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The most disgusting state in the union signs the most disgusting law ever created

Now you never answered my question, did the 3/5ths law exist?

You really have to wonder what is wrong with somebody like this. He/she keeps asking for confirmation on the existance of something which does not require confirmation of and which I have personally discussed at length. It's literally like sitting in front of a giraffe, discussing what the giraffe looks like, what the giraffe is doing, and then having the other party keep repeating over and over "do you see a giraffe, is it really there"? :cuckoo:

Furthermore, given KW's rather rigid and intense pro-stance on this law, I think it's safe to assume he/she is one of the "transgendered".

Finally, given the (sad) history of libtards comically believing that if they pretend to be conservatives, they can earn themselves credibility and then "convince" actual conservatives to see the light and realize that liberalism is actually the way to go (for instance Rightwinger), and given KW's erratic and unstable behavior here, I think it's also safe to assume that 'ole KW might just be a closet libtard Dumbocrat.
Now you never answered my question, did the 3/5ths law exist?

I've asked maybe 4 times now? Are you unable to answer, or just aren't going to because you know it will crumble any bit of an "argument" you have left?

I have answered your "question" clearly no less than three times now: HERE, HERE, and HERE. Meanwhile, you have yet to even attempt to answer my question once. Which unequivocally proves two things:

1.) You've been thoroughly defeated

2.) Because of #1, you're now just trying a troll routine in some sort of an odd juvenile tantrum

And so with that, I'll simply end with: :trolls:

All I ask is that you answer my original question directly.

Now you never answered my question, did the 3/5ths law exist?

You really have to wonder what is wrong with somebody like this. He/she keeps asking for confirmation on the existance of something which does not require confirmation of and which I have personally discussed at length. It's literally like sitting in front of a giraffe, discussing what the giraffe looks like, what the giraffe is doing, and then having the other party keep repeating over and over "do you see a giraffe, is it really there"? :cuckoo:

Furthermore, given KW's rather rigid and intense pro-stance on this law, I think it's safe to assume he/she is one of the "transgendered".

Finally, given the (sad) history of libtards comically believing that if they pretend to be conservatives, they can earn themselves credibility and then "convince" actual conservatives to see the light and realize that liberalism is actually the way to go (for instance Rightwinger), and given KW's erratic and unstable behavior here, I think it's also safe to assume that 'ole KW might just be a closet libtard Dumbocrat.

If you have ever experienced KW's eloquence at discussing his pot use, none of this would come as a surprise.
Furthermore, given KW's rather rigid and intense pro-stance on this law, I think it's safe to assume he/she is one of the "transgendered".

It's hard to imagine a more childish assumption - would you also assume that anyone who opposed slavery was black?

KW is quite right here - the US has had far, far, far more offensive laws on its books going back through time, and the fact that you flatly refuse to answer his question directly suggests that you know this too.

I did check the three links you posted - nowhere do you answer his question.
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I can't stand you 3/5ths people. You have ZERO understanding of that situation. And frankly, I'm getting good-god-damn tired of explaining it to you people.

Dumbocrats believed that black people were PROPERTY. They insisted they were PROPERTY. And their stance was that since they were PROPERTY, they U.S. government had no right to "take" their PROPERTY (ie free the slaves).

However, when it came time to the census, the Dumbocrats counted their slaves to increase their overall population, and thus increase their representation in Washington (and thus keep slavery alive and well).

Rottie's post seems to contain more errors of facts than words, but it is interesting to consider the real facts...

The Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise between Southern and Northern states reached during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 in which three-fifths of the enumerated population of slaves would be counted for representation purposes regarding both the distribution of taxes and the apportionment of the members of the United States House of Representatives. It was proposed by delegates James Wilson and Roger Sherman.

Delegates opposed to slavery generally wished to count only the free inhabitants of each state, but delegates supportive of slavery, on the other hand, generally wanted to count slaves in their actual numbers. Since slaves could not vote, slaveholders would thus have the benefit of increased representation in the House and the Electoral College. The final compromise of counting "all other persons" as only three-fifths of their actual numbers reduced the power of the slave states relative to the original southern proposals, but increased it over the northern position.

