The Most Important Verse in the Bible

I do not "GET" your comment------The bible itself does not -----on the first page---
actually DEFINE "evil" ------in fact it is only when the CHOOOSE LIFE statement
comes up is LIFE equated with GOOD (vs evil) and the action of CAIN in killing his brother DEFINED as "EVIL". Before that----G-d is just an authority figure ----
that can hurt those who cross him
If there is no God, there is no such thing as good and evil. Humans then are no more significant than a blob of algae.

So the only thing that is keeping your from torturing puppies or running down little old ladies is your faith in God?
Weatherman refuses to take self responsibility for his actions.

What a doosh stance.
Poor little girl follows this thread because it's so important he spew his hate.
Weatherman, all good Christians practice 'never hate the sinner, simply correct the sin.' You are misreading the scriptures and acting Pharisaically. Lean on the Lord and get straight with Him.

the concept of ----Non-hate ----and redemption for the sinner is ENTIRELY
Pharisaic. I recognize that you are using the world in the perverted manner
that has been handed to you and yours for the past -----approximately 1700 years.
Jesus was, clearly, a PHARISEE-----top to bottom, and from the inside out. I will
help you------the REASON that Israel has virtually no capital punishment is because
the PHARISAIC form of Judaism-----actually WON. There was a time in my own
life that I thought I had made a DISCOVERY------the 'discovery' being that I
"independently" REALIZED that Jesus was a Pharisee-------not so-----it turns out
that------it is a FACT for all informed theologians
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just a byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
Wrong...the most important verse in the bible is the 1st commandment.

Jesus is pretty straight forward about that. I can see why a Jew might not care, but anyone who calls him or herself a Christian should know that.

29“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.e 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’f 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’g There is no commandment greater than these.”
Nice parsing of a statement in half. Makes you a liar, because Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, not verse.
You are as Christian as ISIS is Muslim. There is no love of God in you. There was no bible until 300 years after Jesus. Quoting what Jesus said was most important, does NOT make him a makes you a minion of the adversary. Poor you.
If there is no God, there is no such thing as good and evil. Humans then are no more significant than a blob of algae.

So the only thing that is keeping your from torturing puppies or running down little old ladies is your faith in God?
Weatherman refuses to take self responsibility for his actions.

What a doosh stance.
Poor little girl follows this thread because it's so important he spew his hate.
Weatherman, all good Christians practice 'never hate the sinner, simply correct the sin.' You are misreading the scriptures and acting Pharisaically. Lean on the Lord and get straight with Him.

the concept of ----Non-hate ----and redemption for the sinner is ENTIRELY
Pharisaic. I recognize that you are using the world in the perverted manner
that has been handed to you and yours for the past -----approximately 1700 years.
Jesus was, clearly, a PHARISEE-----top to bottom, and from the inside out. I will
help you------the REASON that Israel has virtually no capital punishment is because
the PHARISAIC form of Judaism-----actually WON. There was a time in my own
life that I thought I had made a DISCOVERY------the 'discovery' being that I
"independently" REALIZED that Jesus was a Pharisee-------not so-----it turns out
that------it is a FACT for all informed theologians
a member of a Jewish sect that flourished during the 1st century b.c. and 1st century a.d. and that differed from the Sadducees chiefly in its strict observance of religious ceremonies and practices, adherence to oral laws and traditions, and belief in an afterlife and the coming of a Messiah.
(lowercase) a sanctimonious, self-righteous, or hypocritical person.

So you are calling Jesus a sanctimonious hypocrite.That makes you a devil worshiper. Pretty pitiful. The consequences is your karma.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just a byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
Wrong...the most important verse in the bible is the 1st commandment.

Jesus is pretty straight forward about that. I can see why a Jew might not care, but anyone who calls him or herself a Christian should know that.

29“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.e 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’f 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’g There is no commandment greater than these.”
Nice parsing of a statement in half. Makes you a liar, because Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, not verse.
You are as Christian as ISIS is Muslim. There is no love of God in you. There was no bible until 300 years after Jesus. Quoting what Jesus said was most important, does NOT make him a makes you a minion of the adversary. Poor you.

Isis is ENTIRELY Islamic. The first ACTUAL caliphate was in IRAQ (as far as I
understand history)-------it was the Calphate of muhummad's best buddy----
ABU BAKR (? spelling) and damned ---(just as) barbaric as ISIS and using
the very same "legal" code. Baghdad was-----at that time----an already ESTABLISHED and CULTURALLY very highly developed city-----of Christians,
Jews, and Zoroastrians-----and then-----islam happened.
So the only thing that is keeping your from torturing puppies or running down little old ladies is your faith in God?
Weatherman refuses to take self responsibility for his actions.

