The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

Imagining there isn't a heaven, or imagining there is one. Which is crazier?

john must have believed their is one if he had to imagine there wasn't one.

I think he was addressing that to the believers.

so what he was trying to do was alter others thinking to his way of thinking. again, getting back to turning us into a bunch of mindless bots willing to give up our freedoms and personal choices
I don't mind teaching a moron.....

How gracious of you. :)

Since I'm not so patient with childish half-wits, I'll make this quick and to the point.

I never denied the GOP's role in the advent of voting rights for women; I simply pointed out that crediting "the Republicans" was too simplistic.

And guess what, ignoring sub-categories (such as "progressive") within the confines of party affiliation is an exemplification of 'over-simplification'.

Looking past the less than altruistic motives of men like John D. Rockefeller, it's encouraging to see that greed and big money influence have occasionally served a greater good in the political arena.

One thing's for sure, though: the GOP and DNC of today are certainly NOT the parties they were during the first quarter of the 20th century; so the most relevant question for women and LGBT advocates clearly "What have you done for me lately?".
Slow day for finding things to complain about?

You find it less than important that Liberals/progressives/Leftists wish to end our sovereignty, dispense with the religious basis for the founding of this great nation, endorse private morality based on some warped moral equivalency?

And you present no cogent argument for same? must be some sort of dunce, huh?

Right in with the ad hominem when called on her bullshit. Nothing if not predictable.

This country doesn't have a religious basis, Toots. Quite the opposite; the Liberals who founded it specifically steered us away from theocracy.

Here we have a song beckoning to imagine a world without countries pushing each other around (doesn't say a word about the UN - that would still be a country) and a world without jihads and inquisitions and powder kegs in Palestine Pakistan and Northern Ireland &c.

Gee... you must be some kind of conspiracy nut who likes war, huh?
john must have believed their is one if he had to imagine there wasn't one.

I think he was addressing that to the believers.

so what he was trying to do was alter others thinking to his way of thinking. again, getting back to turning us into a bunch of mindless bots willing to give up our freedoms and personal choices

Everyone does the first sentence of your post. We do it here. That is what writing and art are all about. The second part of your post is just your opinion based on who knows what. The idea that John Lennon was trying to turn everyone into mindless bots by influenceing them to think about things is kind of wacky. The suggestion that he wanted folks to give up freedom and choices is beyond ridiculous. You just can't handle the fact that so many people accept or like an idea that is so different from your own. You can't attack the message because the debate was settled long ago. The message resonates decades after the world first heard them. Kids in China and Brazil, South Africa and India, Russia and the USA still sing the song. Artist continue to record it. Attacking the messenger at this late date is just a useless waste of time, and to many probably seems a bit stupid.
I think he was addressing that to the believers.

so what he was trying to do was alter others thinking to his way of thinking. again, getting back to turning us into a bunch of mindless bots willing to give up our freedoms and personal choices

Everyone does the first sentence of your post. We do it here. That is what writing and art are all about. The second part of your post is just your opinion based on who knows what. The idea that John Lennon was trying to turn everyone into mindless bots by influenceing them to think about things is kind of wacky. The suggestion that he wanted folks to give up freedom and choices is beyond ridiculous. You just can't handle the fact that so many people accept or like an idea that is so different from your own. You can't attack the message because the debate was settled long ago. The message resonates decades after the world first heard them. Kids in China and Brazil, South Africa and India, Russia and the USA still sing the song. Artist continue to record it. Attacking the messenger at this late date is just a useless waste of time, and to many probably seems a bit stupid.

The idea of indoctrinating thought is the domain of the demagogue, not the artist. What the latter does is paint the world in a different light that we might question it -- and draw our own conclusions. Crucial difference. Lennon was always an artist.
What an interesting thread.

I OP that the Liberal doctrine is memorialized in Lennon's disgusting "Imagine," and none of the Libs deny that it, and they, are all about:

1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'

And, since they cannot deny the above.....the Libs pretend that the thread is about me!

