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The most disgusting state in the union signs the most disgusting law ever created

Male and females dress and have hairstyles much like each other these days
sometimes the only way you can tell a * chick with a dick * is by the adam,s apple who is going to stand outside a rest/bath room and check ?

i was born in uk traveled the world a lot and in some countries the bathrooms are unisex with a janitor (female ) sitting at the entrance to make sure you leave a tip .
Just out of curiosity ........
Could I claim to be transgender and go view the underaged hotties, or do I need to be a member of the student body to get away with it.
I need to know ........... I'm kinda scared ill get shot when the hotties see a gray haired 67 year old man in a suit watching them.
Just out of curiosity ........
Could I claim to be transgender and go view the underaged hotties, or do I need to be a member of the student body to get away with it.
I need to know ........... I'm kinda scared ill get shot when the hotties see a gray haired 67 year old man in a suit watching them.

It's only a matter of time before Dumbocrats pass a law saying it's ok for 67-year-old men to touch children.

There really is no end to their sick, twisted, depravity masked under the guise of "tolerance". Sorry, but some things are simply intolerable by any civil level. You do not "tolerate" rape. You do not "tolerate" bestiality. You do not "tolerate" pedophiles. You do not "tolerate" girls and boys using the same restrooms or locker rooms.

It's truly tragic that libtards have regressed into such cave dwelling neanderthals with their inability to suppress any sexually deviant thought, no matter how inappropriate.
Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill

im just glad my kid is through with school.....there is so much bullshit going on now.....

Some of us have grandchildren, though.
Yes, it would be so much better for a transgendered individual to have to use the facilities with someone like Rottweiler than to use the facilities of the gender they associate with (where our doors have stalls) :rolleyes:

Hmmmm....lets see here.....0.0000000001% having to use the locker room of the gender they were born with, our tens of millions of hormone-raging youngsters getting to choose to use the facilities of the opposites sex for endless deviant purposes?!? Gee...that's such a "tough one" :cuckoo:

God almighty, what is wrong with you S.W.?!?

Yeah, I'm sure a teenaged boy is going to live life as a girl 24/7 just to catch sight of some snatch in the restroom. Do you have any idea how easy it is to access pictures of naked people on the internet?

You don't know much about teenaged boys.
Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill

im just glad my kid is through with school.....there is so much bullshit going on now.....

For this and many other reasons, I pity the young. I really do.
If a transgender gets an erection in the girls shower, would that be proof he is spoofing he system? Interesting legal question.

Well we can hire someone to accompany the young lad/gal into the shower area
and look to see if he/she is sporting wood.

I may need some time in there to confirm because I might be a tad distracted...
Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill

im just glad my kid is through with school.....there is so much bullshit going on now.....

Some of us have grandchildren, though.

Thankfully my grandchildren are being home schooled!
If a transgender gets an erection in the girls shower, would that be proof he is spoofing he system? Interesting legal question.

Well we can hire someone to accompany the young lad/gal into the shower area
and look to see if he/she is sporting wood.

I may need some time in there to confirm because I might be a tad distracted...

To be honest, I don't think kids shower together that much anymore in a public school setting. Not sure what the reason for the change is, but I'm rather sure it's somewhat of a rarity.
OK - everybody is just going to have to forgive Granny's ignorance, but this is a serious question. I'm too old for this shit and I'm so confused I don't know what to do with all this multi-gendering stuff. I get the gay and lesbian part, but what the hell is transgendering and cross-dressing and all this other stuff with the sex change operations?

Is there any truth to my longstanding belief that all of this stuff is a matter of personal choice rather than some kind of pre-natal mutation that makes people "born this way?" I find it confusing when at some point in time someone in one or the other of these sexual modes decides they no longer want to be lesbian, gay, or whatever ... that it was just a "phase" they were going through.

Any serious answers?

Transgender is all personal choice to declare yourself something you're plumbing doesn't qualify you to be. California, in the infinite wisdom of it's sick-fuck government, has now made it legal for boys (in grade school, no less!), or their parents, to declare these children to be girls, and vice-versa, and subsequently be permitted to invade and violate the privacy of actual girls (or boys, as the case may be). Of course, an incredibly small minority of people who make some stupid, perverse lifestyle choice have "right" but the majority of normal children have no rights at all. Go figure!
Just out of curiosity ........
Could I claim to be transgender and go view the underaged hotties, or do I need to be a member of the student body to get away with it.
I need to know ........... I'm kinda scared ill get shot when the hotties see a gray haired 67 year old man in a suit watching them.

