The most important question which nobody is asking

You dumb shits can't even see how your own narrative contradicts itself.

You whine liberals don't do charity, and then when I mention some of the charity work I've done, you assume I'm a liberal!


I don't assume anything. I note you are a Bolshevik because I've read your posts. :dunno:
He's the single worst person on USMB. Not only does he scream for liberalism in about 90% of his posts, but no matter who is talking (a conservative or a liberal), he attacks them. He's just pissed off 24/7 and shows no class at all. He's one of the few people I swear at on this board simply because he's such an angry little prick that he deserves it. He seriously needs some medication.
The important unasked question is not, "What is George Soros doing?"

The important unasked question is, "What are YOU doing?"


Why....they are crying about George Soros not doing something they want him to do while also not doing anything with that super duper great idea
The important unasked question is not, "What is George Soros doing?"

The important unasked question is, "What are YOU doing?"

Nobody asked what George Soros was doing. The fact that you don't even understand the question that was posed is a clear indication of why you are so unqualified to discuss these types of issues. You have a major reading comprehension issue.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.

From Forbes:

No Mitt Romney, Private Charity Is Not Enough
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".

Jesus didn't live in a Democracy. If he did, do you think he'd vote against feeding the hungry and helping the homeless? I wonder how he'd feel about Felons voting?
Liberals complain about poverty but then they support the very institutions that creates the poverty.

Kind of ironic, isn't it?

Outstanding post Flash! I've been saying the exact same thing for decades. My favorite example is healthcare and education.

Both use to be completely affordable for the average American. Then government got involved (first in 1967 with Medicare and Medicaid claiming that the elderly and the poor needed the government to pay for their healthcare for them). So what happened? The cost of healthcare went up as the industry now realized they had guaranteed funds and that the consumer didn't have to worry about the cost since someone else was paying.

Fast forward to the 1980's. Tip O'Neill and the Dumbocrats pass a law stating that people must receive healthcare regardless of their ability to pay. So what happens? Now hospitals have to cover the cost of all of these people receiving healthcare for free - so costs skyrocket. A frigg'n aspirin costs $30 to cover those costs of the uninsured.

Now fast forward to the past few years. Costs have gotten out of hand as the government kept getting involved (even though Republicans warned them not to and accurately predicted what would happen). Liberals, the cause of all of the problems, scream that costs are ridiculous and that we need Obamacare. And yet again, we see a sharp spike in costs.

Liberals always create the problems and then cry the loudest about the problems they have created themselves. Then they advocate for more of what caused the problem in the first place. If smoking cigarettes caused me cancer, the last thing I would do is smoke more cigarettes in an attempt to get rid of the cancer. That's a very special kind of stupid.
Why....they are crying about George Soros not doing something they want him to do while also not doing anything with that super duper great idea

You do grasp that Conservatives give to charity at a rate of about 17 times what you greedy little leftists do?

It's because you of the left think that charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor.
Why....they are crying about George Soros not doing something they want him to do while also not doing anything with that super duper great idea

You do grasp that Conservatives give to charity at a rate of about 17 times what you greedy little leftists do?

It's because you of the left think that charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor.

So? Then it should be super easy to get it rolling instead of crying about what someone else should do with their money
Jesus didn't live in a Democracy. If he did, do you think he'd vote against feeding the hungry and helping the homeless? I wonder how he'd feel about Felons voting?
I always love when atheists use this nonsensical libtard talking point (I really do).

Jesus said and did amazing things. But in all of his works, I would love for you to show me where in the Bible he stated "and thou shall elect government to point a gun at the head of the people, and ye shall steal their money, waste 90% of it, and then give 10% to those in need".

My dear....if you can show me that verse in the Bible (or anything that even remotely resembles it), I give you my word right here and now that I will vote for a Democrat in every election, for every office, for the rest of my life. I'm waiting.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Well there is some logic. I've made this analogy before and I'll make it again just for you:

the amount of births has been trending down for quite some time now. That can become a dangerous thing at some point. So I decide, out of fear of seeing the end of the human race, that it's ok to go on a mass raping spree to get women pregnant. Obviously, in all of your glorious ignorance, you agree. Right? Because, after all, "it's ok to break the law if things are really bad". Idiot.

It doesn't matter how bad things are out there. It doesn't matter if people are dying in the streets. Nothing makes it ok to violate the U.S. Constitution. It is the law, stupid. And once we become a lawless nation (which we have largely become thanks to assholes like you), then we become a third-world hell-hole.

Now tell us again how it's ok to rape women since births are tending downward so we can all laugh at you (something we've been doing for years incidentally).

Rape is certainly your only shot at getting laid.
Ummm. What is the question thats not being answered ?
the OP was dumb he forgot.

"If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government?"

Strawmen like these are like trying to answer a question from an autistic monkey.
It's funny, when ever a libtard can't answer a common sense question that backs them into a corner, they cry "straw man" and then run. When that doesn't work, they inevitably scream "racist, bigoted, homophobe" :lol:

I think it's safe to say you don't even know what the term "straw man" means based on your comical use here.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.

It doesn't matter how bad things are out there. It doesn't matter if people are dying in the streets. Nothing makes it ok to violate the U.S. Constitution..

Then fuck the constitution and the law.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Well there is some logic. I've made this analogy before and I'll make it again just for you:

the amount of births has been trending down for quite some time now. That can become a dangerous thing at some point. So I decide, out of fear of seeing the end of the human race, that it's ok to go on a mass raping spree to get women pregnant. Obviously, in all of your glorious ignorance, you agree. Right? Because, after all, "it's ok to break the law if things are really bad". Idiot.

