The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

Nothing screams 'loser' more than when I reduce one of you dolts to vulgarity.

Try to remember this:

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

" I've heard it over and over again on here, how you are one major nut case, now I see what they mean."

I appreciate my fame....., the translation of "one major nut case,..."

It means "she beats the heck out of us every time!"

As I just did with you.

~What you do is drive intelligent, reasonable people up the wall trying to discuss anything with you because you are without reason and sensibility. These conclusions you draw from my post are perfect examples of that.

What I do is use logic and erudition.

You're dismissed.

You are completely delusional. I'd say get help, but it's obvious you like being a nut case. As long as people of sense repeatedly give up on you, you can tell yourself you are winning all arguments, and you don't have to face the truth. Crazy people are often very crafty in that way.
I recommend John Forte's "Sovereignty or Submission.”
Of course, if you are a don't read books, only bumper-stickers.

"Lennon wasn't against religion,..."

My first witness...John Lennon:
"Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"

Astounding how the easily-led will be shown a red wall and claim it to be blue.
Here's Lennon's message to you PC...

As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules

When they've tortured and scared you for twenty-odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

There's room at the top they're telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
Lennon didn't like people hiding behind religion as they killed their fellow man.
~What you do is drive intelligent, reasonable people up the wall trying to discuss anything with you because you are without reason and sensibility. These conclusions you draw from my post are perfect examples of that.

What I do is use logic and erudition.

You're dismissed.

You are completely delusional. I'd say get help, but it's obvious you like being a nut case. As long as people of sense repeatedly give up on you, you can tell yourself you are winning all arguments, and you don't have to face the truth. Crazy people are often very crafty in that way.

FYI: The word 'crazy' is no longer politically correct.
~What you do is drive intelligent, reasonable people up the wall trying to discuss anything with you because you are without reason and sensibility. These conclusions you draw from my post are perfect examples of that.

What I do is use logic and erudition.

You're dismissed.

You are completely delusional. I'd say get help, but it's obvious you like being a nut case. As long as people of sense repeatedly give up on you, you can tell yourself you are winning all arguments, and you don't have to face the truth. Crazy people are often very crafty in that way.

Yours is the boilerplate post of on who has lost the argument.
Well hey there Ron Burgundy. I'm OK, thanks for asking. At least not painting myself into corners, you know...

You do paint yourself into corners, you aren't bright enough to realize it.

Oh the irony! LMAO :lol: :lmao:

Esmeralda, Pogo is a fine person, the posts are well grounded in his belief system. I can accept when I disagree and I will joke.

You on the other hand are a mean and spiteful person. I don't think you believe any of what you post, I think you post to make you feel superior.
Have a good day.
I recommend John Forte's "Sovereignty or Submission.”
Of course, if you are a don't read books, only bumper-stickers.

"Lennon wasn't against religion,..."

My first witness...John Lennon:
"Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"

Astounding how the easily-led will be shown a red wall and claim it to be blue.
Here's Lennon's message to you PC...

As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules

When they've tortured and scared you for twenty-odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

There's room at the top they're telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
Lennon didn't like people hiding behind religion as they killed their fellow man.


"4. And, possibly the most invidious lie told, and believed by Liberals..."more have died because of religion...." Got that covered: " And no religion too" Imagine.
a. First World War (1914–18): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 million
Russian Civil War (1917–22): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 million
Soviet Union, Stalin’s regime (1924–53): . . . . . . . . . 20 million
Second World War (1937–45): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 million
Chinese Civil War (1945–49): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 million
People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong’s
regime (1949–75): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 million
Korean War (1950–53): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 million
North Korea (1948 et seq.): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 million
Rwanda and Burundi (1959–95): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35 million
What was the religious basis for those? The only religion I see in there is the religion of Leftism."