It's only a matter of time before Dumbocrats pass a law saying it's ok for 67-year-old men to touch children.

There really is no end to their sick, twisted, depravity masked under the guise of "tolerance". Sorry, but some things are simply intolerable by any civil level. You do not "tolerate" rape. You do not "tolerate" bestiality. You do not "tolerate" pedophiles. You do not "tolerate" girls and boys using the same restrooms or locker rooms.

It's truly tragic that libtards have regressed into such cave dwelling neanderthals with their inability to suppress any sexually deviant thought, no matter how inappropriate.

Rottweiler ........... pedophilia is a misunderstood sexual minority that must be approached with compassion, not hatred, I mean .......... just because an adult has SEX with your child doesn't give you the right to use firearms upon that person or persons.
Regardless of what laws your Dumbocrats pass, pedophiles still can't practice and pursue their sexual desires to FUCK your child as long as gun ownership continues in the United States, we need your Dumbocrats to pass laws and procedures to get guns away from the sheeple, once this is complete, all else will fall into place.
Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill

I would have guessed someone determining "the most disgusting" US law would have started with something like blacks being rated as 3/5ths of a person, etc.

Didn't realize that this topped the cake, lol.

Didn't realize blacks are legally rated as 3/5ths of a person.

...Oh, wait, they aren't! Get a grasp on reality, you might like it.
While I do feel that Rotgut is overreacting like he usually does, I do think that this law is a bit ridiculous. I support gay and transgender rights. I support gay marriage. Allowing transgender students to choose which bathroom and locker room to use is inviting trouble. Gov Brown is considering the feelings of transgender students over those of non-transgender students who may not feel comfortable in that situation. If schools wanted to designate a seperate locker room and restroom open to transgender and non-transgender students to use of their own will, and leave 'regular' facilities as they are, I could support that.

Some schools have made the attempt to allow transgender students to use faculty bathrooms but that effort has been rejected in the cases I have knowledge of.
While I'm not 100% comfortable with this, I find it amusing that you believe some guy is going to claim for years that he is transgender, dress like a girl for years and live like a female for years, just so he can go into the girls bathroom to watch the other girls in their private stalls. Sorry, but I'm just not buying that.

Yes, it is idiotic.

There won’t be anything to ‘see’ anyway.

Needless to say the ‘bathroom issue’ is pure demagoguery, a red herring, and non-issue contrived by the right to yet again deny Americans the right to engage in self-expression; where conservatives disdain diversity and dissent and seek to compel everyone to conform to their subjective moral dogma.

Once again CCJ displaying profound ignorance in favor of his absurd partisanship. No matter how asinine or outrageous, if it's done by a Dumbocrat, he will literally humiliate himself attempting to defend it.

Sorry CCJ, this is absolutely indefensible. Restrooms and locker rooms were not designed for "self-expression" you epic buffoon. Anyone with an ounce of common sense (which I realize immediately eliminates buffoons such as yourself and the LGBT idiots) understand just how inappropriate this is on every level.

You do not allow boys into girls locker rooms. You do not allow girls into boys locker rooms. This is something even a 1st grader thoroughly understands. And no matter how many times you asshole Dumbocrats LIE that "what child is going to live their life as someone of the opposite sex" the fact remains this law does not require them to do so to use the restrooms of the opposite sex.

I'd say it's pretty clear that any jerk-off who supports this clearly has some seriously sick and twisted deviant behaviors of their own.

They are already expressing themselves by their choice of attire. When it comes to bodily functions, they can damned well go to the room fitted for the plumbing they sport under the clothes.
Just out of curiosity ........
Could I claim to be transgender and go view the underaged hotties, or do I need to be a member of the student body to get away with it.
I need to know ........... I'm kinda scared ill get shot when the hotties see a gray haired 67 year old man in a suit watching them.

Well...as long as it's a Hillary-style pantsuit you should be good to go. Don't forget to show your cankles, though.
Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill

I would have guessed someone determining "the most disgusting" US law would have started with something like blacks being rated as 3/5ths of a person, etc.