Just one more inadvertent admission that I've nailed 'em.
so what he was trying to do was alter others thinking to his way of thinking. again, getting back to turning us into a bunch of mindless bots willing to give up our freedoms and personal choices

Everyone does the first sentence of your post. We do it here. That is what writing and art are all about. The second part of your post is just your opinion based on who knows what. The idea that John Lennon was trying to turn everyone into mindless bots by influenceing them to think about things is kind of wacky. The suggestion that he wanted folks to give up freedom and choices is beyond ridiculous. You just can't handle the fact that so many people accept or like an idea that is so different from your own. You can't attack the message because the debate was settled long ago. The message resonates decades after the world first heard them. Kids in China and Brazil, South Africa and India, Russia and the USA still sing the song. Artist continue to record it. Attacking the messenger at this late date is just a useless waste of time, and to many probably seems a bit stupid.

The idea of indoctrinating thought is the domain of the demagogue, not the artist. What the latter does is paint the world in a different light that we might question it -- and draw our own conclusions. Crucial difference. Lennon was always an artist.


Hence the OP’s premise fails and serves as evidence that she is indeed a demagogue.
" Often as people mature they out-grow their naïve embrace of leftist ideology and begin to see things in their true light,...' John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant.'

He says, "John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter. By 1979 he looked back on that guy and was embarrassed by that guy's naiveté."(He wrote 'Imagine' in 1970).

This new revelation about the late rock & roll legend should give us all pause to reflect upon the hollow nature of liberalism. For those of us who have misguided friends, family and associates who continue to cling to the factually devoid ideology of the left, be patient yet unrelenting in exposing these lost souls to the truth and Imagine them discovering the world of reality."
Blog: Imagine John Lennon as a Republican

You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his son's, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO
Imagine, John Lennon's words, poetry, music and name are known by more people in the world and will continue to be known far into the future. More than any US President or world leader in history. Perhaps Hitler gives him a run, but who else? And Hitler is only known in name and being an evil man. Few actually know what he had to say.

True. Lennon's song is known throughout the world, known and loved. It is a simple statement of peace, not about utopia at all. It refers to what we all know, that people make war primarily over land (and it's resources), nationality and religion, and if those things didn't exist, there would be no more war.....unfortunately, it is unrealistic and very idealistic because it genuinely appears that people will fight over anything; if it isn't religion, land, resources, or nationality, it will be something else.
" Often as people mature they out-grow their naïve embrace of leftist ideology and begin to see things in their true light,...' John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant.'

He says, "John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter. By 1979 he looked back on that guy and was embarrassed by that guy's naiveté."(He wrote 'Imagine' in 1970).

This new revelation about the late rock & roll legend should give us all pause to reflect upon the hollow nature of liberalism. For those of us who have misguided friends, family and associates who continue to cling to the factually devoid ideology of the left, be patient yet unrelenting in exposing these lost souls to the truth and Imagine them discovering the world of reality."
Blog: Imagine John Lennon as a Republican

You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his son's, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO

How do you know what Lennon's values were?
How do you know that Ono maintains John's views and values?
Julian Lennon and Yoko Ono are not very close at all, "cordial" is the word Julian uses.
People and views change, if Lennon were alive today, you have no clue as to his views.
I used to be a liberal, in the 80's after the Carter debacle, I evolved in my thinking.
It happens all the time.
" Often as people mature they out-grow their naïve embrace of leftist ideology and begin to see things in their true light,...' John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant.'

He says, "John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter. By 1979 he looked back on that guy and was embarrassed by that guy's naiveté."(He wrote 'Imagine' in 1970).