What a doosh stance.
Poor little girl follows this thread because it's so important he spew his hate.
Weatherman, all good Christians practice 'never hate the sinner, simply correct the sin.' You are misreading the scriptures and acting Pharisaically. Lean on the Lord and get straight with Him.

the concept of ----Non-hate ----and redemption for the sinner is ENTIRELY
Pharisaic. I recognize that you are using the world in the perverted manner
that has been handed to you and yours for the past -----approximately 1700 years.
Jesus was, clearly, a PHARISEE-----top to bottom, and from the inside out. I will
help you------the REASON that Israel has virtually no capital punishment is because
the PHARISAIC form of Judaism-----actually WON. There was a time in my own
life that I thought I had made a DISCOVERY------the 'discovery' being that I
"independently" REALIZED that Jesus was a Pharisee-------not so-----it turns out
that------it is a FACT for all informed theologians
a member of a Jewish sect that flourished during the 1st century b.c. and 1st century a.d. and that differed from the Sadducees chiefly in its strict observance of religious ceremonies and practices, adherence to oral laws and traditions, and belief in an afterlife and the coming of a Messiah.
(lowercase) a sanctimonious, self-righteous, or hypocritical person.

So you are calling Jesus a sanctimonious hypocrite.That makes you a devil worshiper. Pretty pitiful. The consequences is your karma.

the definition of PHARISEE (in English)------was INVENTED by islamo Nazi dogs like you. IN FACT------it was the SADDUCEES that Jesus despised----which is
THE TEMPLE COURTYARD-------(fret not----I never never met a run of the mill
Christian who was aware of that real history)------the big time EVIL character even
in the NT is CAIAPHAS-------a real historic character----despised then and still
despised by (guess who)-----Pharisees then and ----jews now. The romans hated
the PHARISEES because it was the Pharisees who rejected ROMAN RULE AND CULTURE AND RELIGION (especially your fave --crucifixion and LION PICNICS
in the COLOSEUM---your fave form of "ENTERTAINMENT") The "love your neighborenemy dictum ----is most logically attributed to HILLEL-----he died at about the same time your legend claims that jesus was born------a Talmudist,, living when he died, in JERUSALEM------very famous and QUOTED endlessly back then and
even now----(remember Ross Perot?----every other sentence out of HIS mouth
was a direct quotation of HILLEL)
If there is no God, there is no such thing as good and evil. Humans then are no more significant than a blob of algae.

So the only thing that is keeping your from torturing puppies or running down little old ladies is your faith in God?
Weatherman refuses to take self responsibility for his actions.

What a doosh stance.
Poor little girl follows this thread because it's so important he spew his hate.
Weatherman, all good Christians practice 'never hate the sinner, simply correct the sin.' You are misreading the scriptures and acting Pharisaically. Lean on the Lord and get straight with Him.

the concept of ----Non-hate ----and redemption for the sinner is ENTIRELY
Pharisaic. I recognize that you are using the world in the perverted manner
that has been handed to you and yours for the past -----approximately 1700 years.
Jesus was, clearly, a PHARISEE-----top to bottom, and from the inside out. I will
help you------the REASON that Israel has virtually no capital punishment is because
the PHARISAIC form of Judaism-----actually WON. There was a time in my own
life that I thought I had made a DISCOVERY------the 'discovery' being that I
"independently" REALIZED that Jesus was a Pharisee-------not so-----it turns out
that------it is a FACT for all informed theologians
I am using the term in the Christian sense, not the perverted sense of modern day Judaism and its scholasticism.

Jesus was hated alike by almost all the Saducees and Pharisees.

irosie, you come across as very clueless.
So the only thing that is keeping your from torturing puppies or running down little old ladies is your faith in God?
Weatherman refuses to take self responsibility for his actions.

What a doosh stance.
Poor little girl follows this thread because it's so important he spew his hate.
Weatherman, all good Christians practice 'never hate the sinner, simply correct the sin.' You are misreading the scriptures and acting Pharisaically. Lean on the Lord and get straight with Him.

the concept of ----Non-hate ----and redemption for the sinner is ENTIRELY
Pharisaic. I recognize that you are using the world in the perverted manner
that has been handed to you and yours for the past -----approximately 1700 years.
Jesus was, clearly, a PHARISEE-----top to bottom, and from the inside out. I will
help you------the REASON that Israel has virtually no capital punishment is because
the PHARISAIC form of Judaism-----actually WON. There was a time in my own
life that I thought I had made a DISCOVERY------the 'discovery' being that I
"independently" REALIZED that Jesus was a Pharisee-------not so-----it turns out
that------it is a FACT for all informed theologians
I am using the term in the Christian sense, not the perverted sense of modern day Judaism scholasticism.

