The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.

2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"

Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'

3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."

Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?

4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.

If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.

You are a fool, NoClass.....

Rather than take the usual defeat you Leftists take in debate with the Right, you either lie, or, as is common with lowlifes like yourself, reduce the debate to what passes for witty repartee in junior high school lavatories.

As for your current post....

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

You would not recognize defeat if it smacked you in the face, that is the problem.

I have never lied on these boards, quit making things up to disguise your defeat.
You're fucking crazy, you are. It's pointless to discuss anything with you. I've heard it over and over again on here, how you are one major nut case, now I see what they mean. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Nothing screams 'loser' more than when I reduce one of you dolts to vulgarity.

Try to remember this:

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

" I've heard it over and over again on here, how you are one major nut case, now I see what they mean."

I appreciate my fame....., the translation of "one major nut case,..."

It means "she beats the heck out of us every time!"

As I just did with you.

I have said it before, you are a legend in your own mind, a pathetic little girl trying so hard to be recognized.

Your posts about me are due to

a) the beating I have given you in debates, and will continue to do....

b) an attempt to become relevant while avoiding actually confronting the points I've made.


I bet not a day goes by that you don't wish you were clever enough to compete.
Nothing screams 'loser' more than when I reduce one of you dolts to vulgarity.

Try to remember this:

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

" I've heard it over and over again on here, how you are one major nut case, now I see what they mean."

I appreciate my fame....., the translation of "one major nut case,..."

It means "she beats the heck out of us every time!"

As I just did with you.

I have said it before, you are a legend in your own mind, a pathetic little girl trying so hard to be recognized.

Your posts about me are due to

a) the beating I have given you in debates, and will continue to do....

b) an attempt to become relevant while avoiding actually confronting the points I've made.


I bet not a day goes by that you don't wish you were clever enough to compete.

one of your problems is that you THINK that you are clever. You are pathetic and one of the laughing stocks of the boards. especially when you claim victory and tell people much smarter than yourself that you have beaten them. Lie to yourself all that you want, it obviously helps you deal with the pain.
Hey, chic and the RW has Ted the kid fucker Nugent. 30 million life time record sales. The left according to chic has John Lennon. Over 2 billion in record sales. The dead guy still outsells the living poopy pants by tens of millions every year.
If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.

I do what is right, that feels good.

And mommy and daddy are so proud of their little one.

I am someone that thinks about my decisions and how they impact others, unlike assholes that go off do drugs, abort kids, spread VD and commit crimes.

Sorry if you don't like the way I effect others in a positive way, it seems counter productive to losers like you.
Hey, chic and the RW has Ted the kid fucker Nugent. 30 million life time record sales. The left according to chic has John Lennon. Over 2 billion in record sales. The dead guy still outsells the living poopy pants by tens of millions every year.

What are you, a four year old?
I have said it before, you are a legend in your own mind, a pathetic little girl trying so hard to be recognized.

Your posts about me are due to

a) the beating I have given you in debates, and will continue to do....

b) an attempt to become relevant while avoiding actually confronting the points I've made.


I bet not a day goes by that you don't wish you were clever enough to compete.

one of your problems is that you THINK that you are clever. You are pathetic and one of the laughing stocks of the boards. especially when you claim victory and tell people much smarter than yourself that you have beaten them. Lie to yourself all that you want, it obviously helps you deal with the pain.

" THINK that you are clever."

And don't think I don't appreciate how clever your posts make me look, NoClass!

Keep up the bad work!
What an incredibility informative thread this is. And, ain't no way that "this is about politics". When I saw the thread title, I expected the song to be something about hate or or harming people. But no - Its the exact opposite. Its a song about peace and prosperity so of course, the radical rw's hate it.

I often wonder if rw's still believe in that old puritan ethic that says they must be miserable in life so they can get into what they believe is a "heaven". These are very frightened people who see The Big Bad Bogey Man behind every little bush.

I don't usually read Political Chic's posts but I did read some of this idiotic OP. The obvious first reaction is stunned disbelief but thinking about the things the radical rw's write every day, they would naturally be against a world like Lennon describes.