This new revelation about the late rock & roll legend should give us all pause to reflect upon the hollow nature of liberalism. For those of us who have misguided friends, family and associates who continue to cling to the factually devoid ideology of the left, be patient yet unrelenting in exposing these lost souls to the truth and Imagine them discovering the world of reality."
Blog: Imagine John Lennon as a Republican

You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his sons, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO

How do you know what Lennon's values were?
How do you know that Ono maintains John's views and values?
Julian Lennon and Yoko Ono are not very close at all, "cordial" is the word Julian uses.
People and views change, if Lennon were alive today, you have no clue as to his views.
I used to be a liberal, in the 80's after the Carter debacle, I evolved in my thinking.
It happens all the time.

Ono makes her view clear regularly. Julian is Ono's stepson. It is not unusual for a stepchild to not be close, especially when the biological parent is dead. But Julian does not live by conservative Republican values. Lennon, whatever he was, was a quite brilliant man. Comparing yourself to him is kind of, well, not realistic. I doubt your thinking in your youth was as developed or mature as was Lennon's in his. It's more likely you haven't evolved but, rather, have grown into your true self.
Wasn't John Lennon already under the influence of that crazy Asian woman when he wrote that dreadful song?

I wonder if that's the lesson PC is trying to convey?


What's wrong with you people??

It's one of the most beautiful songs ever written.

It was an okay song, the lyrics were well written, I think others could have sang it better. I think Paul Simon is a great song writer.

I like music arrangements, it can give you two focus points on liking a song, the music and/or the lyrics.
" Often as people mature they out-grow their naïve embrace of leftist ideology and begin to see things in their true light,...' John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant.'

He says, "John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter. By 1979 he looked back on that guy and was embarrassed by that guy's naiveté."(He wrote 'Imagine' in 1970).

This new revelation about the late rock & roll legend should give us all pause to reflect upon the hollow nature of liberalism. For those of us who have misguided friends, family and associates who continue to cling to the factually devoid ideology of the left, be patient yet unrelenting in exposing these lost souls to the truth and Imagine them discovering the world of reality."
Blog: Imagine John Lennon as a Republican

You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his son's, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO

1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.

2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"

Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'

3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."

Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?

4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.
You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his sons, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO

How do you know what Lennon's values were?
How do you know that Ono maintains John's views and values?
Julian Lennon and Yoko Ono are not very close at all, "cordial" is the word Julian uses.
People and views change, if Lennon were alive today, you have no clue as to his views.
I used to be a liberal, in the 80's after the Carter debacle, I evolved in my thinking.
It happens all the time.

Ono makes her view clear regularly. Julian is Ono's stepson. It is not unusual for a stepchild to not be close, especially when the biological parent is dead. But Julian does not live by conservative Republican values. Lennon, whatever he was, was a quite brilliant man. Comparing yourself to him is kind of, well, not realistic. I doubt your thinking in your youth was as developed or mature as was Lennon's in his. It's more likely you haven't evolved but, rather, have grown into your true self.

I never compared myself to him, I said values change, I used myself as an example, quit being stupid,

You don't know me, you don't know my past, you are back to your ASSumptive thinking. As far as developed thinking, you are correct, I didn't need take drugs, or smoke weed, get drunk or sleep with groupies, it wasn't my thing. For all his creative genius, he fell short in other ways.

So spare me your off hand comments. You give liberals a bad name.
This is pretty hilarious actually -- some people, when they don't like the way actual history went, no problem, they just rewrite it.

Thus we get, retroactively of course, Liberalism turning into Fascism, FDR causing WWII, O'bama born in Kenya, the KKK gets founded by the Democratic Party... and now they want to trade Adolf Hitler for John Lennon and a player to be named later. :rofl:
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Julian: In 2009, Lennon founded The White Feather Foundation, whose mission "embraces environmental and humanitarian issues and in conjunction with partners from around the world helps to raise funds for the betterment of all life, and to honour those who have truly made a difference."[30] Its name came from a conversation Lennon once had with his father. “Dad once said to me that should he pass away, if there was some way of letting me know he was going to be OK – that we were all going to be OK – the message would come to me in the form of a white feather. ... the white feather has always represented peace to me

