The most successful state in America is run by republicans

""There’s no shortage of bad economics news these days. In August there were no new jobs created, retail sales were flat, consumer confidence plunged to recession-era lows, and it was reported this week that the nation’s poverty rate last year rose to the highest level since 1993. Yet, amid all of the national “gloom and doom” there is an amazing story of a booming economy in North Dakota, America’s most successful state by every economic measure. Here are some recent facts about North Dakota’s economy, which is flourishing as a direct result of the booming oil and gas production in the state’s oil-rich Bakken formation:"’s-most-successful-state/

"North Dakota has a Republican governor, the GOP controls its Legislature, and in 2010 a Senate seat and a House seat, the one Berg now holds, both flipped to Republicans. The state hasn't voted for a Democratic president since Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee in 1964."

Competitive Senate race shaping up in North Dakota -

So fuck off liberals!!!

yes,republicans are responsible for putting the newly discovered oil in the ground and causing an oil boom in North Dakota.
I get a thrill up my leg when we talk about Walker!

So do a lot of others:

'A funny thing happened on the way to the recall. Government unions organized Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s (R) recall in retaliation for limiting their collective bargaining powers. But the Democratic candidate, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, barely mentions the collective bargaining law on the campaign trail. That is probably because—now that they have seen its benefits—most Wisconsin voters want to keep it. By a 53 percent to 38 percent margin, independent voters favor the limits on collective bargaining in government. It turns out that closing a $3.6 billion deficit without raising taxes or laying off teachers is popular after all.'

An Inconvenient Wisconsin Truth
""There’s no shortage of bad economics news these days. In August there were no new jobs created, retail sales were flat, consumer confidence plunged to recession-era lows, and it was reported this week that the nation’s poverty rate last year rose to the highest level since 1993. Yet, amid all of the national “gloom and doom” there is an amazing story of a booming economy in North Dakota, America’s most successful state by every economic measure. Here are some recent facts about North Dakota’s economy, which is flourishing as a direct result of the booming oil and gas production in the state’s oil-rich Bakken formation:"’s-most-successful-state/

"North Dakota has a Republican governor, the GOP controls its Legislature, and in 2010 a Senate seat and a House seat, the one Berg now holds, both flipped to Republicans. The state hasn't voted for a Democratic president since Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee in 1964."

Competitive Senate race shaping up in North Dakota -

So fuck off liberals!!!

north dakota has about 10 people.

stay classy! :thup:
Walker turned around Wisconsin, as everyone knows.

Kasich fixed Ohio's $8 billion budget hole and Ohio is #8 in the Nation in job creation, and #1 in the midwest.

Rick Snyder is turning around Michigan.

Most of the Leftist dependency shitholes remain... Leftist dependency shitholes.

Walker has the worst job record of any Governor.

Wisconsin's unemployment rate is well below the National average - and falling as jobs are added.

Let your butthurt flow. You are going to need it!

Wisconsin is a union state,unemployment has always had one of the lowest and unemployment is falling for the country as a whole but Wisconsin has the worst job growth since Wanker became Governor.
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Thankfully, regulation under Dems has made fracking as safe as possible. Unlike some of the crap that happened in PA.....
Walker turned around Wisconsin, as everyone knows.

Kasich fixed Ohio's $8 billion budget hole and Ohio is #8 in the Nation in job creation, and #1 in the midwest.

Rick Snyder is turning around Michigan.

Most of the Leftist dependency shitholes remain... Leftist dependency shitholes.

Florida is pure Pubbie, with 8% unemployment, there are 50 states now Snip. The welfare states are red also. :lol:

Wait........... Obama says there are 58 States, he visited 57 and missed one

[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]


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