasons although now he sends advanced military hardware to the muslim brotherhood. What's Obama doing "in terms of the economy"? Spending us into oblivion and the whole health care law is a 2700 page bunch of thrown together, payoffs to special interest that should have never been passed. It was not even read, nor did it have any floor debate...Obama's a disaster while Canada is doing very well. American and Canadian money is at par?..Unheard of
People are fleeing blue states in record numbers because their economic ideas always fail
The fact is that stats clearly suggest that in three more national election cycles that the Hispanics and white and black dems will take over the state, and in two cycles after that, no state wide elected official will be GOP.

conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists
Commies. :lol:

When I see someone saying that, I picture a bitter old man in bib overalls complaining to all the other bitter old men in the barbershop.
Then you must be willing to let commies do away with 97,000,000 people who disagree with your leader.

That's what commies do.

Um, what exactly are you talking about here?

I know right? :eusa_eh: You'll come to love becki's zaney rw posts :tinfoil: :lol:

As to the OP, isn't Austin already purple if not blue? The rest of the state will follow :eusa_drool:
Unbelievable, how stupid, narrow-minded, and Neanderthalic the right is. And they have the abject nerve to bring up I.Q. Hilarious.
poet, of all people, should not be talking about IQ. That is hilarious. :lol: He is the left's equivalent to JRK.
poet, of all people, should not be talking about IQ. That is hilarious. :lol: He is the left's equivalent to JRK.

JS, you, obviously have a boner for me...because you can't move on. I may not have the highest I.Q. here (126-130), but more here, have less than I. And it's obvious by the tone, nature and logic of the postings presented. None of you bitches can match me, though you want to impugn my intelligence, while presenting none of your own, and bask in your own stupidity and denial, thinking that "you're all that", when you are clearly not.
poet, of all people, should not be talking about IQ. That is hilarious. :lol: He is the left's equivalent to JRK.

JS, you, obviously have a boner for me...because you can't move on. I may not have the highest I.Q. here (126-130), but more here, have less than I. And it's obvious by the tone, nature and logic of the postings presented. None of you bitches can match me, though you want to impugn my intelligence, while presenting none of your own, and bask in your own stupidity and denial, thinking that "you're all that", when you are clearly not.

poet, you are not an intelligent person, for sure. You are projecting your own slave mentality on me. You need to grow up and take some time in the corner thinking about yourself. Yep, you and JRK could be twins.
poet, of all people, should not be talking about IQ. That is hilarious. :lol: He is the left's equivalent to JRK.

JS, you, obviously have a boner for me...because you can't move on. I may not have the highest I.Q. here (126-130), but more here, have less than I. And it's obvious by the tone, nature and logic of the postings presented. None of you bitches can match me, though you want to impugn my intelligence, while presenting none of your own, and bask in your own stupidity and denial, thinking that "you're all that", when you are clearly not.

poet, you are not an intelligent person, for sure. You are projecting your own slave mentality on me. You need to grow up and take some time in the corner thinking about yourself. Yep, you and JRK could be twins.

Bitch, please. I don't take your word for anything. You think I'm not intelligent? BFD. The people that I care about, and who care about me, think otherwise. Slave mentality? Now, that's fucked up, because I would have been the slave who would have been beat, burned or lynched, because I give a good goddamn about a lowlife, racist white motherfucker.
No. Black Republicans and conservatives are the ones with slave mentality, because they would support a Republican platform, which denies them equal rights, a bona fide 'seat at the table' instead of "window dressing", the likes of Allen West Jr. and Herman Cain.
I'm a fucking acclaimed and revered writer and musician, at least, in certain circles in Houston. Just yesterday, I communed with the artist d'jour of Houston, in his studio, sipping mimosas. He's white, by the way, and just got back from Art Los Angeles, where he was "a hit". White successful artists tend not to "hang out with", unintelligent, black racists with a slave mentality. It's just common sense. Somebody is wrong. And it ain't me.
Then you must be willing to let commies do away with 97,000,000 people who disagree with your leader.

That's what commies do.

Um, what exactly are you talking about here?

I know right? :eusa_eh: You'll come to love becki's zaney rw posts :tinfoil: :lol:

As to the OP, isn't Austin already purple if not blue? The rest of the state will follow :eusa_drool:


Austin is "Blue," as are most state capitols filled with government workers, students, and the unemployable (i.e. those that do not depend on their activities producing a profit).

And Texas may become more or less filled with fewer profit producing workers, but there is no evidence beyond parrotings hypothesis of The Daily Kos this has anything to do with Austin.
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JS, you, obviously have a boner for me...because you can't move on. I may not have the highest I.Q. here (126-130), but more here, have less than I. And it's obvious by the tone, nature and logic of the postings presented. None of you bitches can match me, though you want to impugn my intelligence, while presenting none of your own, and bask in your own stupidity and denial, thinking that "you're all that", when you are clearly not.

poet, you are not an intelligent person, for sure. You are projecting your own slave mentality on me. You need to grow up and take some time in the corner thinking about yourself. Yep, you and JRK could be twins.

Bitch, please. I don't take your word for anything. You think I'm not intelligent? BFD. The people that I care about, and who care about me, think otherwise. Slave mentality? Now, that's fucked up, because I would have been the slave who would have been beat, burned or lynched, because I give a good goddamn about a lowlife, racist white motherfucker.
No. Black Republicans and conservatives are the ones with slave mentality, because they would support a Republican platform, which denies them equal rights, a bona fide 'seat at the table' instead of "window dressing", the likes of Allen West Jr. and Herman Cain.
I'm a fucking acclaimed and revered writer and musician, at least, in certain circles in Houston. Just yesterday, I communed with the artist d'jour of Houston, in his studio, sipping mimosas. He's white, by the way, and just got back from Art Los Angeles, where he was "a hit". White successful artists tend not to "hang out with", unintelligent, black racists with a slave mentality. It's just common sense. Somebody is wrong. And it ain't me.

Yas, yas, yas, it is you. :lol: You are nothing of the sort in Houston, just a big mouth yowler and scribbler. You cleaned the studio of the accomplished artist, not communed with him as an equal. Yep, you are an unintelligent racist hiding behind the color of your skin, which is the definition of a slave mentality. You have no common sense. Yes, you are wrong as long as you are the mirror image of the racists on the far right.
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