Yoko: She has made significant philanthropic contributions to arts, peace and AIDS outreach programs. Mother to Kyoko Chan Cox and Sean Lennon, she also brought feminism to the forefront in her music

Sean Lennon: On October 19, 2011, Lennon was asked by Josh Sigurdson over Twitter what his opinion on the Occupy Wall Street protests was. Sean replied with this statement: "I'm heading down there this weekend." which he did. On October 22, 2011, Sean showed up on Wall Street with Rufus Wainwright and Josh Fox. The three played music throughout the day to protesters and others joined in. Lennon has not yet spoken to the media or press about the event.On August 28, 2012, Lennon's opposition to hydraulic fracking was published as an editorial, "Destroying Precious Land for Gas," by the New York Times.
On October 16, 2013 Lennon, along with Spacehog and Liv Tyler, is scheduled to play "Live on Earth" - an Internet-only performance - to benefit the David Lynch Foundation which promotes Transcendental Meditation.

John Lennon was a progressive liberal; not a closet Republican. The idea is ludicrous. It is pathetic and telling that the right is trying to steal his true memory and identity away in order to bolster their decrepit status in America. As well, I've noticed how many folks here seem to think Orwell was one of you too. Orwell was a liberal progressive. His book, probably the only one any of you have read, 1984, was against totalitarianism, not against progressive liberalism. Read some of his other works, such as Burmese Days and Down and Out in Paris and London. Animal Farm , as well, was against the totalitarian dictatorship that the Soviet Union became. He was not against liberal or progressive ideas, quite the contrary. The fact you all don't understand the difference says a lot about your ignorance and narrow minded, tunnel vision. You can have Ayn Rand, and welcome to her.
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Julian: In 2009, Lennon founded The White Feather Foundation, whose mission "embraces environmental and humanitarian issues and in conjunction with partners from around the world helps to raise funds for the betterment of all life, and to honour those who have truly made a difference."[30] Its name came from a conversation Lennon once had with his father. “Dad once said to me that should he pass away, if there was some way of letting me know he was going to be OK – that we were all going to be OK – the message would come to me in the form of a white feather. ... the white feather has always represented peace to me

Yoko: She has made significant philanthropic contributions to arts, peace and AIDS outreach programs. Mother to Kyoko Chan Cox and Sean Lennon, she also brought feminism to the forefront in her music

Sean Lennon: On October 19, 2011, Lennon was asked by Josh Sigurdson over Twitter what his opinion on the Occupy Wall Street protests was. Sean replied with this statement: "I'm heading down there this weekend." which he did. On October 22, 2011, Sean showed up on Wall Street with Rufus Wainwright and Josh Fox. The three played music throughout the day to protesters and others joined in. Lennon has not yet spoken to the media or press about the event.On August 28, 2012, Lennon's opposition to hydraulic fracking was published as an editorial, "Destroying Precious Land for Gas," by the New York Times.
On October 16, 2013 Lennon, along with Spacehog and Liv Tyler, is scheduled to play "Live on Earth" - an Internet-only performance - to benefit the David Lynch Foundation which promotes Transcendental Meditation.

John Lennon was a progressive liberal; not a closet Republican. The idea is ludicrous. It is pathetic and telling that the right is trying to steal his true memory and identity away in order to bolster their decrepit status in America. As well, I've noticed how many folks here seem to think Orwell was one of you too. Orwell was a liberal progressive. His book, probably the only one any of you have read, 1984, was against totalitarianism, not against progressive liberalism. Read some of his other works, such as Burmese Days and Down and Out in Paris and London. Animal Farm , as well, was against the totalitarian dictatorship that the Soviet Union became. He was not against liberal or progressive ideas, quite the contrary. The fact you all don't understand the difference says a lot about your ignorance and narrow minded, tunnel vision. You can have Ayn Rand, and welcome to her.

The song was written by a British citizen during the Vietnam War.

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