The Most Effective and Efficient Solution to Illegal Immigration!

No need to "round them up", even though it can be done ( Eisenhower did it How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico - ). They didn't all come here all at once and you wouldn't need to deport them all at once.

However Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution

The open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. It is also imperative that the government with the full cooperation of the private sector, implements certain workplace enforcement measures. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.

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Anyone that hires, houses, feeds, or otherwise give assistance to any illegal immigrant, would be placed in prison for life without the possibility of parole, no exceptions. This would have all illegals running for the nearest border to leave this country. After one or two are convicted, sentenced, and put in prison, word would spread like a wild fire.

Or we could just execute them. Create massive camps for slow torturous mutilations. Or fire them out of cannons. How about put them underwater and see if they float? Or see if they float THEN fire them out of cannons.

If we're going to be completely irrational and separate any rational connection between crime and punishment, why stop at life imprisonment. Maybe we could entertain ourselves with a real life version of the Running Man!
No need to "round them up", even though it can be done ( Eisenhower did it How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico - ). They didn't all come here all at once and you wouldn't need to deport them all at once.

However Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution

The open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. It is also imperative that the government with the full cooperation of the private sector, implements certain workplace enforcement measures. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.

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Anyone that hires, houses, feeds, or otherwise give assistance to any illegal immigrant, would be placed in prison for life without the possibility of parole, no exceptions. This would have all illegals running for the nearest border to leave this country. After one or two are convicted, sentenced, and put in prison, word would spread like a wild fire.

Or we could just execute them. Create massive camps for slow torturous mutilations. Or fire them out of cannons. How about put them underwater and see if they float? Or see if they float THEN fire them out of cannons.

If we're going to be completely irrational and separate any rational connection between crime and punishment, why stop at life imprisonment. Maybe we could entertain ourselves with a real life version of the Running Man!
Really silly. That is just asinine, to say the least.
Throw the employers in jail
And how, pray tell, will I get my iceberg lettuce?! Surely you don't think all the gangbangers who refuse honest employment, or 50 plus no current skill fat guys, are gonna work the fields! LOL
Business 101 ------- where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. If people want a product or service, someone will figure out a way to supply it. Demand equates to business opportunity. If you want lettuce, if enough people want lettuce, someone will figure out a way for you to have it available in the market place. Just basic supply and demand.
Throw the employers in jail
And how, pray tell, will I get my iceberg lettuce?! Surely you don't think all the gangbangers who refuse honest employment, or 50 plus no current skill fat guys, are gonna work the fields! LOL
Business 101 ------- where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. If people want a product or service, someone will figure out a way to supply it. Demand equates to business opportunity. If you want lettuce, if enough people want lettuce, someone will figure out a way for you to have it available in the market place. Just basic supply and demand.
economics 101. There has to be labor supply for anyone to produce anything.
Throw the employers in jail

Throw the Sanctuary City mayors in jail next to them
Get rid of the jobs and you don't need sanctuary cities.

Arrest those who make a profit off of illegal labor and the jobs will dry up

Prosecute officials who won't enforce our immigration laws
Walls and round ups don't work. Sending employers to jail will

No, we know who the officials are that are not enforcing the laws, lock them up!
Throw the employers in jail
And how, pray tell, will I get my iceberg lettuce?! Surely you don't think all the gangbangers who refuse honest employment, or 50 plus no current skill fat guys, are gonna work the fields! LOL
Business 101 ------- where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. If people want a product or service, someone will figure out a way to supply it. Demand equates to business opportunity. If you want lettuce, if enough people want lettuce, someone will figure out a way for you to have it available in the market place. Just basic supply and demand.
economics 101. There has to be labor supply for anyone to produce anything.
You're joking .... right? ......... Lets think about this for a second. How many U.S. citizens are unemployed? Also, businesses pay what they have to pay in order to run their business. If a business wants to stay in business, they'll pay whatever they have to pay for labor. If a business is not willing to pay labor, then that business will more than likely fold and go out of business. So, again, where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. Someone will figure out how to satisfy labor and consumers. It's been going on for centuries. .......... business and economics 101 .......
Throw the employers in jail
And how, pray tell, will I get my iceberg lettuce?! Surely you don't think all the gangbangers who refuse honest employment, or 50 plus no current skill fat guys, are gonna work the fields! LOL
Business 101 ------- where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. If people want a product or service, someone will figure out a way to supply it. Demand equates to business opportunity. If you want lettuce, if enough people want lettuce, someone will figure out a way for you to have it available in the market place. Just basic supply and demand.
economics 101. There has to be labor supply for anyone to produce anything.
You're joking .... right? ......... Lets think about this for a second. How many U.S. citizens are unemployed? Also, businesses pay what they have to pay in order to run their business. If a business wants to stay in business, they'll pay whatever they have to pay for labor. If a business is not willing to pay labor, then that business will more than likely fold and go out of business. So, again, where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. Someone will figure out how to satisfy labor and consumers. It's been going on for centuries. .......... business and economics 101 .......
I believe they're might well be US citizens to pick lettuce at say $15/hr. You think this is politically viable? Run on it.
Throw the employers in jail
And how, pray tell, will I get my iceberg lettuce?! Surely you don't think all the gangbangers who refuse honest employment, or 50 plus no current skill fat guys, are gonna work the fields! LOL
Business 101 ------- where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. If people want a product or service, someone will figure out a way to supply it. Demand equates to business opportunity. If you want lettuce, if enough people want lettuce, someone will figure out a way for you to have it available in the market place. Just basic supply and demand.
economics 101. There has to be labor supply for anyone to produce anything.
You're joking .... right? ......... Lets think about this for a second. How many U.S. citizens are unemployed? Also, businesses pay what they have to pay in order to run their business. If a business wants to stay in business, they'll pay whatever they have to pay for labor. If a business is not willing to pay labor, then that business will more than likely fold and go out of business. So, again, where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. Someone will figure out how to satisfy labor and consumers. It's been going on for centuries. .......... business and economics 101 .......
I believe they're might well be US citizens to pick lettuce at say $15/hr. You think this is politically viable? Run on it.
The job will pay whatever it takes to get the job done. ......... business 101 ....... employers pay what they have to pay in order to keep the doors open and stay in business.
All this talk about illegals is fine. But how about legal immigrants?

