The most important question which nobody is asking

We still have private charities.....why do we still have needy?

Because government makes them faster than charity can serve them.

George Soros giving to radical left political movements doesn't help anyone eat. You can call MoveOn and the ThinkProgress "charity," but it will clothe no children. You Communists crow about how compassionate you are, when the "charity" your master supports is nothing other than political hate sites.
I founded two non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Good point

If one house in the community burns down, local charities can help rebuild

If every house in a community burns down, you need government
One of my organizations actually helped quite a few families whose houses burned down.
And that is what is great about local charities. But they can't handle a Hurricane Katrina or Sandy
That is why having both private charities and government is best
I founded two non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Good point

If one house in the community burns down, local charities can help rebuild

If every house in a community burns down, you need government

No, in both cases you need private insurance.
No doubt white devil Republicans burned down their houses, right Comrade?

You dumb shits can't even see how your own narrative contradicts itself.

You whine liberals don't do charity, and then when I mention some of the charity work I've done, you assume I'm a liberal!

I founded two non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Good point

If one house in the community burns down, local charities can help rebuild

If every house in a community burns down, you need government

No, in both cases you need private insurance.
Did private insurance house all the people harmed by Katrina and Sandy until they could rebuild?

Did private insurance feed them while they were homeless?

How quickly did private insurance respond?
Don't worry about what I am doing for society and you should only worry about if you are contributing enough to help the greater society we live in...

Oh, and I do not care if you contribute or not because it is your choice in life...
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".

Nah, you do nothing but whine about "liberals" constantly, has nothing do do with anything else.

"Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them".

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ........, Jesus man.
I founded two non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Good point

If one house in the community burns down, local charities can help rebuild

If every house in a community burns down, you need government

No, in both cases you need private insurance.
Did private insurance house all the people harmed by Katrina and Sandy until they could rebuild?

Did private insurance feed them while they were homeless?

How quickly did private insurance respond?

Did all their houses burn down? I think that's the analogy I responded to. But in the examples you gave, the majority of the "victims" had no insurance, they expect others to take care of them. That's what you get with a government that tries and fails to be everything to every one, 20 trillion in debt and a butt load of pissed off people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves.
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".
Ummm. What is the question thats not being answered ?
the OP was dumb he forgot.

"If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government?"

Strawmen like these are like trying to answer a question from an autistic monkey.
I founded two non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Good point

If one house in the community burns down, local charities can help rebuild

If every house in a community burns down, you need government

No, in both cases you need private insurance.
Did private insurance house all the people harmed by Katrina and Sandy until they could rebuild?

Did private insurance feed them while they were homeless?

How quickly did private insurance respond?

Did all their houses burn down? I think that's the analogy I responded to. But in the examples you gave, the majority of the "victims" had no insurance, they expect others to take care of them. That's what you get with a government that tries and fails to be everything to every one, 20 trillion in debt and a butt load of pissed off people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

I'm just so very glad all that debt has nothing at all to do with interventionist wars of empire, over half of all discretionary spending going to the military, god knows ('cause it's hidden) how much going to private war contractors and corporate socialism, subsidizing Israel’s defense budget, and on and on. I mean look, fuck American society, I’m into the N Korean model.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Well there is some logic. I've made this analogy before and I'll make it again just for you:

the amount of births has been trending down for quite some time now. That can become a dangerous thing at some point. So I decide, out of fear of seeing the end of the human race, that it's ok to go on a mass raping spree to get women pregnant. Obviously, in all of your glorious ignorance, you agree. Right? Because, after all, "it's ok to break the law if things are really bad". Idiot.

It doesn't matter how bad things are out there. It doesn't matter if people are dying in the streets. Nothing makes it ok to violate the U.S. Constitution. It is the law, stupid. And once we become a lawless nation (which we have largely become thanks to assholes like you), then we become a third-world hell-hole.

Now tell us again how it's ok to rape women since births are tending downward so we can all laugh at you (something we've been doing for years incidentally).
What is your point? You usually don't have one, so I can only imagine.

As I stated already, Soros is rolling in dough and like the rest of his libtard crew, claims to "care". So why does he vote for communism when he can address these issues with his own billions?

By the way - Soros is on record stating that his time working for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's was (and I quote) "the best time in his life". Of course, you never know what you're talking about before you talk about it, so I wouldn't expect you to know this as you worship Soros for his "generosity".
You dumb shits can't even see how your own narrative contradicts itself.

You whine liberals don't do charity, and then when I mention some of the charity work I've done, you assume I'm a liberal!


I don't assume anything. I note you are a Bolshevik because I've read your posts. :dunno:
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.

Government is what creates the poverty.

In the US the combined (Fed, State Local) cost of government is around 40% of the GDP. With that much money coming out of the productive economy there is good reason that poverty is at an all time high, welfare rolls are increasing and family income is decreasing.

In most families in the US the cost of government (combined) is the highest household expense for the year. No wonder families have a hard time and there is not money for capital accumulation that produces jobs, increased productivity and upward mobility.

Then on top of that you throw in the massive amount of regulations that stifle economic growth.

Liberals complain about poverty but then they support the very institutions that creates the poverty.

Kind of ironic, isn't it?
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Why not have a combination of private and government support of the needy?
That is what we have been doing for 70 years

Finally. A half way decent question from a liberal. I salute you here LW.

Why? Well for one, it's just not necessary. Research shows that conservatives are exponentially more generous with charity. If all of the liberals who claim to care so much were to do their work through foundations rather than charity, we could solve all the problems (and we would no longer have a reason to clash, which would be a great thing for America). But more importantly, at the federal level (where far too much of this stuff is going on), it is illegal. The states delegated 18 enumerated powers to the federal government, and for them to involve themselves in anything beyond those 18 enumerated powers is highly illegal.

If you must insist on government interaction (and I can't imagine why since foundations solve everyone's problem and insures Constitutional government), at least demand that it be stripped from the federal government and entrusted to the state government (where it may not be illegal depending on what it is and what that states constitution says).

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