The Mueller Report - released -5- years ago: 4-19-2019

Benghazi! Then they had "Better Call Durham!"
Christopher Stevens should of called anybody but Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton. Murdered on the anniversary of 9/11 in a city known as a place where the most extreme terrorists lived.

Okay 1srelluc.

Sitting on a park bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent
Snot's running down his nose
Greasy fingers, smearing shabby clothes

Hey, 1srelluc
Drying in the cold sun
Watching as the frilly panties run
Hey, 1srelluc

Feeling like a dead duck
Spitting out pieces of his broken luck
Oh, 1srelluc

Fake news.
The Mueller Report was never "proven" to be any such thing. If you'd actually READ it yourself instead of just relying on your cult to spoonfeed you propaganda about it you would know that.
I just quoted and linked to the report. Have you? NO!!!!

I will re-quote, post and link so you can not magically ignore it again.
IV. CONCLUSIONBecause we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct. The evidence we obtained about thePresident’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
Christopher Stevens should of called anybody but Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton. Murdered on the anniversary of 9/11 in a city known as a place where the most extreme terrorists lived.
View attachment 937056

You disrespectful 'tard.

Maybe it is because no crimes where found by Mueller whereas TERRORISTS MURDERED OUR AMBASSDOR ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11 obama-clinton-biden did nothing to increase security on the anniversary of 9/11, did not answer calls for help, and did not retaliate!
I think you may be confusing the Mueller report with something else?

Several people were charged based upon the findings of the report.

I'm not sure what 9-11 has to do with anything. Is that the report you are confusing for the Mueller report?

Please clarify.
Not a Trick Question: Name one defendant in the history of the world who was FACTUALLY INNOCENT of the underlying crime (I.e., there was no "collusion" whatsoever, despite having an army of Leftist lawyers trying to find it), who was indicted for OBSTRUCTION.

It has never happened. It would be preposterous. EVERY innocent person tries to prevent being railroaded, which was the intent here.

Leftists are both stupid and evil.
You disrespectful 'tard.

I shall quote, from your link, showing that Clinton Obama and Biden failed to protect our Ambassador and thus got him murdered.

Democrats on the House Committee released their own, three-hundred-and-thirty-nine-page report on Monday. They also cited “woefully inadequate” security in Benghazi.
I shall quote, from your link, showing that Clinton Obama and Biden failed to protect our Ambassador and thus got him murdered.
quotes --

Democrats on the House Committee released their own, three-hundred-and-thirty-nine-page report on Monday. They also cited “woefully inadequate” security in Benghazi. But they claimed to have been virtually shut out of the official Committee report. They called the probe, led by the South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy, a witch hunt. “Gowdy has been conducting this investigation like an overzealous prosecutor desperately trying to land a front-page conviction rather than a neutral judge of facts seeking to improve the security of our diplomatic corps,” the report said.

There have been other investigations as well. Within the State Department itself, a review board examined the incident and found systemic security shortcomings and issued a series of recommendations for addressing them.

Dr. Anne Stevens, the sister of Ambassador Chris Stevens, has served as a family spokesperson since his death. She is the chief of pediatric rheumatology at Seattle Children’s Hospital. We spoke twice in the past three days, including shortly after the House Select Committee report was issued. Dr. Stevens recalled that her brother had been fascinated by the Middle East since childhood, when he dressed up as Lawrence of Arabia, with a towel and a pot atop his head. He served in the Peace Corps, in Morocco, before joining the Foreign Service, and he served twice in Libya before his final posting there, as well as in Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem, and Riyadh. My interview with Dr. Stevens has been condensed and edited for clarity.
You disrespectful 'tard.
Could you please be consistent and link to it and quote it?
And here we have it. The hacks on this site demand quotes, yet will not quote themselves. Hypocrites. There is no debating a hypocrite, all we can do is show they are liars and hypocrites.
You disrespectful 'tard.
Disrespect, is using 'tard', as an epithet. You are low life scum, using the epithet for those who suffer Down Syndrome as an insult.

Disrespect, laughable, coming from a person who disrepects those with Down Syndrome.

Good thing you do not know I am black, I can imagine what you would call me under your breath.
You disrespectful 'tard.

proCRUSTy gives us a link to a story where they describe the murderers, the terrorists, who killed our Ambassador to Libya, MILTIAMEN !!!!!!

It was a terrorist attack. It was a brutal murder. The control of language by Democrats destroying us.
My questions are about why the militiamen attacked the compound in the first place
Love that he clutching his chest?

We owe a debt of gratitude to Mueller for getting convictions on the blob’s outlaw administration/campaign.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to finish his job and demand a sit down with the blob. If he had been able to finish the job on the blob, you’d see dozens of more indictments.

It underscores how we need to uncouple the entire DOJ from the Executive branch. No way someone should be investigating their boss.
Love that he clutching his chest?

We owe a debt of gratitude to Mueller for getting convictions on the blob’s outlaw administration/campaign.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to finish his job and demand a sit down with the blob. If he had been able to finish the job on the blob, you’d see dozens of more indictments.

It underscores how we need to uncouple the entire DOJ from the Executive branch. No way someone should be investigating their boss.
Sweating like a stuck pig too.
You are now proving that you are a complete moron. I just quoted to the source you linked to, and you are calling it fake news. We need a thread of the stupidest actions by a USMB member.
ProCrusty would win that title, today.

ProCrusty, thank you for calling your link and quotes from said link, FAKE NEWS
Amazing, proCRUSTY calling her/his link and quotes from it, fake news, when I or someone else quotes from his/her source
If you recall, the report:
-Proved Trump committed 10 counts of felony obstruction.
-Stated the only reason Mueller did not seek indictments is he could not indict a sitting President.

If you further recall:
-Mueller was very clear that a President -can- be indicted once out of office.

Trump left office 39 months ago.
No grand jury, no indictments.
As desperate as the lunatic left is to convict Trump of something, you think they’d be all over this.
So.... why hasn't he been prosecuted for these slam-dunk cases of obstruction?

You have misrepresented the report.

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