The most fucked in the head opinion piece I have ever read to justify criminals.

So far, all I can find is "They're criminals".

People that cross illegally are in fact breaking laws that exist for good reasons.

There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

There is plenty of justification to send people that come here illegally back to where they came from. Laws don't stop being legitimate just because you say so.

If you were prosecuting white people entering illegally from Canada the way you are brown people entering from Central America, at least it wouldn't appear to be so racist and hateful, but you're not.

Canada is a first world country and its citizens are not scrambling to cross illegally. Acting like illegal crossings from the north are as big of a problem as illegal crossings from the south is just dishonest and ignorant. I think our immigration laws should be even stricter. We don't need more unskilled and uneducated poor people in the United States. Mexican and middle American doctors and scientists are more than welcome. If you can't come here and be a productive, federal income tax paying member of our society then you shouldn't be allowed to immigrate.

Congratulations, the only difference between Americans and Nazi Germany, is that your government isn't carrying out the massacres themselves, they're just letting the lunatic fringe do their dirty work for them.

If our nation is so terrible you can leave. Nobody will try to stop you.

Mexican doctors are NOT in fact welcomed. They're told their training is inadequate and they must go back to school and get proper training, and be re-llicensed. This is true of all of the professions. Doctors. lawyers, engineers, accountants. The white professionals have blocked immigrants from just walking in and joining the club.

That's because most of their training is nowhere near what they would be required to have here in the US. People coming into the US should contribute to our economy, not become a drag on it. If they meet the standards, they can come in legally, not sneaking across the border in the middle of the night.

I once had an ESOL aide to help translate for kids who spoke Spanish. In Columbia, he had been a aerospace engineer. When he came to the US, his reading skills in English were so poor he could not do any of the work. He was a great guy, but a company was not going to change all of their documents to Spanish just in order to employ him.

My experience is just the opposite. The doctors, lawyers and engineers I've met from India, and South America spoke far better English than the Eastern Europeans who were not required to retrain.

What does legal immigrants have to do with my thread?

i dont have conversations with people who hate america!

Oh how convenient for you. It seems more like you just have no way to deal with what I said. Your stance is illogical and if we did things your way it would cripple the nation.
El Paso is the safest city in america not despite of immigrants but BECAUSE OF THEM. that's why it's being attacked by people like you, because you dont want to celebrate the racial deliciousness of america!

we have so many delicious opportunities to celebrate our diversity, and i wont have people like you prevent us from doing it!

Oh, so now I'm like the El Paso shooter. Interesting...

So are you going to address the posts where I completely dismantled your position? No? I mean, I know you can't, but I'm not going to let it go that easily.

I'd cheerfully dismantle your arguments if I could find one. So far, all I can find is "They're criminals". There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

If you were prosecuting white people entering illegally from Canada the way you are brown people entering from Central America, at least it wouldn't appear to be so racist and hateful, but you're not. Congratulations, the only difference between Americans and Nazi Germany, is that your government isn't carrying out the massacres themselves, they're just letting the lunatic fringe do their dirty work for them.

I also note that one of the greatest writers America has ever produced died this week and not one word from the White House. Toni Morrison is the only black woman to have every won the Nobel Prize. Not one annoucement, tweet or even a remark on the passing of America's greatest living author.

The silence is deafening.

There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

Of course their is we have the Constitution and laws.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.
Says the ignorant bigoted twat who lives in opposite world.

I feel bad for immoral scum like you
And then there’s this:

“Terrible things are happening outside. At any time of night and day, poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes . . . Families are torn apart: men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find their parents have disappeared.” - Anne Frank

Those people were in their OWN country, being dragged out of their homes by an invading Army, and were innocent. There is no similarity. You are simply a dumbass.

Good people from America stopped all that. I grew up knowing a German American one that killed the fuck out of Nazis. Shiet, he had dried Nazi officer ears on a dogtag chain.
So far, all I can find is "They're criminals".

People that cross illegally are in fact breaking laws that exist for good reasons.

There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

There is plenty of justification to send people that come here illegally back to where they came from. Laws don't stop being legitimate just because you say so.