It doesn't matter how bad things are out there. It doesn't matter if people are dying in the streets. Nothing makes it ok to violate the U.S. Constitution. It is the law, stupid. And once we become a lawless nation (which we have largely become thanks to assholes like you), then we become a third-world hell-hole.

Now tell us again how it's ok to rape women since births are tending downward so we can all laugh at you (something we've been doing for years incidentally).

Rape is certainly your only shot at getting laid.
In other words, you can't dispute one thing I've said but you also can't question your devotion to your failed ideology. Honestly, I don't blame you for lashing out like a small child under that circumstance. It must be rough too realize that you're incapable of defending everything you believe in because everything you believe in is irrational and illegal.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.

It doesn't matter how bad things are out there. It doesn't matter if people are dying in the streets. Nothing makes it ok to violate the U.S. Constitution..

Then fuck the constitution and the law.

So you would agree it's ok to "fuck" laws forbidding rape and start raping women, right? :cuckoo:
I'm just so very glad all that debt has nothing at all to do with interventionist wars of empire, over half of all discretionary spending going to the military, god knows ('cause it's hidden) how much going to private war contractors and corporate socialism, subsidizing Israel’s defense budget, and on and on. I mean look, fuck American society, I’m into the N Korean model.

Then go live there, asshole. Move. Because you're sure as hell not bringing the North Korean model to our shores. It's not happening. Ever. We kicked your disgusting racists asses in the first Civil War and we'd be glad to do it all over again. Only this time, you morons disarmed yourselves. So good luck fighting a citizenry armed to the teeth with snowballs and your shoes.
Jesus didn't live in a Democracy. If he did, do you think he'd vote against feeding the hungry and helping the homeless? I wonder how he'd feel about Felons voting?
I always love when atheists use this nonsensical libtard talking point (I really do).

Jesus said and did amazing things. But in all of his works, I would love for you to show me where in the Bible he stated "and thou shall elect government to point a gun at the head of the people, and ye shall steal their money, waste 90% of it, and then give 10% to those in need".

My dear....if you can show me that verse in the Bible (or anything that even remotely resembles it), I give you my word right here and now that I will vote for a Democrat in every election, for every office, for the rest of my life. I'm waiting.

The asinine assumption on your part here, as per usual, is that anyone who pushes back on any little thing you say, MUST be a “liberal” and vote democratic. I for on know Jesus taught us to fuck the poor, nuttin' ta do with you.
Liberals complain about poverty but then they support the very institutions that creates the poverty.

Kind of ironic, isn't it?

Outstanding post Flash! I've been saying the exact same thing for decades. My favorite example is healthcare and education.

Both use to be completely affordable for the average American. Then government got involved (first in 1967 with Medicare and Medicaid claiming that the elderly and the poor needed the government to pay for their healthcare for them). So what happened? The cost of healthcare went up as the industry now realized they had guaranteed funds and that the consumer didn't have to worry about the cost since someone else was paying.

Fast forward to the 1980's. Tip O'Neill and the Dumbocrats pass a law stating that people must receive healthcare regardless of their ability to pay. So what happens? Now hospitals have to cover the cost of all of these people receiving healthcare for free - so costs skyrocket. A frigg'n aspirin costs $30 to cover those costs of the uninsured.

Now fast forward to the past few years. Costs have gotten out of hand as the government kept getting involved (even though Republicans warned them not to and accurately predicted what would happen). Liberals, the cause of all of the problems, scream that costs are ridiculous and that we need Obamacare. And yet again, we see a sharp spike in costs.

Liberals always create the problems and then cry the loudest about the problems they have created themselves. Then they advocate for more of what caused the problem in the first place. If smoking cigarettes caused me cancer, the last thing I would do is smoke more cigarettes in an attempt to get rid of the cancer. That's a very special kind of stupid.

There is a segment of our economy where government helps. It helps to have a national defense, police, fire protection etc.

Most people have no problem with paying the fuel tax as a user fee to build roads.

However, much beyond that the filthy government is taking money out of the productive economy and transferring it to non productive and that is a tremendous drag on the economy.

We are seeing it big time with dismal economic growth nowadays.

More capitalistic America use to have twice the economic growth as more socialistic Europe. Nowadays with bigger government and more of a welfare state our economy is as poor as most European countries.

It doesn't do the economy one bit of good for the money to be taken away from the people that earn it and given away to those that didn't earn it. The welfare state is always a drag on the economy.

Liberals never understand that.
I'm just so very glad all that debt has nothing at all to do with interventionist wars of empire, over half of all discretionary spending going to the military, god knows ('cause it's hidden) how much going to private war contractors and corporate socialism, subsidizing Israel’s defense budget, and on and on. I mean look, fuck American society, I’m into the N Korean model.

Then go live there, asshole. Move. Because you're sure as hell not bringing the North Korean model to our shores. It's not happening. Ever. We kicked your disgusting racists asses in the first Civil War and we'd be glad to do it all over again. Only this time, you morons disarmed yourselves. So good luck fighting a citizenry armed to the teeth with snowballs and your shoes.

Ignorant fuck, way over your head.
So? Then it should be super easy to get it rolling instead of crying about what someone else should do with their money

Pointing out that Soros, who considers funding radical left websites to be "charity" is a fucking hypocrite, is not crying about what he does with his money. He just needs to shut the fuck up about what I do with mine.

I guarantee that I give a far greater percent of my income to help the poor than Soros does. (In reality, he gives nothing to the poor. ThinkProgress isn't poor.)

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