Look at what the radical rw's write about fighting and hating:

  • women
  • children
  • gays
  • transgendered
  • people of any and all color
  • vets
  • the disabled
  • elderly
  • education
  • jobs and economic recovery
  • science
  • progress of any kind
  • their own country

They are dead set against liberty, freedom and personal responsibility and choice. They fight against and hate what they fear.

And, what do they post in favor of:

  • hungry/homeless children
  • hungry/homeless elderly
  • hungry/homeless vets
  • hungry/homeless disabled
  • permanent suspension of Constitutionally guaranteed rights for certain segments of our population
  • war
  • global climate change
  • ending small family business in favor of huge corporations controlling all enterprise
  • increasing the wealth and power of their overlords

Those are partial lists and many would say they don't believe in some of what I've written. That's why I wrote that they post and write these things.

Radical rw's do not think for themselves. They simply cannot "imagine" and rely on Limbaugh, Fox, Beck and other really nutty ideologues to tell them what to think. They say they are against helping their fellow human being and they desperately need to be controlled. In view of what they write here every day, they would have no choice but to hate the philosophical beliefs Lennon wrote about in that song.

And they would especially hate that he (and the Beatles) were well paid for their work.
Hey, chic and the RW has Ted the kid fucker Nugent. 30 million life time record sales. The left according to chic has John Lennon. Over 2 billion in record sales. The dead guy still outsells the living poopy pants by tens of millions every year.

Yep. They whine if a famous person speaks in favor of liberal progress or gives money to needy people while celebrating their own famous spokes"man", who is an admitted pedophile draft dodger.

That pretty much sums it up.
What an incredibility informative thread this is. And, ain't no way that "this is about politics". When I saw the thread title, I expected the song to be something about hate or or harming people. But no - Its the exact opposite. Its a song about peace and prosperity so of course, the radical rw's hate it.

I often wonder if rw's still believe in that old puritan ethic that says they must be miserable in life so they can get into what they believe is a "heaven". These are very frightened people who see The Big Bad Bogey Man behind every little bush.

I don't usually read Political Chic's posts but I did read some of this idiotic OP. The obvious first reaction is stunned disbelief but thinking about the things the radical rw's write every day, they would naturally be against a world like Lennon describes.

Look at what the radical rw's write about fighting and hating:

  • women
  • children
  • gays
  • transgendered
  • people of any and all color
  • vets
  • the disabled
  • elderly
  • education
  • jobs and economic recovery
  • science
  • progress of any kind
  • their own country

They are dead set against liberty, freedom and personal responsibility and choice. They fight against and hate what they fear.

And, what do they post in favor of:

  • hungry/homeless children
  • hungry/homeless elderly
  • hungry/homeless vets
  • hungry/homeless disabled
  • permanent suspension of Constitutionally guaranteed rights for certain segments of our population
  • war
  • global climate change
  • ending small family business in favor of huge corporations controlling all enterprise
  • increasing the wealth and power of their overlords

Those are partial lists and many would say they don't believe in some of what I've written. That's why I wrote that they post and write these things.

Radical rw's do not think for themselves. They simply cannot "imagine" and rely on Limbaugh, Fox, Beck and other really nutty ideologues to tell them what to think. They say they are against helping their fellow human being and they desperately need to be controlled. In view of what they write here every day, they would have no choice but to hate the philosophical beliefs Lennon wrote about in that song.

And they would especially hate that he (and the Beatles) were well paid for their work.

Wow, talk about an over dramatic nut job. You really need to quit smoking meth, it's really effecting your reasoning ability.
What an incredibility informative thread this is. And, ain't no way that "this is about politics". When I saw the thread title, I expected the song to be something about hate or or harming people. But no - Its the exact opposite. Its a song about peace and prosperity so of course, the radical rw's hate it.

I often wonder if rw's still believe in that old puritan ethic that says they must be miserable in life so they can get into what they believe is a "heaven". These are very frightened people who see The Big Bad Bogey Man behind every little bush.