Southern California Edison, the big electric utility, fired 500 American workers and replaced them with foreigners from India on H1-B work visas.

What makes anyone think there is really any desire in congress to keep Americans working? There is plenty of hot button blather. But after the election it will go back to allowing the campaign donaters to resume their war against the American worker.

This is what we get after 3 decades of electing pro-corporate politicians.
All this talk about illegals is fine. But how about legal immigrants?

Southern California Edison, the big electric utility, fired 500 American workers and replaced them with foreigners from India on H1-B work visas.

What makes anyone think there is really any desire in congress to keep Americans working? There is plenty of hot button blather. But after the election it will go back to allowing the campaign donaters to resume their war against the American worker.

This is what we get after 3 decades of electing pro-corporate politicians.
Yes, it is a political and corporate crime against the citizens of this country. We allow off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, the importing of labor, and have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this once great nation. Yes, our politicians are mere puppets for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Legislation and policy is bought and paid for. Yes, we have taxation without fair, equal and just representation.

But, do NOT blame corporations and the government. The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of every voter that continues to elect and to re-elect professional politicians to serve in government. Professional politicians do NOT just waltz into Washington and take a seat, the voters put them there. And, once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and NOT the will of the people. Basically, the voters elect them, then give them Carte Blanche to do as they damn well please, and politicians do just that. So, where does the fault lie? FYI - We've been sold out by the very ones that we've entrusted with our well-being, and the well-being of this once great nation, for the past 55 plus years.
And how, pray tell, will I get my iceberg lettuce?! Surely you don't think all the gangbangers who refuse honest employment, or 50 plus no current skill fat guys, are gonna work the fields! LOL
Business 101 ------- where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. If people want a product or service, someone will figure out a way to supply it. Demand equates to business opportunity. If you want lettuce, if enough people want lettuce, someone will figure out a way for you to have it available in the market place. Just basic supply and demand.
economics 101. There has to be labor supply for anyone to produce anything.
You're joking .... right? ......... Lets think about this for a second. How many U.S. citizens are unemployed? Also, businesses pay what they have to pay in order to run their business. If a business wants to stay in business, they'll pay whatever they have to pay for labor. If a business is not willing to pay labor, then that business will more than likely fold and go out of business. So, again, where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. Someone will figure out how to satisfy labor and consumers. It's been going on for centuries. .......... business and economics 101 .......
I believe they're might well be US citizens to pick lettuce at say $15/hr. You think this is politically viable? Run on it.
The job will pay whatever it takes to get the job done. ......... business 101 ....... employers pay what they have to pay in order to keep the doors open and stay in business.
Increasing the price of groceries will lose elections.
Business 101 ------- where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. If people want a product or service, someone will figure out a way to supply it. Demand equates to business opportunity. If you want lettuce, if enough people want lettuce, someone will figure out a way for you to have it available in the market place. Just basic supply and demand.
economics 101. There has to be labor supply for anyone to produce anything.
You're joking .... right? ......... Lets think about this for a second. How many U.S. citizens are unemployed? Also, businesses pay what they have to pay in order to run their business. If a business wants to stay in business, they'll pay whatever they have to pay for labor. If a business is not willing to pay labor, then that business will more than likely fold and go out of business. So, again, where there's a demand, someone will satisfy that demand. Someone will figure out how to satisfy labor and consumers. It's been going on for centuries. .......... business and economics 101 .......
I believe they're might well be US citizens to pick lettuce at say $15/hr. You think this is politically viable? Run on it.
The job will pay whatever it takes to get the job done. ......... business 101 ....... employers pay what they have to pay in order to keep the doors open and stay in business.
Increasing the price of groceries will lose elections.
OK ...... so? ..........where's the harm?

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