The mugshot heard ‘round the world: Eight truths that the mugshot reveals

lol ! it looks like Trump is clowning and trying to look mean on purpose ! lol ! the guy is a master at trolling the left !
Seems we have several idiots and Deniers here if they cannot spot an obviously rehearsed photo. Which is brilliantly executed .
Trump is innocent and the only thing you loons are doing is guaranteeing him the presidency. Keep up the good work!
12 jurors in each trial will determine his guilt or innocence on the indictments before. doesn't look good. :)
The mugshot was a Hail Mary, by a party and media that sees its hopes for Trump's destruction through the justice system slipping away.

They were hoping to give SNL's "Weekend Update" and equally fake news shows that daily run on licensed networks at 6:30 PM Eastern Time something to use to humiliate Trump. Thanks to Trump's skill at mugging for the camera, and lighting that could not have been better if it had been planned to make Trump look good, it backfired badly.
Great to see how much his success has infuriated you . But that is the price you Trolls will have to pay a thousand times from now on . Beyond hilarious .
Well, about that...

1) "Never take a mugshot photo of an innocent man with at least 75 million fans"......Trump's core base is around 40-45 million. And I'm being generous. The rest were/are independents.
2) "Don’t indict and book someone for being an election denier when there’s indisputable evidence that you were prepared to deny the election on the exact same grounds".....Nothing of the sort happened in either 2000 or 2016.

Let's move beyond semantics. There is ample evidence Trump broke the law at both the state and federal level. He can scream as much as he'd like. At the end of the day, he's gonna be found guilty on the bulk of the 91 counts he currently has against him.
Why not just abandon him and move on to someone that you can support instead of this boat anchor that's gonna end up dragging you and your party to the bottom?
Do you have a link to any of that actual evidence?
Trump is the first president to have a mug shot. That says everything about Trump and nothing about the legal system. The system is working as intended. We’ll see exactly what he is guilty of when the verdicts come rolling in. This place will look like Chernobyl with the epic meltdowns.
The last poll I saw (NPR/Marist), he was creaming Biden with Independents.

Are you ever correct about anything?

For the record, it's a rhetorical question.

Let it be noted: Surada gave a thumbs down to NPR.

You should really attain some functioning brain matter, or at least develop a personality of some sort.

It might prevent you from reflexively making a fool of yourself every time, all the time.
We’ll see exactly what he is guilty of when the verdicts come rolling in. This place will look like Chernobyl with the epic meltdowns.

Except by then he'll already be President.

And after he's convicted, everything's overturned on appeal.

Oh well. :)

The mugshot heard ‘round the world:

Eight truths that the mugshot reveals

25 Aug 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

There are eight absolutely true statements about Trump’s indictment and arrest in Fulton County, Georgia. I’ll get to all of them in a minute, but I’ll start with the most obvious: Never take a mugshot photo of an innocent man with at least 75 million fans, a large percentage of whom are brave and have a great sense of humor.
Let’s start with the mugshot itself and Trump’s defiant reaction. (By the way, people are saying, “Well, you did surrender,” meaning Trump turned himself in. That’s literal to the point of stupidity. Trump obviously means that we shouldn’t surrender in the larger fight, and he fully understood that his defiant mugshot is a weapon in that larger fight.)

First truth: Race-obsessed Southern Democrat prosecutors have a long and deserved reputation for corruption:

Fani Willis is no exception. However, she is the Icarus of the bunch, flying closer to the sun than any previous race-obsessed Southern Democrat prosecutor before her. Her fall, when it comes, will be stupendous.
Second truth: Don’t indict and book someone for being an election denier when there’s indisputable evidence that you were prepared to deny the election on the exact same grounds:
Blacks did well economically during the Trump presidency. The Biden administration has destroyed their gains and set them back by decades, even as crime in their neighborhoods has soared thanks to Democrat race hustlers. No wonder blacks are cooling on Biden…and this arrest won’t help.

Once again Andrea Widburg has written an outstanding article.
Trump didn’t “surrender”. He engaged the enemy in battle on their turf. It’s going to be a long war.
He surrendered to the authority of the court but he has not and will never surrender the fight against the corruption of the Uni-Party and the power of the deep state.
Can we move beyond semantics now?

Trump is the first president to have a mug shot. That says everything about Trump and nothing about the legal system. The system is working as intended. We’ll see exactly what he is guilty of when the verdicts come rolling in. This place will look like Chernobyl with the epic meltdowns.
so you admit that he has done nothing wrong. LOLOL What you're hoping for is that out of all this bullshit you might find something that will not make you all look like assholes.

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