Jesus was hated alike by almost all the Saducees and Pharisees.

irosie, you come across as very clueless.

wrong again-----unlike you I actually READ the OT and the NT-----I attended more
sunday school classes than set foot in a synagogue when I was a child-----I was never BRAIN WASHED as a child but I was an avid reader of YOUR LITERATURE. You got one thing right------jews are literate. ----were then and
still are. You got another thing right-----you use the term PHARISEE----in
IT-----which is the same sense that the original author of the NUREMBURG LAWS, to wit CONSTANTINE (mass murderer) ,, used it. You do not need
jewish scholasticism-------I never had any------just read the books-----it is actually
ALL THERE----right there-----in the NT

feel free to ask questions-----you are -----actually TYPICALLY ignorant of that which is written in the New Testament. Fret not----most Christians never read it. -------but I believe that more Christians have read the New Testament then muslims have read the koran------probably thanks to the GIDEON SOCIETY. Over the years I, an avid reader, came to understand that MOST people hate to read.
Says Irosie, who knows nothing about my background.

Just leave it that her analysis of Jesus as Pharisee was typical of the Pharisees of his time and era is incorrect.
Says Irosie, who knows nothing about my background.

Just leave it that her analysis of Jesus as Pharisee was typical of the Pharisees of his time and era is incorrect.

VERY INTERESTING IDEA----jake. I am not a Pharisee of the time of Jesus-----
but I am interested in that which you imagine was "TYPICAL" of Pharisees of the
time of Jesus....AND how you came to your understanding of that which Pharisees
were at the time of Jesus. Can you name some Pharisees of the time of Jesus and
their DOMINANT characteristics?
By the same power you came to an "understanding"?

You are a poseur, irosie, nothing more.
By the same power you came to an "understanding"?

You are a poseur, irosie, nothing more.

so jake-----you are STUMPED again----you have no idea just who the PHARISEES
were other than that which your sunday school teacher told you while you nibbled
on the jelly beans the bunny put in your basket. Try to honest------she also told you
that the money changers in the Temple courtyard were ALSO "Pharisees"-----right?
now try to be honest. I attended sunday school too, I even colored cartoon pictures of Jesus holding a lamb
By the same power you came to an "understanding"?

You are a poseur, irosie, nothing more.

so jake-----you are STUMPED again----you have no idea just who the PHARISEES
were other than that which your sunday school teacher told you while you nibbled
on the jelly beans the bunny put in your basket. Try to honest------she also told you
that the money changers in the Temple courtyard were ALSO "Pharisees"-----right?
now try to be honest. I attended sunday school too, I even colored cartoon pictures of Jesus holding a lamb
You assume, my dear, but you know very little. So obvious.
By the same power you came to an "understanding"?

You are a poseur, irosie, nothing more.

so jake-----you are STUMPED again----you have no idea just who the PHARISEES
were other than that which your sunday school teacher told you while you nibbled
on the jelly beans the bunny put in your basket. Try to honest------she also told you
that the money changers in the Temple courtyard were ALSO "Pharisees"-----right?
now try to be honest. I attended sunday school too, I even colored cartoon pictures of Jesus holding a lamb
You assume, my dear, but you know very little. So obvious.

what did I "ASSUME"??? I will help you-----a very prominent feature of PHARISEES was ----they were literate. It is the virtually universal literacy of
the Pharisees that created the hatred against them in YOU AND YOURS for MILLENNIA. Are you willing to answer the simple facts you learned in sunday
school------besides the jellybean capacity of the bunny? Were the money changer people in the temple court yard PHARISEES. Just think---obviously they could
COUNT. Were the temple "high priests" Pharisees? ---ie the ones that came after Jesus?
By the same power you came to an "understanding"?

You are a poseur, irosie, nothing more.

so jake-----you are STUMPED again----you have no idea just who the PHARISEES
were other than that which your sunday school teacher told you while you nibbled
on the jelly beans the bunny put in your basket. Try to honest------she also told you
that the money changers in the Temple courtyard were ALSO "Pharisees"-----right?
now try to be honest. I attended sunday school too, I even colored cartoon pictures of Jesus holding a lamb
You assume, my dear, but you know very little. So obvious.

what did I "ASSUME"??? I will help you-----a very prominent feature of PHARISEES was ----they were literate. It is the virtually universal literacy of
the Pharisees that created the hatred against them in YOU AND YOURS for MILLENNIA. Are you willing to answer the simple facts you learned in sunday
school------besides the jellybean capacity of the bunny? Were the money changer people in the temple court yard PHARISEES. Just think---obviously they could
COUNT. Were the temple "high priests" Pharisees? ---ie the ones that came after Jesus?