The three-fifths ratio was not a new concept. It originated with a 1783 amendment, proposed to the Articles of Confederation. The amendment was to have changed the basis for determining the wealth of each state, and hence its tax obligations, from real estate to population, as a measure of ability to produce wealth. The proposal by a committee of the Congress had suggested that taxes "shall be supplied by the several colonies in proportion to the number of inhabitants of every age, sex, and quality, except Indians not paying taxes."[2][3] The South immediately objected to this formula since it would include slaves, who were viewed primarily as property, in calculating the amount of taxes to be paid. As Thomas Jefferson wrote in his notes on the debates, the southern states would be taxed "according to their numbers and their wealth conjunctly, while the northern would be taxed on numbers only."[4]

After proposed compromises of 1⁄2 by Benjamin Harrison of Virginia and 3⁄4 by several New Englanders failed to gain sufficient support, Congress finally settled on the 3⁄5 ratio proposed by James Madison. But this amendment ultimately failed, falling two states short of the unanimous approval required for amending the Articles of Confederation (only New Hampshire and New York were opposed).

Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know that Matthew Shepard was not transgendered; he was just gay. But ...

When I heard the story of how he was tortured to death by two kids who had been raised to believe that gays are evil, I wondered if anyone secretly sided with the torturers.

This thread makes me wonder again.

Lol, Matthew Shepard. His murder had nothing to do with his sexual deviancy and everything to do with his being a meth addicted hop head hanging out with other meth addicted hop heads.
Now you never answered my question, did the 3/5ths law exist?

You really have to wonder what is wrong with somebody like this. He/she keeps asking for confirmation on the existance of something which does not require confirmation of and which I have personally discussed at length. It's literally like sitting in front of a giraffe, discussing what the giraffe looks like, what the giraffe is doing, and then having the other party keep repeating over and over "do you see a giraffe, is it really there"? :cuckoo:

Furthermore, given KW's rather rigid and intense pro-stance on this law, I think it's safe to assume he/she is one of the "transgendered".

Finally, given the (sad) history of libtards comically believing that if they pretend to be conservatives, they can earn themselves credibility and then "convince" actual conservatives to see the light and realize that liberalism is actually the way to go (for instance Rightwinger), and given KW's erratic and unstable behavior here, I think it's also safe to assume that 'ole KW might just be a closet libtard Dumbocrat.

All I've asked is that you answer the question: did the 3/5ths law exist? If you say yes, this proves there were worse laws on the books than the one described by the OP, rendering my argument as true.

Nothing erratic about my behavior here; I've simply asked a question over and over, awaiting a single yes or no reply from you. If anything, I've been extremely consistent.

Why can't you say yes or no?

And "he is one of the transgendered"... Lol, come on - are you a child?
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I have spoken with a transgendered person, and as a result have met some more of them. The individual I know is the highest paid art director in the entertainment business. She has won a Cleo and an Oscar for her work, and has worked with Steven Spielberg, BBDO, United Air Lines, and JPMorgan Chase & Co., to name a few.

What the fuck does this persons career and alleged achievements have to do with the outrageous and despicable law outlined in this thread?!?

Your compassion for others and their talents is overwhelming. Your inability to understand is superseded only by your ignorance on this issue.

Understanding the dirty trick mother nature has played on transgendered individuals would scare any person who had to face it. Causes of transsexualism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I would strongly suggest you learn more about the problem of transsexuals before you throw them under the bus.

So you shed your little tears for the "transgendered". Ok. Great. What about the 13 year old girl who is uncomfortable enough in her own skin now having to dread using the restroom at school because the male "transgendered" psycopath gets to walk in on her? Or the straight males who can hide behind "transgendered" in order to access the female restrooms and locker rooms? Guess you don't give a shit about them, uh?

By the way - how arrogant of you to assume you are sooo "enlightened" on the "transgendered", while I am not (typical of libtards). You don't know me at all. For all you fuck'n know, I am "transgendered"


Compared to what a transgendered child goes through? A 13 year old girl will get over her restroom hangups. This is now the law. Love your name-calling - "psychopath" - it betrays your maturity as a poster.

You are correct about one thing, I really don't give a shit about the straight kids, it is time they grew up on this serious issue. If they can not deal with this reality, they won't make it in the real world anyway.

As is typical of conservative and liberal fanatics you have labeled me using condescending language. I have been both a Republican and a Dem, and am now an Independent. The reason is, I can think for myself with common sense not unsubstantiated ignorance. What I do know is that you are real "piece of work," and you are expendable.

