The mugshot heard ‘round the world: Eight truths that the mugshot reveals

12 jurors in each trial will determine his guilt or innocence on the indictments before. doesn't look good. :)
in other words 11 jurors cant convict him on the process so called crimes dems have leveled against their leading opponent . i guess we can expect the marxists to start arresting and prosecuting their top opponents for POTUS from now on with the vile precedent they have now set .can Trumps defense team get 1 or more [possibly 6 jurors] to see whats going on ? we shall see ...
How Presidential!

He's an embarrassment to our Nation and support for him weakens our Nation, before the world....weak weak weak....

He should, for the love of our country, drop out of the race!
your sissified wishful thinking isnt goint to happen .the fact that you accuse someone of weakness after supporting what we have in the WH now shows you lack self awareness, common sense , and testicles .
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I’m sure he broke the law. Positive. Whether he gets convicted I don’t know.
oh...and what law was that? you read it of course, saw the evidence for yourself and you were able to weigh in with your legal expertise?

what you are is willing to have your corrupt 'betters' retain power by whatever means they can even if it is blatantly unethical, illegal and unconstitutional. The US you think you want is not going to work for you.
republicans may force him out of office for his crimes but i doubt they will try to jail him knowing its dangerous to imprison political enemies .. but they may also realize that they cant rely on the morality of the left to stop their evil vile tactics and the only way to teach them is to inflict the same pain on them .. sadly that may be the only way to put a stop to the new banana republic 3rd world tactics the radical left is using .
oh...and what law was that? you read it of course, saw the evidence for yourself and you were able to weigh in with your legal expertise?

what you are is willing to have your corrupt 'betters' retain power by whatever means they can even if it is blatantly unethical, illegal and unconstitutional. The US you think you want is not going to work for you.
I have read the indictments, all of them. You probably have not looked at even one.

Justice will done in the courts, and you will abide it.
Well, about that...

1) "Never take a mugshot photo of an innocent man with at least 75 million fans"......Trump's core base is around 40-45 million. And I'm being generous. The rest were/are independents.
2) "Don’t indict and book someone for being an election denier when there’s indisputable evidence that you were prepared to deny the election on the exact same grounds".....Nothing of the sort happened in either 2000 or 2016.

Let's move beyond semantics. There is ample evidence Trump broke the law at both the state and federal level. He can scream as much as he'd like. At the end of the day, he's gonna be found guilty on the bulk of the 91 counts he currently has against him.
Why not just abandon him and move on to someone that you can support instead of this boat anchor that's gonna end up dragging you and your party to the bottom?

I see you have reached the pleading/bargaining stage of grief
Trump missed the opportunity to make his call to violence. The courts have shut his mouth down!

I tried to create a favourable scenario for him yesterday but nobody was buying.

In any case, Trump's on his way to the presidency unless the other party solves their problem with Biden.
That is disingenuous even for you. Donald Trump has never made a call for violence in his life. And he never will. No matter what you take out of its full context or how you twist a phrase as the OP illustrates.
That is disingenuous even for you. Donald Trump has never made a call for violence in his life. And he never will. No matter what you take out of its full context or how you twist a phrase as the OP illustrates.
He has and he's been ordered by the courts to stop doing it.

If he's justified on account of his stolen election, that's not for me to say, or even care.

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