If you were prosecuting white people entering illegally from Canada the way you are brown people entering from Central America, at least it wouldn't appear to be so racist and hateful, but you're not.

Canada is a first world country and its citizens are not scrambling to cross illegally. Acting like illegal crossings from the north are as big of a problem as illegal crossings from the south is just dishonest and ignorant. I think our immigration laws should be even stricter. We don't need more unskilled and uneducated poor people in the United States. Mexican and middle American doctors and scientists are more than welcome. If you can't come here and be a productive, federal income tax paying member of our society then you shouldn't be allowed to immigrate.

Congratulations, the only difference between Americans and Nazi Germany, is that your government isn't carrying out the massacres themselves, they're just letting the lunatic fringe do their dirty work for them.

If our nation is so terrible you can leave. Nobody will try to stop you.

Mexican doctors are NOT in fact welcomed. They're told their training is inadequate and they must go back to school and get proper training, and be re-llicensed. This is true of all of the professions. Doctors. lawyers, engineers, accountants. The white professionals have blocked immigrants from just walking in and joining the club.

That's because most of their training is nowhere near what they would be required to have here in the US. People coming into the US should contribute to our economy, not become a drag on it. If they meet the standards, they can come in legally, not sneaking across the border in the middle of the night.

I once had an ESOL aide to help translate for kids who spoke Spanish. In Columbia, he had been a aerospace engineer. When he came to the US, his reading skills in English were so poor he could not do any of the work. He was a great guy, but a company was not going to change all of their documents to Spanish just in order to employ him.

My experience is just the opposite. The doctors, lawyers and engineers I've met from India, and South America spoke far better English than the Eastern Europeans who were not required to retrain.

You live in fucking Canada, dumbass!
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...
we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..
:th_believecrap:What is it supposed to mean? That there are laws in the U.S.? Whoop-dee-doo! HAVING laws doesn't mean dick shit. If it meant anything Geo.Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Hilary Clinton, Nikki Haley, and many more would be behind bars. So the real "numb nuts" are those who think the U.S. is a nation of laws.
So far, all I can find is "They're criminals".

People that cross illegally are in fact breaking laws that exist for good reasons.

There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

There is plenty of justification to send people that come here illegally back to where they came from. Laws don't stop being legitimate just because you say so.

If you were prosecuting white people entering illegally from Canada the way you are brown people entering from Central America, at least it wouldn't appear to be so racist and hateful, but you're not.

Canada is a first world country and its citizens are not scrambling to cross illegally. Acting like illegal crossings from the north are as big of a problem as illegal crossings from the south is just dishonest and ignorant. I think our immigration laws should be even stricter. We don't need more unskilled and uneducated poor people in the United States. Mexican and middle American doctors and scientists are more than welcome. If you can't come here and be a productive, federal income tax paying member of our society then you shouldn't be allowed to immigrate.

Congratulations, the only difference between Americans and Nazi Germany, is that your government isn't carrying out the massacres themselves, they're just letting the lunatic fringe do their dirty work for them.

If our nation is so terrible you can leave. Nobody will try to stop you.

Mexican doctors are NOT in fact welcomed. They're told their training is inadequate and they must go back to school and get proper training, and be re-llicensed. This is true of all of the professions. Doctors. lawyers, engineers, accountants. The white professionals have blocked immigrants from just walking in and joining the club.

White professionals or the government you so worship?

You know there are liability issues with people who are trained in other countries, particularly medical professionals. If you're ever in my area, visit the Cleveland Clinic sometime and tell me how many white doctors you see. We have doctors from all over the world working there.
So far, all I can find is "They're criminals".

People that cross illegally are in fact breaking laws that exist for good reasons.

There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

There is plenty of justification to send people that come here illegally back to where they came from. Laws don't stop being legitimate just because you say so.

If you were prosecuting white people entering illegally from Canada the way you are brown people entering from Central America, at least it wouldn't appear to be so racist and hateful, but you're not.

Canada is a first world country and its citizens are not scrambling to cross illegally. Acting like illegal crossings from the north are as big of a problem as illegal crossings from the south is just dishonest and ignorant. I think our immigration laws should be even stricter. We don't need more unskilled and uneducated poor people in the United States. Mexican and middle American doctors and scientists are more than welcome. If you can't come here and be a productive, federal income tax paying member of our society then you shouldn't be allowed to immigrate.