Didn't realize that this topped the cake, lol.

Didn't realize blacks are legally rated as 3/5ths of a person.

...Oh, wait, they aren't! Get a grasp on reality, you might like it.

Ah, they never were rated as such? Note that the thread uses the very specific wording "ever created", rather than "in existence today".

You need to read things more carefully next time before making your remarks.

Lets star here: do you consider the Constitution a legal document?
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Moonbeam now just needs to change state laws as to where these children can pee and shower in the private sector using the women facilities. :eusa_whistle:
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I would have guessed someone determining "the most disgusting" US law would have started with something like blacks being rated as 3/5ths of a person, etc.

Didn't realize that this topped the cake, lol.

Didn't realize blacks are legally rated as 3/5ths of a person.

...Oh, wait, they aren't! Get a grasp on reality, you might like it.

Ah, they never were rated as such? Note that the thread uses the very specific wording "ever created", rather than "in existence today".

You need to read things more carefully next time before making your remarks.

Lets star here: do you consider the Constitution a legal document?

I can't stand you 3/5ths people. You have ZERO understanding of that situation. And frankly, I'm getting good-god-damn tired of explaining it to you people.

Dumbocrats believed that black people were PROPERTY. They insisted they were PROPERTY. And their stance was that since they were PROPERTY, they U.S. government had no right to "take" their PROPERTY (ie free the slaves).

However, when it came time to the census, the Dumbocrats counted their slaves to increase their overall population, and thus increase their representation in Washington (and thus keep slavery alive and well).

The Republicans rightfully said, "wait a second - you just told us that blacks were PROPERTY, not people. You can't count your property in the census".

Dumbocrats responded, "yes we can".

Republicans said, "fine - we get to count our property too". And they literally started counting tables, chairs, etc. (being in the north and thus more advanced in their building development, they had exponentially more of this stuff than the Dumbocrats in the South).

As is always the case with Dumbocrats when their hypocrisy is exposed, they lost their fuck'n minds and claimed this was a travesty. It turned into a stand-still. After a very long period of butting heads, the final solution was to count the slaves as 3/5th's of a person.

For the love of God, will every idiot on USMB please fucking read this post and understand the TRUTH about history so I don't have to listen to any more ignorant posts about the "3/5th's clause"?!?!
Didn't realize blacks are legally rated as 3/5ths of a person.

...Oh, wait, they aren't! Get a grasp on reality, you might like it.

Ah, they never were rated as such? Note that the thread uses the very specific wording "ever created", rather than "in existence today".

You need to read things more carefully next time before making your remarks.

Lets star here: do you consider the Constitution a legal document?

I can't stand you 3/5ths people. You have ZERO understanding of that situation. And frankly, I'm getting good-god-damn tired of explaining it to you people.

Dumbocrats believed that black people were PROPERTY. They insisted they were PROPERTY. And their stance was that since they were PROPERTY, they U.S. government had no right to "take" their PROPERTY (ie free the slaves).

However, when it came time to the census, the Dumbocrats counted their slaves to increase their overall population, and thus increase their representation in Washington (and thus keep slavery alive and well).

The Republicans rightfully said, "wait a second - you just told us that blacks were PROPERTY, not people. You can't count your property in the census".

Dumbocrats responded, "yes we can".

Republicans said, "fine - we get to count our property too". And they literally started counting tables, chairs, etc. (being in the north and thus more advanced in their building development, they had exponentially more of this stuff than the Dumbocrats in the South).

As is always the case with Dumbocrats when their hypocrisy is exposed, they lost their fuck'n minds and claimed this was a travesty. It turned into a stand-still. After a very long period of butting heads, the final solution was to count the slaves as 3/5th's of a person.

For the love of God, will every idiot on USMB please fucking read this post and understand the TRUTH about history so I don't have to listen to any more ignorant posts about the "3/5th's clause"?!?!

Quit your blathering/lecture, lol, as I don't give a flying fuck which party was behind the 3/5ths rule. I haven't voted for a Democrat in over 10 years, by the way. What are you trying to convince me of Rott?

I'm just saying it existed; are you arguing it didn't? Was it not written in the Constitution?? I'd LOVE to hear your answer.

Wow, a lot of whiners on this thread.
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