The Most Important Verse in the Bible

Matthew was a Roman Tax collector the worst of the worst ...roflmao

Matthew was a Roman Tax collector the worst of the worst ...roflmao

could have been-----for jews at that time akin to a KAPO
Matthew was cooperating with the occupying Roman Imperialist yes a Kapo of sorts ..the Romans were not collecting taxes to fund public good...they were taking wealth back to Rome for orgies of wealthy Romans
Matthew was a Roman Tax collector the worst of the worst ...roflmao

could have been-----for jews at that time akin to a KAPO
Matthew was cooperating with the occupying Roman Imperialist yes a Kapo of sorts ..the Romans were not collecting taxes to fund public good...they were taking wealth back to Rome for orgies of wealthy Romans

you did not learn that lesson in Sunday School
Matthew was a Roman Tax collector the worst of the worst ...roflmao

could have been-----for jews at that time akin to a KAPO
Matthew was cooperating with the occupying Roman Imperialist yes a Kapo of sorts ..the Romans were not collecting taxes to fund public good...they were taking wealth back to Rome for orgies of wealthy Romans

you did not learn that lesson in Sunday School

jake finds my answer funny because ------HE LEARNED IN SUNDAY SCHOOL---
that roman tax collectors were the FAVES of Jesus
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just a byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
Its the "talking snake people " woo hoo
Actually, the word Nah-Chash means "charmer".
I am impressed that the snake is the only part of the narrative with which you are incredulous.
Never understood the antipathy to the Pharasee or Caiaphas. Nicodemus made clear that they knew Jesus was God sent. Caiaphas saw the slaughter of the local population that would happen if Jesus was accepted for who He was. It happened the way it had to happen.
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