The Most Popular Stocks Owned by Congress. #6 Pfizer, #7J&J

Congress critters should be prohibited from owning stock while in office.
Maybe a blind Trust, Do you understand the ramifications of forcing them to sell
their investments and the tax liability from those sales?
Neither Pfizer nor J&J were on the list pre ChiCom Flu.

It’s good you can create the laws forcing people to buy your products while openly conducting insider trading.

Also on the list is a Chinese owned corporation, General Electric.

This is corrupt as all fucking hell. Every single one of them should face prison time for failing to register as a foreign agent under FARA.

GE actually has a shitload of former congresscritters on it's payroll too.

Time for another tea party to save our country, like we did in 2010. If GE's cap and tax plan would have passed back then, it would have put tens of millions of Americans into poverty by making their energy prices skyrocket. Now they are trying to do it again.
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Congress critters should be prohibited from owning stock while in office.
We beat a dead horse with the term limits issue. The Founding Fathers never envisioned that people would be politicians for a half century and longer. That they would serve several years in politics and move on to life's work.

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