"4. And, possibly the most invidious lie told, and believed by Liberals..."more have died because of religion...." Got that covered: " And no religion too" Imagine.
a. First World War (1914–18): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 million
Russian Civil War (1917–22): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 million
Soviet Union, Stalin’s regime (1924–53): . . . . . . . . . 20 million
Second World War (1937–45): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 million
Chinese Civil War (1945–49): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 million
People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong’s
regime (1949–75): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 million
Korean War (1950–53): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 million
North Korea (1948 et seq.): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 million
Rwanda and Burundi (1959–95): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35 million
What was the religious basis for those? The only religion I see in there is the religion of Leftism."
It's not nonsense. These wars we've been fighting the last 10 years were started by people who "claimed" to be people of faith.
I think he was addressing that to the believers.

so what he was trying to do was alter others thinking to his way of thinking. again, getting back to turning us into a bunch of mindless bots willing to give up our freedoms and personal choices

Everyone does the first sentence of your post. We do it here. That is what writing and art are all about. The second part of your post is just your opinion based on who knows what. The idea that John Lennon was trying to turn everyone into mindless bots by influenceing them to think about things is kind of wacky. The suggestion that he wanted folks to give up freedom and choices is beyond ridiculous. You just can't handle the fact that so many people accept or like an idea that is so different from your own. You can't attack the message because the debate was settled long ago. The message resonates decades after the world first heard them. Kids in China and Brazil, South Africa and India, Russia and the USA still sing the song. Artist continue to record it. Attacking the messenger at this late date is just a useless waste of time, and to many probably seems a bit stupid.

One would have to be asinine to suggest Lennon was against freedom and choices.
" Often as people mature they out-grow their naïve embrace of leftist ideology and begin to see things in their true light,...' John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant.'

He says, "John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter. By 1979 he looked back on that guy and was embarrassed by that guy's naiveté."(He wrote 'Imagine' in 1970).

This new revelation about the late rock & roll legend should give us all pause to reflect upon the hollow nature of liberalism. For those of us who have misguided friends, family and associates who continue to cling to the factually devoid ideology of the left, be patient yet unrelenting in exposing these lost souls to the truth and Imagine them discovering the world of reality."
Blog: Imagine John Lennon as a Republican

You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his son's, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO

1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.

2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"

Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'

3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."

Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?

4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.

If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.
You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his son's, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO

1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.

2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"

Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'

3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."

Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?

4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.

If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.

I do what is right, that feels good. you prove that Lennon wasn't a Progressive/Liberal/dunce....

Now let's examine the proposal....let's stipulate that Lennon was a good deal brighter than you are.....
....your posts in evidence. you could not, therefore, arguendo, he could not have supported the Liberal catechisms....

This was the challenge: all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, effect, no morality....'whatever feels good...'"

...just as you couldn't.

I contend that a more astute individual, i.e., John Lennon, would have realized the fallacy of Liberalism, and 'adjusted.'

And that adjustment would be in the direction of conservatism.

QED....OP is, if not proven, at least more reliable than your premise due to the preponderance of the evidence.

You're fucking crazy, you are. It's pointless to discuss anything with you. I've heard it over and over again on here, how you are one major nut case, now I see what they mean. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Nothing screams 'loser' more than when I reduce one of you dolts to vulgarity.

Try to remember this:

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

" I've heard it over and over again on here, how you are one major nut case, now I see what they mean."

I appreciate my fame....., the translation of "one major nut case,..."

It means "she beats the heck out of us every time!"

As I just did with you.

I have said it before, you are a legend in your own mind, a pathetic little girl trying so hard to be recognized.
You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his son's, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO

1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.

2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"

Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'

3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."

Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?

4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.

If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.

You are a fool, NoClass.....

Rather than take the usual defeat you Leftists take in debate with the Right, you either lie, or, as is common with lowlifes like yourself, reduce the debate to what passes for witty repartee in junior high school lavatories.

As for your current post....

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.

2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"

Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'

3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."

Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?

4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.

If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.

I do what is right, that feels good.

And mommy and daddy are so proud of their little one.

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