I hope you have a transgendered child because the pain you will feel would make pancreatic cancer feel like a picnic! :FIREdevil:

So you wish something more horrific than pancreatic cancer (hey, your words ass wipe) on a stranger simply because they disagree with you? Well aren't you just the poster child for the modern day intolerant, closed-minded, hateful libtard Dumbocrat?

I wish you all the pain this life can offer, your posting has earned it for you. By the way, thanks for the negative rep. Guess now I will have to shred you.


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Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!disgusting deviant sexual behaviors

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill
Coprolalia - involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks. Coprolalia comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk"

- related terms are copropraxia, performing obscene or forbidden gestures, and coprographia, making obscene writings or drawings

- not unique to tic disorders; it is also a rare symptom of other neurological disorders. It may occur after injuries to the brain such as stroke and encephalitis; in other neurological conditions such as choreoacanthocytosis, seizures, and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome; and rarely in persons with dementia or obsessive–compulsive disorder in the absence of tics

- libtard Dumbocrats

- Nazi goose-stepping

- What the fuck does

- you don't give a shit

- For all you fuck'n know

- closet libtard Dumbocrat

- Hey stupid

- those whining bitches

- assholes

- equally ignorant and unreasonable ass-wipes

- good-god-damn tired

- lost their fuck'n minds

Can we all assume that "Rottweiler" was dropped on his head as a child!
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I know that Matthew Shepard was not transgendered; he was just gay. But ...

When I heard the story of how he was tortured to death by two kids who had been raised to believe that gays are evil, I wondered if anyone secretly sided with the torturers.

This thread makes me wonder again.

Lol, Matthew Shepard. His murder had nothing to do with his sexual deviancy and everything to do with his being a meth addicted hop head hanging out with other meth addicted hop heads.

As usual, the big dramatic remark, totally unsupported by a fact/link. Then you wonder why USMB members ignore your posts.

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CA was always the craziest state in the us.

Frankly, we in California consider ourselves to be living in the future. We are held back by an ungrateful, out-of-touch nation. I find this map quite appealing considering California has the fifth largest economy in the world. Hawaii would love it. So would New York and Chicago. Texas could easily stand alone with all those ports. And the Southern States of America? They have wanted to be on their own for 150 years!

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CA was always the craziest state in the us.

Frankly, we in California consider ourselves to be living in the future, held back by a backward nation.

Lived in Ca. for 41 years, it was just getting to crazy to live there any longer.
No...only the left wingnuts think that Ca. is living the future, things aren't so rosey in the state any longer. true story...
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CA was always the craziest state in the us.

Frankly, we in California consider ourselves to be living in the future, held back by a backward nation.

Lived in Ca. for 41 years, it was just getting to crazy to live there any longer.
No...only the left wingnuts think that Ca. is living the future, things aren't so rosey in the state any longer. true story...

Things will be more rosey when you say "Adios!" Like your attitude, you are exactly the kind of person we want out of our State! Victorian, 19th Century thinking does not make it here.

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Frankly, we in California consider ourselves to be living in the future, held back by a backward nation.

Lived in Ca. for 41 years, it was just getting to crazy to live there any longer.
No...only the left wingnuts think that Ca. is living the future, things aren't so rosey in the state any longer. true story...

Things will be more rosey when you say "Adios!" Like your attitude, you are exactly the kind of person we want out of our State! Victorian, 19th Century thinking does not make it here.

Your state is the one over its head in debt and spending, more people are moving out than moving in these days. I was there in the good years when it was a great state, but that ship has sailed.
Stay there and be happy, beachbum.
CA was always the craziest state in the us.

Frankly, we in California consider ourselves to be living in the future. We are held back by an ungrateful, out-of-touch nation. I find this map quite appealing considering California has the fifth largest economy in the world. Hawaii would love it. So would New York and Chicago. Texas could easily stand alone with all those ports. And the Southern States of America? They have wanted to be on their own for 150 years!


Actually, you're living in the past when things were good in Ca.
They have slipped a bit from your platitude.

Cali has slipped to 9th in the world :eusa_shhh:
Lived in Ca. for 41 years, it was just getting to crazy to live there any longer.
No...only the left wingnuts think that Ca. is living the future, things aren't so rosey in the state any longer. true story...