Congratulations, the only difference between Americans and Nazi Germany, is that your government isn't carrying out the massacres themselves, they're just letting the lunatic fringe do their dirty work for them.

If our nation is so terrible you can leave. Nobody will try to stop you.

She lives in frickin' Canada! She is an international busybody!
Those who commit a misdemeanor (come here illegally) are arrested.

How will we remove them from the country without arresting them?

How will we quit business from hiring more of them unless we arrest them? What happened? They were arrested and many of them were simply taken back to work.

Most of the ones taken back had legal papers and some with ankle monitors and some who knows.
Those who commit a misdemeanor (come here illegally) are arrested.

How will we remove them from the country without arresting them?

How will we quit business from hiring more of them unless we arrest them? What happened? They were arrested and many of them were simply taken back to work.

Most of the ones taken back had legal papers and some with ankle monitors and some who knows.

Yeah, sure they did!

Why are you such a dumbass?
Those who commit a misdemeanor (come here illegally) are arrested.

How will we remove them from the country without arresting them?

How will we quit business from hiring more of them unless we arrest them? What happened? They were arrested and many of them were simply taken back to work.

Most of the ones taken back had legal papers and some with ankle monitors and some who knows.

Yeah, sure they did!

Why are you such a dumbass?

Pay attention cocksucker to the news you might learn something.
Those chickens aren’t going to pluck themselves

Pluck you, and the chicken you rode in on!

Luaghing animated .gif
Those who commit a misdemeanor (come here illegally) are arrested.

How will we remove them from the country without arresting them?

How will we quit business from hiring more of them unless we arrest them? What happened? They were arrested and many of them were simply taken back to work.

Most of the ones taken back had legal papers and some with ankle monitors and some who knows.

Yeah, sure they did!

Why are you such a dumbass?

Pay attention cocksucker to the news you might learn something.

Sorry! I leave that hobby up to he/shes like you. I have read NOTHING what you claim. It is probably just made-up shit you got from your liberal talking points email.
How will we remove them from the country without arresting them?

How will we quit business from hiring more of them unless we arrest them? What happened? They were arrested and many of them were simply taken back to work.

Most of the ones taken back had legal papers and some with ankle monitors and some who knows.

Yeah, sure they did!

Why are you such a dumbass?

Pay attention cocksucker to the news you might learn something.

Sorry! I leave that hobby up to he/shes like you. I have read NOTHING what you claim. It is probably just made-up shit you got from your liberal talking points email.

It's all documented in the relative thread in the Immigration section.
And yet, not a single employer charged with anything yet. Let the excuses for that to begin.

Yet. They have to gather evidence before charges, proving they are hiring illegals is just one of the steps in the investigation.

you follow an unjust law.

Immigration laws are unjust? So you are for open borders?

i see poor folk, i see their hustle, i know immigrants are not our foe!

Us taxpayers are already picking up the bill for deadbeats like you. We can't afford to take care of middle and south America too.
are you a Christian?
you wanted me to destroy your argument, didnt you? didnt wanna disappoint!

All you did was demonstrate your ignorance. You still didn't respond to my points from earlier because you can't. Emotional responses that aren't backed up by logic are all you have.
hope is a moral imperative. if you look at american history, there's reason to hope.

when folks were saying we're gonna march for our freedoms someone said, you can't do that, and they said YES WE CAN!

YES WE CAN...welcome the whole world to our shores and provide them health care, safety, and education.

America needs to lead by the power of their example, not the example of its power
You're playing devils advocate, I get it, because nobody is this ignorant. You did it well I must add.
Most people believe that there is a right way and a wrong way to enter this country, let's just stick to the right way.

He's not doing any more than he always does, and that is troll. One day he'll come here talking like a conservative, and the next day a liberal. That's why he changes his avatar every two days; so less people will recognize him and respond to his posts.
i change my avatar because i'm a creative high energy stable genius
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.
Says the ignorant bigoted twat who lives in opposite world.

I feel bad for immoral scum like you

OOUUCCHH!! That hurts.

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