I don't usually read Political Chic's posts but I did read some of this idiotic OP. The obvious first reaction is stunned disbelief but thinking about the things the radical rw's write every day, they would naturally be against a world like Lennon describes.

Look at what the radical rw's write about fighting and hating:

  • women
  • children
  • gays
  • transgendered
  • people of any and all color
  • vets
  • the disabled
  • elderly
  • education
  • jobs and economic recovery
  • science
  • progress of any kind
  • their own country

They are dead set against liberty, freedom and personal responsibility and choice. They fight against and hate what they fear.

And, what do they post in favor of:

  • hungry/homeless children
  • hungry/homeless elderly
  • hungry/homeless vets
  • hungry/homeless disabled
  • permanent suspension of Constitutionally guaranteed rights for certain segments of our population
  • war
  • global climate change
  • ending small family business in favor of huge corporations controlling all enterprise
  • increasing the wealth and power of their overlords

Those are partial lists and many would say they don't believe in some of what I've written. That's why I wrote that they post and write these things.

Radical rw's do not think for themselves. They simply cannot "imagine" and rely on Limbaugh, Fox, Beck and other really nutty ideologues to tell them what to think. They say they are against helping their fellow human being and they desperately need to be controlled. In view of what they write here every day, they would have no choice but to hate the philosophical beliefs Lennon wrote about in that song.

And they would especially hate that he (and the Beatles) were well paid for their work.

I wonder why you left out any comments about the content of the OP....

This: all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"

Could it be because the OP is dead on....and this is what Liberals are all about?
I do what is right, that feels good.

And mommy and daddy are so proud of their little one.

I am someone that thinks about my decisions and how they impact others, unlike assholes that go off do drugs, abort kids, spread VD and commit crimes.

Sorry if you don't like the way I effect others in a positive way, it seems counter productive to losers like you.

You do what is right, like stooping to call people names. You are wonderful.
Your posts about me are due to

a) the beating I have given you in debates, and will continue to do....

b) an attempt to become relevant while avoiding actually confronting the points I've made.


I bet not a day goes by that you don't wish you were clever enough to compete.

one of your problems is that you THINK that you are clever. You are pathetic and one of the laughing stocks of the boards. especially when you claim victory and tell people much smarter than yourself that you have beaten them. Lie to yourself all that you want, it obviously helps you deal with the pain.

" THINK that you are clever."

And don't think I don't appreciate how clever your posts make me look, NoClass!

Keep up the bad work!

If I had the ability to make you look clever, I could perform miracles.
Of course Democrats love this song that talks about no religion LOL We are talking about the party of slavery and the KKK after all. They know if there is a God they are not going to be looked down on favorably...
one of your problems is that you THINK that you are clever. You are pathetic and one of the laughing stocks of the boards. especially when you claim victory and tell people much smarter than yourself that you have beaten them. Lie to yourself all that you want, it obviously helps you deal with the pain.

" THINK that you are clever."

And don't think I don't appreciate how clever your posts make me look, NoClass!

Keep up the bad work!

If I had the ability to make you look clever, I could perform miracles.

You, and every other dolt who chimes into a thread with the insightful 'it's not worthy of a reply, a rebuttal' manage that very same miracle.

And don't think I don't get a chuckle out of it.

Your current post serves as case in point, NoClass.

Don't ever change.
And mommy and daddy are so proud of their little one.

I am someone that thinks about my decisions and how they impact others, unlike assholes that go off do drugs, abort kids, spread VD and commit crimes.

Sorry if you don't like the way I effect others in a positive way, it seems counter productive to losers like you.

You do what is right, like stooping to call people names. You are wonderful.

Yes I am, you seem up tight for a liberal. :)
You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP. I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money? I don't suppose it occured to you to consider that his partner, Yoko Ono, who is still living and has maintained John's views and values, as well as his son's, all know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values. This 'last personal assistant' is just trying to make some big bucks. It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them. Really quite laughable. Take any dead Democrat, anyone, and turn him into a Republican: that's what you need to do to bolster belief in being a pub? LMAO
1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.
2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"
Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'
3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."
Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?
4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.