Jake is stumped again. It's all right there----in the NT------People who comment on books they never read --------rankle my nerves
Under your skin, huh? I own you, that's a fact. Make you silly statements, and you will continue to do so.
Under your skin, huh? I own you, that's a fact. Make you silly statements, and you will continue to do so.

I did not make a silly statement----if I had you would be able to find a reason to refer to my statements of "SILLY" ---rather than just announce like the jerky you are------"you are stupid". Jesus was a Pharisee. There is nothing credibly attributed to him that DISPUTES that fact and-----so much that does. In fact,
all of his FRIENDS were Pharisees. Roman shills that never met him claimed he
was something like a ROMAN
Weatherman refuses to take self responsibility for his actions.

What a doosh stance.
Poor little girl follows this thread because it's so important he spew his hate.
Weatherman, all good Christians practice 'never hate the sinner, simply correct the sin.' You are misreading the scriptures and acting Pharisaically. Lean on the Lord and get straight with Him.

the concept of ----Non-hate ----and redemption for the sinner is ENTIRELY
Pharisaic. I recognize that you are using the world in the perverted manner
that has been handed to you and yours for the past -----approximately 1700 years.
Jesus was, clearly, a PHARISEE-----top to bottom, and from the inside out. I will
help you------the REASON that Israel has virtually no capital punishment is because
the PHARISAIC form of Judaism-----actually WON. There was a time in my own
life that I thought I had made a DISCOVERY------the 'discovery' being that I
"independently" REALIZED that Jesus was a Pharisee-------not so-----it turns out
that------it is a FACT for all informed theologians
a member of a Jewish sect that flourished during the 1st century b.c. and 1st century a.d. and that differed from the Sadducees chiefly in its strict observance of religious ceremonies and practices, adherence to oral laws and traditions, and belief in an afterlife and the coming of a Messiah.
(lowercase) a sanctimonious, self-righteous, or hypocritical person.

So you are calling Jesus a sanctimonious hypocrite.That makes you a devil worshiper. Pretty pitiful. The consequences is your karma.

the definition of PHARISEE (in English)------was INVENTED by islamo Nazi dogs like you. IN FACT------it was the SADDUCEES that Jesus despised----which is
THE TEMPLE COURTYARD-------(fret not----I never never met a run of the mill
Christian who was aware of that real history)------the big time EVIL character even
in the NT is CAIAPHAS-------a real historic character----despised then and still
despised by (guess who)-----Pharisees then and ----jews now. The romans hated
the PHARISEES because it was the Pharisees who rejected ROMAN RULE AND CULTURE AND RELIGION (especially your fave --crucifixion and LION PICNICS
in the COLOSEUM---your fave form of "ENTERTAINMENT") The "love your neighborenemy dictum ----is most logically attributed to HILLEL-----he died at about the same time your legend claims that jesus was born------a Talmudist,, living when he died, in JERUSALEM------very famous and QUOTED endlessly back then and
even now----(remember Ross Perot?----every other sentence out of HIS mouth
was a direct quotation of HILLEL)
Your ignorance is exposed.....
Matthew 23: 13-15
“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.d]">[d] 15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of helle]">[e] as yourselves.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just a byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
Wrong...the most important verse in the bible is the 1st commandment.

Jesus is pretty straight forward about that. I can see why a Jew might not care, but anyone who calls him or herself a Christian should know that.

29“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.e 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’f 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’g There is no commandment greater than these.”
Nice parsing of a statement in half. Makes you a liar, because Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, not verse.
You are as Christian as ISIS is Muslim. There is no love of God in you. There was no bible until 300 years after Jesus. Quoting what Jesus said was most important, does NOT make him a makes you a minion of the adversary. Poor you.

Isis is ENTIRELY Islamic. The first ACTUAL caliphate was in IRAQ (as far as I
understand history)-------it was the Calphate of muhummad's best buddy----
ABU BAKR (? spelling) and damned ---(just as) barbaric as ISIS and using
the very same "legal" code. Baghdad was-----at that time----an already ESTABLISHED and CULTURALLY very highly developed city-----of Christians,
Jews, and Zoroastrians-----and then-----islam happened.
ISIS is Islamic, like the KKK is Christian. Your revisionist history is that of the KKK.

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