Things will be more rosey when you say "Adios!" Like your attitude, you are exactly the kind of person we want out of our State! Victorian, 19th Century thinking does not make it here.
Your state is the one over its head in debt and spending, more people are moving out than moving in these days. I was there in the good years when it was a great state, but that ship has sailed.
Stay there and be happy, beachbum.

Great, another one we don't want is staying away. Kudos!

When people come to L. A. they stay in Hollywood, Venice or downtown. Few get to see how we live in Hermosa, Manhattan, Redondo, Newport, Palos Verdes, San Clemente, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Beverly Hills, or Bel Aire. We do not want more people crowding up our beaches and highways. The more you want California out of the United States, the better for the "CALIFORNIALS." (You figure out the combination of "California" and "Colonial").

We have one of the highest standards of living in the nation. Ever notice how national news picks up stories on fires, mud slides, and earthquakes? Events like that keep you in the "conservative part of the Northwest," (we call it Idaho). It is no accident. What do you think Oregon, Washington, and California could charge Western States to access our ports? Between the import taxes and legalizing the growing of pot in very fertile Northern California, we would be out of debt in a few short years.


This is what we want you to think of when you think of living in
California. Homeowners insurance doe not cover natural disasters. :eek:
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CA was always the craziest state in the us.

Frankly, we in California consider ourselves to be living in the future. We are held back by an ungrateful, out-of-touch nation. I find this map quite appealing considering California has the fifth largest economy in the world. Hawaii would love it. So would New York and Chicago. Texas could easily stand alone with all those ports. And the Southern States of America? They have wanted to be on their own for 150 years!


Actually, you're living in the past when things were good in Ca.
They have slipped a bit from your platitude.

Cali has slipped to 9th in the world :eusa_shhh:

I seriously wish that you guys could get it right....it's "KALIFORNIA". Please, learn to spell...?:lol:

I've been to Kalifornia hundreds of times. As soon as the plane lands there, I'm ready to leave. God I hate that place....
Frankly, we in California consider ourselves to be living in the future. We are held back by an ungrateful, out-of-touch nation. I find this map quite appealing considering California has the fifth largest economy in the world. Hawaii would love it. So would New York and Chicago. Texas could easily stand alone with all those ports. And the Southern States of America? They have wanted to be on their own for 150 years!


Actually, you're living in the past when things were good in Ca.
They have slipped a bit from your platitude.

Cali has slipped to 9th in the world :eusa_shhh:

I seriously wish that you guys could get it right....it's "KALIFORNIA". Please, learn to spell...?:lol:

I've been to Kalifornia hundreds of times. As soon as the plane lands there, I'm ready to leave. God I hate that place....

Evidently you've never taken Hwy 1 through Big Sur territory.

Amazing place right there, unlike anything else on Earth.

Things will be more rosey when you say "Adios!" Like your attitude, you are exactly the kind of person we want out of our State! Victorian, 19th Century thinking does not make it here.
Your state is the one over its head in debt and spending, more people are moving out than moving in these days. I was there in the good years when it was a great state, but that ship has sailed.
Stay there and be happy, beachbum.

Great, another one we don't want is staying away. Kudos!

When people come to L. A. they stay in Hollywood, Venice or downtown. Few get to see how we live in Hermosa, Manhattan, Redondo, Newport, Palos Verdes, San Clemente, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Beverly Hills, or Bel Aire. We do not want more people crowding up our beaches and highways. The more you want California out of the United States, the better for the "CALIFORNIALS." (You figure out the combination of "California" and "Colonial").

We have one of the highest standards of living in the nation. Ever notice how national news picks up stories on fires, mud slides, and earthquakes? Events like that keep you in the "conservative part of the Northwest," (we call it Idaho). It is no accident. What do you think Oregon, Washington, and California could charge Western States to access our ports? Between the import taxes and legalizing the growing of pot in very fertile Northern California, we would be out of debt in a few short years.


This is what we want you to think of when you think of living in
California. Homeowners insurance doe not cover natural disasters. :eek:

:rolleyes: I remember a Pacific storm wiping out homes along the beach and one homeowner saying that he thought he had a pact with Neptune. :lol:
Dude, there are some nice places in Ca., no doubt about it. But the government has changed the dynamics of the state.
You talking about using the west coast ports as hostage against the rest of the US is pure nonsense, and I'm guessing waaay too much drugs on your behalf. You're a poster boy as to why they shouldn't legalize your hemp. :clap2:

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