If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.
Don't you ever forget it's our military, supported by wise conservatives (and some good liberals) who are the reason why you can enjoy free speech without having to worry about going to a gulag. Should the desire to shut down free speech ever occur because conservatives are pointing to the facts, and if you object to the bloodbath that would bring that about, you are toast. And I do mean burnt. :cranky:

Freedom and its precepts takes discipline to keep. If the discipline goes aside due to lack of attention, freedoms disappear. The founders knew it. That's why Franklin said of our Republic's unique freedom: "IF you can keep it."
1. "You're such a sweet, innocent, naive person OP."'er battin' .667....two out of three ain't bad.
2. " I don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are some people in the world who will say anything in order to sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?"
Or....for other reasons: you can keep your insurance....your $2500....
Yeah....I see where you're goin.'
3. "....know and believe in the same values John held, which were not conservative, Republican values."
Why so afraid that he grew, matured, in his views?
4. "It's also pretty damned pathetic that the Right is so desperate to gain some value that they are trying to hoodwink the public into believing John Lenon was actually one of them." all means.....go right ahead and contest the following Liberal catechism:

"1. Getting rid of our sovereignty,and placing us all under the heel of the heels at the United Nations,

2. That it is religion that they hate, largely because it suggests that there is some sort of morality to which we owe civilization.

3. That they endorse a private, meaning rationalized, morality....'whatever feels good...'"


Hey...if you can't, it will be "Really quite laughable."

Get to it.

If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.
Don't you ever forget it's our military, supported by wise conservatives (and some good liberals) who are the reason why you can enjoy free speech without having to worry about going to a gulag. Should the desire to shut down free speech ever occur because conservatives are pointing to the facts, and if you object to the bloodbath that would bring that about, you are toast. And I do mean burnt. :cranky:

Freedom and its precepts takes discipline to keep. If the discipline goes aside due to lack of attention, freedoms disappear. The founders knew it. That's why Franklin said of our Republic's unique freedom: "IF you can keep it."

Pity conservatives don’t exhibit the same support for free expression as they do the military; otherwise they wouldn’t be seeking to deny homosexuals, same-sex couples, and transgender persons their First Amendment right to freely express themselves.

Indeed, liberals clearly possess the more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the right to free expression, by their of advocacy of diversity, dissent, and individual liberty.

Liberals also understand the importance of religious liberty in the context of the right to free expression, an understanding lacking among many conservatives, where a significant number on the right are hostile toward Muslims and Islam.
If you got into some of the 'whatever feels good', you might not be such a miserable person. That goes for a lot of the right wingers on this board.
Don't you ever forget it's our military, supported by wise conservatives (and some good liberals) who are the reason why you can enjoy free speech without having to worry about going to a gulag. Should the desire to shut down free speech ever occur because conservatives are pointing to the facts, and if you object to the bloodbath that would bring that about, you are toast. And I do mean burnt. :cranky:

Freedom and its precepts takes discipline to keep. If the discipline goes aside due to lack of attention, freedoms disappear. The founders knew it. That's why Franklin said of our Republic's unique freedom: "IF you can keep it."

Pity conservatives don’t exhibit the same support for free expression as they do the military; otherwise they wouldn’t be seeking to deny homosexuals, same-sex couples, and transgender persons their First Amendment right to freely express themselves.

Indeed, liberals clearly possess the more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the right to free expression, by their of advocacy of diversity, dissent, and individual liberty.

Liberals also understand the importance of religious liberty in the context of the right to free expression, an understanding lacking among many conservatives, where a significant number on the right are hostile toward Muslims and Islam.

How about we use this conservative approach....

Allow the people of the 50 (57???) 'laboratories of democracy' to vote on what they allow in their state.....

Get the darn black-robed tyrants who impose their will in place of the will of the people, out of the equation.

Get the oppression of the Liberals off the backs of the people.

You down wit' dat, C_Chamber_Pot?
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